In response to huge popular demand, here is a page where you can discuss a topic close to my heart and yours: FOOD.
Here is a list of useful emojis to facilitate better illustrated discussion. (Thank you, Stoatkit, for suggesting the picture and providing the emoji link 😋)
- 🍇 Grapes
- 🍈 Melon
- 🍉 Watermelon
- 🍊 Tangerine
- 🍋 Lemon
- 🍌 Banana
- 🍍 Pineapple
- 🍎 Red Apple
- 🍏 Green Apple
- 🍐 Pear
- 🍑 Peach
- 🍒 Cherries
- 🍓 Strawberry
- 🍅 Tomato
- 🍆 Aubergine
- 🌽 Ear of Maize
- 🌶 Hot Pepper
- 🍄 Mushroom
- 🌰 Chestnut
- 🍞 Bread
- 🧀 Cheese Wedge
- 🍖 Meat on Bone
- 🍗 Poultry Leg
- 🍔 Hamburger
- 🍟 French Fries
- 🍕 Slice of Pizza
- 🌭 Hot Dog
- 🌮 Taco
- 🌯 Burrito
- 🍳 Cooking
- 🍲 Pot of Food
- 🍿 Popcorn
- 🍱 Bento Box
- 🍘 Rice Cracker
- 🍙 Rice Ball
- 🍚 Cooked Rice
- 🍛 Curry and Rice
- 🍜 Steaming Bowl
- 🍝 Spaghetti
- 🍠 Roasted Sweet Potato
- 🍢 Oden
- 🍣 Sushi
- 🍤 Fried Shrimp
- 🍥 Fish Cake With Swirl Design
- 🍡 Dango
- 🍦 Soft Ice Cream
- 🍧 Shaved Ice
- 🍨 Ice Cream
- 🍩 Doughnut
- 🍪 Cookie
- 🎂 Birthday Cake
- 🍰 Shortcake
- 🍫 Chocolate Bar
- 🍬 Candy
- 🍭 Lollipop
- 🍮 Custard
- 🍯 Honey Pot
- 🍼 Baby Bottle
- ☕ Hot Beverage
- 🍵 Teacup Without Handle
- 🍶 Sake Bottle and Cup
- 🍾 Bottle With Popping Cork
- 🍷 Wine Glass
- 🍸 Cocktail Glass
- 🍹 Tropical Drink
- 🍺 Beer Mug
- 🍻 Clinking Beer Mugs
- 🍽 Fork and Knife With Plate
- 🍴 Fork and Knife
Okay so I have the feeling this page is a bit dead but I’m gonna ask anyway.
Are there anymore vegans here? I know it’s a bit random but I am and I would like to know 🙂
Sorry, I’m not a vegan!
it’s so edible
I’m Tempestpaw and three hours ago I ate an 11′ pizza at Wetherspoon’s 😼
(It was ham and mushroom and delicious 💅)
i loveeeee ham and mushroom pizza!!!
We don’t deserve smoked apple wood.🤤❤️❤️
OMG if u mean like the ham i totally agree
vanilla birthday cake with buttercream frosting and sprinkles
Hiy here’s a halloween-themed cupcake I made thoughts?
Disclaimer this is not a leal cupcake. I made it using an app on my phone. But still!
Can I eat this page?
Has anyone here tried apple crumble before?
I love it sm it’s literally my favorite food 🤩
ooh I have and it’s quite excellent!!
Is anybody here vegetarian (and by veg I also mean no egg)
The actual term, if you don’t eat any animals or things that come from animals, is vegan! I’m not either of those though :< (I cannot live without bacon)
Not trying to be rude but in our religion that’s veg (which I am), vegan means no milk or cheese and I couldn’t live without CHEESE!