A Month’s Round-Up in Cats: Prepare for Furbulence!

Hello, hello, hello one and all (yes that includes you there hello read this post click click clickity fun fun fun fun fun)Aaaaaaaand welcome back to our second instalment of the revival of A Month’s Round-Up in Cats! Just like the Week’s Round-Up in Cats but it gives me way more time to procrastinate

but monthly! Yippee! This was supposed to come out a few days ago, back in June, but I totally didn’t forget about it. Promise.

Firstly, I’d very much like to continue from last month’s Round-Up, which had a very nice pizza cat. Well, have an equally-important-but-with-no-pepperoni Waffle Cat(tm)

I’d eat that. The cat, not the waffle.


Next up, an adorable story of how a cat made friends with a black bear!


And finally, a very funny cat video thing I found, because you can never have enough cats.


And that’s all for this month, everyone! See you all later!


mannequins haunt my dreams, even on a new blog


  • I like the one where the cat came out of the couch, and the one with a paper bag. 😛 adorable. I have a kittypet, too, his name is Pepper, but he looks EXACTLY like Graystripe, so i call him that sometimes. he’s a gray tabby with darker gray stripes, and a tan underbelly, with amber eyes. he plays hide and seek.

  • This is awesome! And reading through the comments, I’ve realized that Warriors may have turned its fandom into crazy cat lovers.