Maplekit discusses the good sides of some hated warriors
Okay, So, the cats in the center of attention in this article are
Okay First let me say why people hate some of these cats
Ashfur-He tried to kill Squirrelflight and Leafpool’s kits. He wouldn’t get over Squirrelflight
Goosefeather-His omens/prophecies/other random medicine cat stuff got cats injured and killed.
Firestar-He was too ‘perfect’.
Sandstorm-Annoying, turn around just from Fireheart not letting her fall after teasing him and hating him and stuff
Leafpool-Running off with Crowfeather, being annoying, having kits, all that jazz
Squirrelflight-Helping Leafpool, lying, being annoying, being like a Sandpaw 2.0 but worse
Ferncloud-Kit machine did no work for her clan
Daisy-Another kit machine that doesn’t work for her clan, padded after Cloudtail when she FIRST joined the clan
Millie-Neglecting Blossombae and Bumblebae to be with Briarbae, got Greystripe over Siverstream sortofish
Hollyleaf-Her love for the warrior code, being annoying, killing Ashfur, revealing the secret
Bluestar-Her insanity, her being annoying
Mapleshade-Her only love for her kits, her killing cats
Dovewing-Her relationship with Tigerheart, she being all annoying, a little bit of a Mary-Sue
Okay…now that I’ve told you why people hate these cats, I’ll put my argument against it.
Okay, first thing-Your saying you wouldn’t be heart-broken if your crush said right to your face they don’t love you and go with a another person and later have kids with them? -_- I can agree he shouldn’t have tried to KILL Squirrelflight and Leafpool’s kits but he should’ve said something, not just roam around-Sorrowful, Regretful, depressed, heart-broken, angry, He should’ve tried to get over it, look for a new mate, or something like that. Ignore Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw, try to be happier.
GOOSEFEATHER- (I’m prepared for Jayie hate 😛 )
Ya know, I did hate him before I read Goosefeather’s Curse. But he had a tough life. He had a power to deal with seeing StarClan cats everywhere, Having no friends and being hated by other cats, hear the mentor he loved say she had to die to help the clan, and have his sister’s mate be his enemy, Man, I’d be grumpy too. It’s not like he TRIED to HURT or KILL the cats that were affected by his omens/prophecies/medicine cat shtoof.
I think the reason his flaws went away to some people is because we didn’t get his POV anymore, he still has flaws, and would a oh-so-perfect character die? The answer-NO. He still definitely has flaws, we just can’t find them out by reading a chapter. You have to anilyze, theorize, and guess, put it together you might find out what his thoughts are and find more flaws.
Okay, first, why is FirexSand sometimes hated when it’s very, very developed and SpottedxFIre is sometimes loved, when they only really interacted once, normally, and SPOTTEDSTALKER FLOPPIN’ ONLY LIVED FOR LIKE 90 PAGES. >:( RAWR. Two, she grew out of her annoyingness, why still hate her? She’s a wonderful mother and a great cat. Three, Fireheart saving her isn’t the only reason she fell in love with him. The slowly, and normally, developed love for each other.
Okay so, if you REALLY REALLY REALLY loved another cat, and wanted to follow your dreams and be with them, instead of being in a medicine den healing cats, which would you do? Leafpool followed her dreams and went with Crowfeather. She came back, no big deal, at least she came back and ThunderClan wasn’t medicine catless. So, yeah, It’s not like she could stop her self from having kits when she found out, how was she supposed to change that? So she had to lie, or something could happen to her, her kits, or both. Yeah.
So, your saying if your sibling that you’re best friends with needed help and could’ve gotten hurt or worse you wouldn’t lie to help them? -_______________- -_-
Really? REALLY? REALLY?!! And, you need a character with quite a bit of flaws sometimes. Flawed characters are cute, and funny to read about, as was Squirrelpaw. And she grew out of it, became mature, an excellent mother like Sandstorm. Even deputy.
She did plenty for her clan, she provided them with four excellent warriors, and Birchfall and Spiderleg had kits so she technically provided the clan with eight warriors. We’ll have to see if Dove, Ivy, or Rose have kits to find out if she provided more. When she wasn’t in the nursery she was a normal warrior, hunting, and doing warrior stuff. She protected the kits of the clan and died bravely defending Brightheart and her kits.
She also provided her clan with warriors. She provided five excellent warriors. And since Berrynose had kits she technically provided the clan with seven warriors. Though she could provide more if we see if Rose, Cherry, or Mole have kits. We’ll have to wait. But she helps the queens and kits, which brings more warriors into the clan. Also, she realized that Cloudtail had a mate and didn’t love her, she didn’t do anything bad so. Yup.
Okay, first I’m gonna talk about people hating her for being Greystripe’s second mate in like two sentences. Apparently fans didn’t want Greystripe to get over SIlverstream and not pick a new mate and be forever alone cause apparently that’s how love works. Like, really? You want Greystripe to be alone. And it’s been said that she wishes she could spend more time with Bumblebae and Blossombae, so, yeah. She doesn’t want to neglect them, she doesn’t try to either.
So she liked the warrior code, so what, once again characters need to have flaws, they can’t be perfect, but they can’t be completely bad either, they have to have flaws and good qualities. Like Tigerbutt was a good fighter and good at convincing cats to believe his lies, but he was downright evil, and mean, and a killer. Good balance. She knew she had to stick to the warrior code and tell the clans about the secret, it stressed her out too, she had to get it out. And she wanted to protect the secret before she knew how bad it was, and she was horrified that the other clans would make fun of ThunderClan even more because of her heritage. So she killed him.
So, once again, you’re saying if a member of your clan was a traitor and tried to kill you, your former mate that you loved died, and you found out your kids hated you you wouldn’t be a bit crazy? She made it up for her clan in the end, sacrificing herself to kill the dogs to save her clan. Her kits forgave her, she and Oakheart became mates again, and she was normal again in StarClan. She was a great cat and had a hard life too. Don’t hate her.
She was a great cat, she wanted to avenge her kits, she was upset that her kits died, she was exiled with her kits and her kits did nothing. She didn’t get to see them, Appledusk did nothing to help her. and she wanted to save her kits. So she killed the cats who ruined her life and her kits lives to avenge her kits, so her kits could make it safely to StarClan and enjoy there lives there.
I don’t like her but I don’t hate her either. Though I wish she would’ve stayed with Bumblestripe. It’s not her fault the prophecy chose her, not Hollyleaf, she didn’t want want her powers, I bet if she could she would’ve gladly given her powers to Hollyleaf. She ended her relationships with Tigerheart and Bumblestripe, she lost her powers, she isn’t really that special or important or Mary Sueish anymore.
So yeah, these are my arguments against the people who don’t like these cats. Yup. 🙂
I don’t hate any of these characters. The only cats I hate are Feathertail, Spottedleaf, and Breezepelt (yes, I know everyone’s gonna hate me for hating the StarClan cats) And Dovewing is my favorite character, and it’s not her fault she’s in the prophecy. She’s not perfect, either. Sneaking out of camp, against the rules, to meet a ShadowClan cat, having a light gray pelt that stands out, and more. This is my silly opinion, and I’m not trying to offend people. :l
Why Feathertail, out of curiosity?
Because maybe mist wanted crowXleaf and feathertail got in the way? If not, I’m curious too.
I don’t think Feathertail necessarily got in the way – in fact, wasn’t she the one to try and convince Crowfeather to go be happy with Leafpool? But that could be. ^^
Well, I do like Crow x Leaf, but I just think she was kinda a mary-sue. Same with Spottedleaf. As for Breezepelt, he’s just mean 😛
Fair enough. I suppose she was the sun-drown quest cat with perhaps the least defined personality, other than being nice. I dunno, I never really minded her, and I liked her with Crowfeather (though I ship Crow/Leaf more), but I can understand seeing her as a weaker character.
Yup 😛
That’s a really cool article! I love how you are defending all the cats I absolutely adore, and that just made me happy! 🙂
🙂 THanks!
Awesome article! I had no idea people hated Sandstorm and Bluestar 😛
WOw, I’ve seen SUPER BAD HATE on Sand, people have called her horrible things and such, and Bluestar is hated my too many people, but she does get minor hate.
I respect your opinion, but I dislike Dovewing and will always dislike her. (I don’t HATE her)
I don’t dislike her or like her. She’s just a bit annoying.
I agree with everything except for Ashfur who I absolutely hate….😊
I can tell by your name I think 😛
I really agree with Bluestar. There is literally NO reason to hate on this amazing character(in my opinon) she had a rough life, one of the hardest I’ve actually seen throughout the series. So here she has her mother dying just when she’s still an apprentice, her father being a two timing mousebrained good for nothing. Her relationship with Oakheart, giving up her kits. Her sisters death, Tigerfarts betrayal and so on. She was such a powerful lovable character up to her last breath. Besides the case she went a lil cray cray but she had the right to get a little messed up with all the stuff she went through. What would you do if all of that happened to you. Sit in your chair drinking a cup of hot chocolate just casually chatting to your friends, laughing, smiling having a great time ignoring what was going on in your life. Yes? I don’t think so. She saved her clan countless times and brought Firestar into the forest. What would’ve been the series without the almighty Firestar? And I guess if Snowfur DIDNT get mad at Bluestar before her death and DIDNT get hit by the monster the whole series definitely would’ve been different. Besides the fact that Snowfurs death was extremely emotional.
Sorry for my rant :'( if you’d even call it one XD ur all beautiful ❤️
<3 Thanks Misty
Very good point. I actually don’t hate most of these cats.
GOOD!! 😀 Pat pat *Pats Head*
Finally! Someone else who defends Millie! 🙂
Millie is not a bad character. The stress she has gone through because of Briarlight is the whole reason behind her dislike of her kits. I don’t Love her character nor do i hate it. It’s a character that I could care less about.
I like Millie because Graystripe wouldn’t have came back to the clans without her. She loved her kits more than anything, and when Briarlight got that injury she was confused and horrified. It was hard for her to balance her attention through her three kits while one of them was so terribly injured. *Thinking* Ohh i should make a post on why I like Millie 😀
I dislike all these cats except for Firestar, Sandstorm, Leafpool, Squirrelflight, Ferncloud, Hollyleaf, and Bluestar. I’ve never seen anyone who hates these cats.
Really? Lots of hate for me I guess, because I’m like Bluestar, except when she went crazy. And who hates FERNCLOUD!!!! She died protecting KITS!!! 😡😡😲😲
Some parts if the fandom dislike ferncloud for taking dustpelt (her uncle) as a mate, and having many kits.
I agrees with you, though.
My friend hates Sandstorm, I personally don’t like Leafpool, and I’ve seen plenty of hate for the others.
Woooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goosefeather ROCKS!!!!!!! so does Mapleshade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(New on this site) Agree!!!! And I don’t hate or love Leafpool. I understand her but also don’t like what she did (I like her sister better cause Squirrel was the best sister ever!). I however like everything else! Squirrelflight is awesome and so is Hollyleaf and who doesn’t like Firestar (and he’s not perfect. He got into trouble a lot)? And I don’t hate or love Ashfur either. He was very heartbroken but at the same time I don’t think he really had to try to kill Firestar and Squirrelflight’s kits. Though I’m not saying he should just forget entirely about her but killing your crush’s loved ones won’t get that cat to love you more and vengeance won’t solve anything. But like I said Ashfur is still a good character.
well every cat has lots of haters and fans so yeah
THANK YOU! *hugs*
We need more Hawkheart and Goosefeather fans!
Abso-friggin-lutely!!!! also, who could hate Sandstorm?!?!? I mean sure, she was rude to Firestar when he first joined ThunderClan, but she was raised to believe that kittypets were soft and weak… and she eventually learned to respect him and then she fell in love with him…