At last! Forgive the delay. Enjoy! 😀
At last! Forgive the delay. Enjoy! 😀
Hi everyone! It’s so nice to be back (amidst the downtime!! Thanks for your patience, everyone). As I often say, I’m so happy that we get to spend the comfiest part of the year together! Unless you’re...
Hi, everyone. As many of you know, BlogClan doesn’t like to get political unless it’s our own deputy and medicine cat elections, and this won’t be changing. But for some of our clanmates, who have been hearing voices...
A couple of things to get through today! Most important part is the Allegiances Chat page, so please read that section! 503 Server Error Yes, just like last time, we got the error simply because we ran over our monthly...
Welcome, welcome to the ninth annual BlogClan Holiday Gift Exchange! 😀 The BlogClan Gift Exchange is an event where every participant will give a gift to one person and in return, will receive a gift from another! Each...
Goldenpaw shares their thoughts on love triangles and their preferred pairings in these love triangles.
Welcome back, everyone! How are you all doing on this fine Tuesday? I’m feeling excited for the festivities because of how many lovely photos I have for you all today! But first, let me ask: what is your favourite...
Good morning everyone! Happy Monday! I know Mondays can be a bit dreary, but hopefully these amazing photos will cheer you all up! But first, I have a question: what is your favourite way to relax after a long day? The...
I liked how he was overwhelmed with prophecies and couldn’t tell the difference between real and StarClan cats, though when it said “The lake will run red” I was just like “YOU ARE DEAD BY THEN!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, STARCLAN? EVEN BLUESTAR IS DEAD BY THEN, AND SHE’S NOT EVEN BORN YET! WHAT?!”
I was full on SCREAMING in my room, no joke. My parents actually came in to make sure I was okay XD
That was part of the point. He saw his power as a curse instead of a gift because he was completely overwhelmed with all of these prophecies.
Alright: A summary by Sky
Goosefeather couldn’t tell real cats between StarClan cats. He was bullied and teased, and his sister was terrible to him, always choosing her crush/boyfriend.
He became apprentice to Cloudberry at four moons. His sister named him weird.
He then began seeing the prophecies and foretelling things about cats when he saw them. That gave him the insane part.
Storm tail tried killing him
Overall, this book made me hate Moonflower and Stormtail and love Goosefeather
Yeah. I hate Moonflower.
Stormtail doesn’t even pay attention to his kits.
this books makes me feel sorry for goosefeather
Um Kate. Goosepaw is accidentally called Goosereather before getting his medicat name.
In Goosefeathers curse just letting you know
Thanks 🙂
Hey, kate?how is the rest of the erins?and ps can’t spell the name lol and pps do u have cats?what are the names?also lol I use to hate cats till I read ur books then I thought I would die of loving them.u should really think about making a cat who everyone finds out is tigerstars littermate or something!!!
I was reading my book and it once said that briarkit was a male?!?I got so confused…
Sometimes there are little mistakes like that.
I used to not like Goosefeather, but after reading this I actually like him and can feel sorry for him. The Erins did a great job on this book. I really don’t like Moonflower now, though, and all of the other cats who bullied Goosefeather. But unfortunately, there was a change of plans for my novella, Moonflower’s Death, and I had to let Moonflower get out alive so that Bluestar and Snowfur could be born.
Note: I did not ever actually think of writing Moonflower’s Death.
What kind of disease did Cloudberryand Doestar had, which made them die? It sounds so horrible?
It is just listed as “sickness” on the wikia.
Lol that’s funny XD *Unfortunately, both Clan leader and Medicine cat suffered a horrible death by a dangerous disease known as…sickness.”
Before reading this, I never knew who Stormtail was. I kept wondering through Goosefeather’s curse, “WHO IS STORMTAIL? I recognize most of these other names, heck, they even mentioned Beetail and Oakstar, but really. WHO THE FRICKITY FRACK IS STORMTAIL!?!??!” That says a lot about how much he cared for his kits, considering I’VE READ BLUESTAR’S PROPHESY FIVE TIMES. And really. It was maybe two generations after Mapleshade’s death, so why was she already forgotten? I’m sure Shellheart heard stories from Reedshine about her. It’s nice to see Mapleshade doing some relative good for once. Yeah, training Goosefeather in the ways of the DF, blah blah, but she just taught him how to defend himself. Is that so bad?
I know this is old but I just wanna point out that they hadn’t forgotten Mapleshade, they just were too ashamed to speak of her.
I wish we knew who Mapleshade’s mother and father were, and if she had littermates. Or any littermates that had died at or after birth.
At least we know who Mapleshade’s mentor was: Bloomheart.
Overall I think Moonflower was a HORRIBLE littermate. Black out.
moonflower is mean to him 🙁
Hey Kate, I just noticed the similarity between Tigerstar and and Whitestorm, as Goosefeather received an omen that they could be future evils while they were kits. Then later in Pinestar’s Choose, Goosefeather told Pinestar, he needed to listen to Starclan and kill his infant son. Which of course, the Leader could never go through with, leaving to become a kittypet instead. But does that mean Goosefeather considered having Whitekit killed as well?
Mapleshade died before Whiteberry came to ThunderClan, I believe.
Whoops, I meant Cloudberry.
Did Goosefeather make up the sign that told the Clan to steal herbs from WindClan so that Moonflower would die?
She is really horrible to him.
Why would he make the sign up? He couldn’t change the future, so. I guess what I said goes for both sides of the argument. *shruggs*
No I don’t think Goosefeather made up that sign.
Right. I agree.
Kate, Is Twanyspots really Thruspelt’s littermate? Becuase in Bluestar’s Prophecy, he is stated to be older than the latter?