Moonpaw talks about Warriors that need their own, in-depth, stories.
Hellooooooooo!!!!!!!! Moonkit here (most likely Moonpaw by the time you are reading this) and this is my first article! 🙂 Today I am talking about the four cats that deserve more character development and need more of an in depth look at their stories through short stories, novellas, super editions etc.
4. Spottedleaf: This may come as a surprise but I REALLY do not like Spottedleaf. Then why is she on the list? Well I only really hated her after she died, basically becoming the unofficial “all mighty ruler of StarClan”, and I think many others do too. She was actually a decent character when she was alive (anyone else loved seeing her as a kit in Bluestar’s prophecy?) I feel if we had gotten a little bit more of her when she was alive, and less of her when she was dead, a lot of more people would like her. (I know that there was a short story about her, but that was when she was dead.)
3. Sol: We all want more of him. He was one of the strongest villains in the series and is one of my favorites, behind Mapleshade. I would personally like to see his time with the group of rogues, as we already saw a bit of his time with the five clans.
2. Darkstripe: Here me out. I know he was evil. Be was he really? If you look at it, he was just misguided. I would like to see a story of him falling under Tigerstar influence, falling into the dark side, (or should I say Dark Forest Eh?! *no i’m not funny*).
And the moment you’ve all been waiting for…
HONORABLE MENTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brightheart: She would be an interesting character to write, but I thought she was pretty bland.
Brightspirit: Brightspirit is actually one of my favorite one-time characters, but she did get her own play, so I left her off the list.
And now…
1. Lionheart: Man, I love him. He was an awesome character. His death was the one of three deaths that actually moved me (the other two were Yellowfang and Bluestar). He is extremely loyal, proved when he went against the warrior code for Pinestar, and was chosen to be deputy after Redtail and before Firestar.
And there you go! I hope you enjoyed my first article! BYEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! (Next up: 5 Misunderstood Warriors and When Does Ravenpaw’s Farewell Take Place? All images belong to me.)
Spottedleaf already has an ebook coming out in 2017 which I’m excited about, although I dislike her. But it would be cool to see one about Lionheart or Sol!
YAS they really do need thier own novellas
Oooh, I’m excited!!!!
I think Brokenstar should get his own story, so we can see why he does the stuff he does and what he thinks of it
He got lots of backstory in Yellowfang’s Secret.
Look. I know Spottedleaf has a novella coming out in 2017. This was made before that was announced.
I agree with Sol a lot, and maybe Darkstripe but I disagree with Lionheart. Novellas or Super Editions are supposed to explore the stories of characters who are mysterious or interesting but aren’t main characters. In my opinion, Lionheart most likely isn’t very interesting, and doesn’t have a mysterious back story to have his own books dedicated to himself.
Who is Brightspirit again? The name sounds familiar, I just can’t place it… Is she in Crookedstar’s promise?
I think Tigerheart should have a novella. That would be hillarious! 😄
I think my Blackbae (Blackstar) needs a novella
Ummm I have the same prefix as the author of this…. Also isaw your bdays feb 6… mines feb 5 !
Oh gosh im sorry wrong thing i saw a post saying Moonkits bday feb 6 i was wrong just realized
Such cool article Moonkit! I totally agree w/ you!!!👏🏻👏🏻I think I’ll make an article kind of like this about what cats I think deserve super editions & novellas! Anyways, great article Moonkit & I can’t wait for your next one!👏🏻👍🏻
sol already has quite a lot? (skyclan and the strager -manga- , and he appears once in the power of three arc and once in the omen of the stars arc -or it might have been twice in the power of three arc idk-)