Possible Mates for Ivypool; by Hazeltuft

Hazeltuft enters the pool of speculation to ponderĀ over suitable mates for Ivypool.

ivypool_by_xicyvaporx-d4kkchiHello, BlogClan! We’re finally onto the sixth and hopefully not the last arc of the Warriors series! I’m sure this question was popping in everyone’s minds way before the first book came out, and now that it finally did, I think we can speculate the possible mates that Ivypool will have.

Spoiler warning – do not proceed if you have not read Bramblestar’s Storm or The Apprentice’s Quest.

I would like to start off with that both Katy and Vicky think Ivypool will most certainly get a mate. She was supposed to have one after the events of The Last Hope, but her mate never appears in Bramblestar’s Storm. That being said, here is my first choice. (No particular order)

1, Stormcloud:

Stormcloud is a ThunderClan warrior, being a former kittypet named Frankie. He decided to join ThunderClan after the events of the flood, and Bramblestar renamed him Stormpaw, giving him Squirrelflight as his mentor. From as far as I can tell, Stormcloud and Ivypool had no personal or specific interactions with each other during this book. The thing about Stormcloud is that it was hinted that he may like Cherryfall, and she may have played a role in terms of him staying with the clan forever. Although there’s that, there is no guarantee that Stormcloud and Cherryfall will happen. I just thought this would be a possible sensible choice.

2, Fernsong:

Fernsong is Lionblaze’s son, only just recently made a warrior in The Apprentice’s Quest. He did not formally appear in the first book, but Kate has said he will in Thunder and Shadow. It was also revealed that Kate wants him in the plot and has secret plans for him. I even asked her about Ivypool in terms with who her mate will be, and she replied hopefully it will be one of the newer characters. I instantly thought of Fernsong. I’ve actually had this Fernsong x Ivypool ship in mind for a long time, and for some reason I think it would be cute and romantic if they ever got together.

3, Dewnose:

Dewnose is Cloudtail’s son born from a second litter. He appeared in Bramblestar’s Storm as an apprentice, and became a warrior sometime before The Apprentice’s Quest. From what I’ve seen, Dewnose is a kind and sympathetic cat who of course looks our for his clanmates. I imagine some sort of apprentice having a crush on a warrior, Dewnose mooning over Ivypool. Of course this has never happened, but it seems like an adorable idea for Dewnose to have a secret crush on one of the fiercest and bravest she-cats in the clan.

4, Bumblestripe:

Bumblestripe is the son of Graystripe and Millie, born from a second litter, much like Dewnose. Of course we all know Bumblestripe. Sweet, sensitive, caring, all that shiny stuff. You can imagine how much it hurt for us fans when he and Dovewing broke up. As you can see, he could be a more than perfect mate for any she-cat. Even Blossomfall promised Rosepetal that she would put in a good word for her. I would hate for Bumblestripe to end up alone, and the idea of a heartbroken Bumblestripe being comforted by Ivypool under the moonlight is just too tempting not to mention. This wouldn’t be the first time this has happened, either. Berrynose took a mate and had kits with Poppyfrost after his former mate, Honeyfern, had died. I imagine Bumblestripe doing the same thing, moving from one sister to the next, and Ivypool finds herself unintentionally falling in love with him. Dovewing probably would be a tiny bit jealous, and I can see her and Ivypool having a falling put over Bumblestripe. Sort of like the ‘you lost your chance, he’s mine now’ clichĆ©.

Okay, I’m getting off track. The point is, I can see each and every one of these ThunderClan toms worthy of being Ivypool’s mate material. And just think: Ivypool’s mate doesn’t have to come from ThunderClan. Could he be one of the vicious rogues that track Alderpaw back to the clans? Could be a cross-clan forbidden relationship, like her sister and TigerheartĀ (although I highly doubt this, Ivypool would put her clan above anything) What do you guys think? Thunder and Shadow will be coming out later this year, so cross your paws!