Defending Spottedleaf (Yeah, I’m going there) by Icestorm

1c2c316052dc9f77476832163715b2e9Icestorm risks a Blogstorm

Hey guys, Icestorm here with my fourth article! If you saw the title, most of you are rolling your eyes. Before I say anything: I am NOT on any side. I don’t care whether FirexSand happened or FirexSpotted happened. I also want to make something else clear: I don’t like Spottedleaf, but I don’t hate her. I just sorta feel neutral with her. All I’m here to do is defend the people that love Spottedleaf. Yes, I know you guys are out there. 😉 Also, please remember that this is just opinions, and I’m glad if you feel differently. Feel free to go against everything I say in the comments. I don’t mind. XD

Let’s now go over some reasons that the Spottedleaf haters hate this she-cat so much.

-She is a stalker and invaded Firestar’s life/was obsessed with him/would not let him go
-She’s a Mary-Sue (a perfect character with no flaws)
– Why Fire and her are in love when they barely knew each other/they shouldn’t be together

And finally, we will go over who is REALLY hating her. 😉 😉 *wink wink*

She is a stalker and invaded Firestar’s life/was obsessed with him/would not let him go)

I can totally see that opinion. Elders of the warriors fandom, or older readers, might understand what it feels like to have a soul mate. Spottedleaf felt like Firestar was her soul mate. You can’t just forget about someone like that and move on. You feel like you’re supposed to be with them for the rest of your life. So the stalker part of it…seriously? You call her a stalker? What about Yellowfang? Yellowfang was always coming up. Oh wait, Yellowfang is an angel that everyone loves, so nobody minds if she does the same thing to Firestar’s kin. My bad. I just see Spottedleaf as a guardian angel or something like that. She didn’t STALK Firestar’s kin; she watched over them. Haven’t you guys had any loved ones that passed away? Don’t you feel like they’re watching over you? It seems ridiculous to think that they’re “stalking” you, right? They’re there because they were very close to you. That’s how Spottedleaf is. She’s watching over the cat that felt like her soul mate. It makes me laugh when people say she’s “stalking” him.

She’s a Mary-Sue (a perfect character with no flaws))

What do YOU know? Everyone says that Spottedleaf had no flaws and she was sooo perfect. Think: how much do we actually know her? Yeah, Firepaw knew her for like, 100 pages. So did you! We don’t know that much about Spottedleaf, so what right do we have to say she has no flaws? It’s like meeting a person for an hour and spending time with them, and they seem like a perfect person. Seriously?! That’s ridiculous! You guys barely knew Spottedleaf! We didn’t even see her perspective!! You have no idea what she was like before Into the Wild, and that will show in the tenth novella, “Spottedleaf’s Heart”, which I can’t wait for! *fangirl screams*. Sorry, back to the rant. Where was I? Oh yeah. YOU GUYS DON’T KNOW HER ENOUGH TO CALL HER A PERFECT CHARACTER!

Why Fire and her are in love when they barely knew each other/they shouldn’t be together)

I guess we have a lot of people who don’t believe in love at first sight. And I get that. But it’s kinda like the soul mate thing. In the short time they knew each other, they knew enough to love each other. All of you FirexSand people: a ton of it is actually only because Sandstorm is awesome and Spottedleaf butts in on their relationship. Have any of you actually considered what FirexSpotted would have been like? Anyway, even if Sandstorm never came along, Spottedleaf was a wise and thoughtful character, and she would never have broken the warrior code. She knew that Sandstorm was right for Firestar. That’s why it pisses me off that the erins killed her off so Firestar wouldn’t have to choose in Starclan. He didn’t have to! All three of them, Fire, Spotted, and Sand understood what was right. They all knew that FirexSand won. WHY KILL HER?!

The very last thing I wanted to talk about is who REALLY hates her. A ton of people get pulled into what’s popular, and I experienced that. I was neutral with Spottedleaf. Then, when I saw all the hate for her, I got pulled into hating her. Then I realized: am I really changing my opinion because most others’ are different? Think: do you truly hate Spottedleaf? Or are you getting pulled into the flow of what most people think. Also, a lot of Spottedleaf lovers are hiding. They pretend to hate her…to avoid being hated. COME ON SPOTTEDLEAF LOVERS! COME OUT OF YOUR SHELLS! THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH HAVING AN OPINION THAT GOES AGAINST EVERYONE. And most Spottedleaf haters…were just pulled into hating her.

Why do I feel weird now………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….wow that was 837 words. Geez I just wrote a small essay. Why can’t school essays be warriors related? They’d be so much easier……………….

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  • You have a good point, but I still don’t like Spottedleaf much. And wow, 837 words?! Your teachers must be proud XD

  • I don’t like her or hate her (that I will decide in ‘spottedleaf’s heart’).
    The reason being that all we know is that she and fire heart kinda liked each other ( which is totally understandable cause people can know if they ‘like’ someone in 100 pages) but they both knew it could never work cause she’s a medicine cat.
    They both knew they couldn’t break the warrior code.

  • I agree with this completely. Spottedleaf is actually my favorite cat in the whole series. All the hate on her really makes me mad. It seams that people only look into her flaws, and they don’t look into her true character. Cats can’t help falling in love, and they can’t just stop loving someone. I can’t wait for Spottedleafs Heart, and I hope that more people will start to like Spottedleaf after the book comes out.

  • Right now this is my favorite article, (warning, spoiler ahead if you haven’t read “the last hope”) when Spottedleaf died I was crying but when Firestar said “..But she said she’d wait for me in Starclan!..” I was like crying really hard and then my mom walks in probably thinking thatI’ve broken my leg or something, and is confused to see me with a book. But instead of coming to COMFORT me she she walks out and slowly shut the door.😑

  • I’m very neutral towards Spottedleaf because as you said we only really saw her for less than a book. She just seems boring because we haven’t seen her character.

  • Great article! You made really good points! The reason I don’t like Spottedleaf is because once she died, she became that everyone looked to for advice. I know that’s what some cats did with Yellowfang but no one ever seemed worried about disappointing her, when many cats seemed upset about disappointing Spottedleaf.

  • Definitely agreeing! I’ve never thought Spottedleaf (Or any cat) as a stalker and mary-sue (Except for Tigerstar, I think he is a stalker, haven’t read Tigerclaw’s Fury or spoiled myself yet 😛 ) I liked her, and always thought her as a chosen guiding StarClan cat. Amazing article! -Throws oreos at Ice- 😀

  • I always liked Spottedleaf, and she never actually DID anything to butt into FirexSand. She watched over Firestar, but thats all. Also 837 wow. hands cookie to ice XD

  • First, I want to give you a thumbs up or applause for defending a character like this. That something I find cool. However with that said, I disagree.

    1- How did Spottedleaf feel like Firestar was her soul mate? Are you saying that you only have to look or talk to someone once in order to decide that your two belong together forever? Spottedleaf and Firestar only had one or two conversations! How is that enough time or enough to justify falling in love with someone? Not only that, but Spottedleaf is /dead/! Even if she was alive, she was way too old for him. When Firestar joined ThunderClan, he was six moons old. Meanwhile, Spottedleaf was four years of age. That’s like a kid in elementary school getting together with their teacher or another adult. I know they’re cats and age doesn’t really matter, however that is a huge age gap between the two.

    As for being a stalker, I use to think she was, however I know she isn’t, but that was a few years ago. With that said, I can see why others think of her as a stalker. I mean, she’s met with every, at least Leafpool, Squirrelflight and Jayfeather, cat related to Firestar for two generations. She just won’t leave his family alone. Also,I understand there’s caring about a loved one family, but this is taking it far. Yellowfang saw Firestar as a son and Cinderpelt looked up to him and, apparently, loved him. Though I see it as a sibling relationship. Anyway, what makes a long dead crush who Firestar had one conversation with more qualified to visit his family than Yellowfang or Cinderpelt? Ignoring that Cinderpelt “shared” a spirit with the walking insult, she had more to do with him than Spottedleaf ever did. In my opinion, there’s watching out for a loved ones family and then there’s constantly watching over them. That appears obsessive to me, however I don’t believe Spottedleaf is the kind of cat to be obsessed. Anyway, the point is, why is it always and only Spottedleaf who seems to care/watch over for Firestar’s family? He had many other significant cats in his life, but why is it someone childhood crush who gets to watch over his family? That’s something I’d like to know.

    2- This is untrue. We have seen enough of Spottedleaf to classify her as a Mary-Sue. These are all her appearance:
    Bluestar’s Prophecy(Though it was minor)
    Firestar’s Quest
    SkyClan’s Destiny
    Into the Wild
    Fire and Ice(To give a warning)
    Forest of Secrets(To give a reminder)
    Rising Storm(To give a prophecy)
    A Dangerous Path(Twice in Firestar’s dream)
    The Darkest Hour(Giving a life, in a dream and somehow fighting by Firestar)
    Moonrise(To visit Leafpaw/pool)
    Dawn(To meet with Squirrelpaw/flight)
    Starlight(A meeting with other StarClan cats and Leapaw/pool)
    Twilight(Spottedleaf meets with Cinderpelt, tells Leafpool to follow her heart and meets with Leapool again towards the end of the book)
    Sunset(Leafpool argues with Spottedleaf and shows herself to some kits)
    The Sight(Spottedleaf comforts Jayfeather and gets him from the Dark Forest)
    Eclipse(She has a meeting with other StarClan cats about the prophecy)
    Long Shadows(She appears in a vision)
    Sunrise(She meets with Jayfeather and tells him that she can’t tell him who his parents are)
    The Fourth Apprentice(She discusses Ivykit/pool and Doveklit/wing with the other StarClan cats)
    Fading Echoes(She goes with Jayfeather to the Dark Forest and meets with him and Yelowfang)
    Night Whispers(She shares a vision with Jayfeather)
    The Last Hope(Well she has ameetins with StarClan cats and Jayfeather and then dies)
    Shattered Peace(When Ravenpaw goes to the Moonstone, she’s there)
    After the Flood(She goes to Leafstar in a dream)
    Spottedleaf’s Honest Answer(It’s a whole book on her)

    Honestly, it’s like she just wouldn’t die or stay dead. And if you asking me, 26 books with her should be plenty to explore her character little by little and know her personality at the very least a little. I mean, there were plenty of opportunities to do it. And if you’re wondering, that is what I know. This was very rude to people who think she’s a Mary-Sue/hate Spottedleaf. If you want to ask what we know, then make sure you see the opinions of others/the facts before being rude.

    3- I am someone who doesn’t believe in love at first sight. What it really is someone looks pretty or attractive and another person who see them just assume they’re in love. I mean, do you really know a person just by looking at them? No, of course not! I can understand hitting it off with someone you just met/have know for an hour or two. I’ve met a couple that’s been through that and they clearly like each other. However, that doesn’t happen all the time! Love, especially when it comes to the possibility of marriage, takes time. I mean, who would honestly meet someone and interact with them for a few hours before deciding they should get married? Honestly, that seems like a relationship that’s destined to fail. I don’t believe they’re soul mates whatsoever.

    Anyway, I love Sandstorm. If any two cats are soul mates, it’s her and Firestar. Not the former leader and Spottedleaf. As for killing off Spottedleaf, it’s one of the stupidest reason out there./ I’m not trying to be rude to Kate considering she’s my favorite of the Erins, however the drama was all done and good for between FirexSpottedxSand. There was no reason to kill off Spottedleaf and the choice should’ve been obvious. I mean, Firestar had to choose between a cat he had one conversation with and another cat he raised kits with, rebuilt a Clan with and all around loved. I don’t get why Firestar was crying that Spottedleaf died and told her they’d be in StarClan together in front of his mate! Because of that, I still kind of wonder if Firestar did truly love Sandstorm. I believe he loved her, but perhaps it wasn’t true because of that annoying tortoiseshell.

    As for this last bit, I see what you’re trying to do. When a popular opinion comes up people like to be with the majority. It makes them feel safe and intelligent. However, it seems you’re assuming that everyone who says they hate Spottedleaf aren’t telling the truth or just going with the crowd. In my experience, everyone I’ve met who said they hate Spottedleaf genuinely do. The majority of people who dislike/hate her aren’t faking it like you’re kind of making it out to be. Most people who hate this character, actually hate her.

    anyway, this was an interesting article. Though I disagree with mostly everything, I do applaud you for tackling a character like this.

    • To be fair on the “they only talked twice” point, they only had two conversations that we the reader saw. There was a timeskip of two moons after Firepaw joined ThunderClan, and plenty of time that the book didn’t focus on. We don’t know how often he talked with Spottedleaf during that time. Granted, when building a romance it’s generally a good idea to let the reader see the interaction between the romantic leads. 😛 But I don’t think it’s entirely fair to say that they definitely didn’t talk a lot, when there’s over two moons of potential interaction unaccounted for.

      • That’s a good point. i mean, book one seemed to skip around, so there could’ve been, and most likely were, more conversations between the two.

    • Oh, one thing I forgot to mention here was Spottedleaf’s Heart. Despite my hate for her, I desperately hope this shows that she has flaws and isn’t a perfect character. Though I have low expectations, I would like to see a personality slapped onto this cat.

      • The Erins could acknowledge her obsessiveness, dependence and selfishness. Those seem like big flaws to me, but they are ignored throughout the series. They don’t have to ‘slap a personality on her’, but explore the flaws she has and explore the personality she already has.

          • If Spottedleaf was a true, Mary Sueish, perfect lover she would have let Firestar go. Spottedleaf prevented Firestar from truly moving on, because she visited him in his dreams, wanting him for herself.

            Also, she wished Sandstorm would “disappear like the dew”.

            • She /did/ let him go. She visited Firestar because she loved him and missed him, sure, but also to pass on important messages from StarClan, and because Firestar missed her too. But when Firestar came to her and said that he couldn’t keep meeting her in dreams because of Sandstorm, she respected his wishes and stopped meeting him in dreams. So she did let him go.

              I mean, yeah, she said that privately, deep down, she wished Sandstorm wasn’t part of the equation. But that’s the sort of irrational, selfish inner thought that anyone in love with someone they can’t have might have. She never acts on it, or actively wishes Sandstorm harm – she just privately wishes that she could have Firestar, and who wouldn’t feel like that in position? Let’s not forget that she gave up her afterlife (not just her life, her afterlife, which to me is a much bigger sacrifice) to save Sandstorm’s life in the Dark Battle. She respected that Firestar loved Sandstorm, and that Sandstorm had every right to be with Firestar, no matter how much she loved Firestar and how much she might sometimes wish that Sandstorm wasn’t in between her and Firestar.

              I’m not saying I love Spottedleaf as a character – she’s kind of just “eh” to me. But I think that’s just how someone in her position would feel – what’s important is that she never acts on that sort of feeling, and instead risks her life to save Sandstorm.

              • I admit the selfishness was minor, but giving up her entire afterlife for Firestar’s happiness shows how dependent she is. If he isn’t happy, she can’t live.

    • Yes, but just because she was in a lot of books, she was in like what, one page each? Except for into the wild? xD

  • you know what, Spottedleaf did show in Bluestar’s Prophecy and she was only a kit so not much spottedleaf sightings here

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