Spoiler Page: Yellowfang’s Secret

Ah, my first blog post. And it’s a sunny day at my location, too.

So, here it is: the place to blab all the spoilers you like! If you may, keep polls that may reveal spoilers on this page. Have fun! Too bad I can’t read this– haven’t gotten the book yet.



Have fun, all!

Hazelburrow edit: Also, it’s the monthly(ish) gathering tonight (October 27th). Come along!


Kate’s child. Quiet agent of BlogTeam, lurking in the shadows. (picrew by @makowwka)


  • If Foxheart (from Yellowfang’s Secret) was in a warrior names taken literally post, they would have to do litterally NOTHING.
    *Cause she’s a foxheart?*

  • I read Sunny Cat’s comment and. . .
    If Lizardstripe never mothered Brokenkit, would he be an ok cat? If Yellowfang were to just suck it up (Raggedpelt could probably pull some strings) and be his mother, maybe none of the blood shed would have happened. I think it is Lizardstripe’s fault that Brokenstar became evil. And, so what if Brokenkit had a glare on his face when he came out, so does many actual babies!

      • Why wouldn’t I? Besides Yellowfang could’ve used that to convince her mother that she [Yellowfang] wasn’t lying about eating crowfood. Brightflower didn’t believe Yellowfang when the latter denied eating crowfood because her belly-ache was just as bad as Nutwhisker’s.

      • If I were a Clan Cat Why Wouldn’t I? Besides it’s what got her in trouble for “Eating Crowfood”. Yellowfang (Then Yellowkit) had a bellyache that just a severe as Nutkit’s. This led Brightflower to conclude that Yellowkit ate some crowfood as well. Although Yellowkit attempts to correct her mother, Brightflower dismisses Yellowkit’s denial as a falsehood as her bellyache was just as severe as Nutkit’s and nobody knew that Yellowfang was psychic. When Yellowfang found out that she had psychic empathy, she could’ve reveald to her mother so Brightflower wouldn’t suspect that Yellowfang was lying when she told her that she never ingested Crowfood when she and Nutwhisker were younger.

  • Kate I also wanna know if Brokenstar also received Dark Forest training growing up. Maybe that’s why he expressed hostility even as a kit. Bright Guardia Arkia certainly thinks so.

  • I want to know why Rowanberry and Nutwhisker aren’t in Into the Wild. Did they die or something in the time between Yellowfang’s Secret and the first actual Warriors book?? :<

    • I am pretty sure Rowanberry and Nutwhisker were still alive. I’m guessing that they probably did not have any important role to play in Into the Wild and were therefore not included in that book.