Kindheart theorizes about Bluestar’s Prophecy and Crokkedstar’s Promise
Hello blogclan! before i begin SPOILER ALERT (obviously) and also there will be a fair amount of theorizing and stuff that causes brain pain so yeah you have been warned!
I quite liked these two books and their connection. it becomes apparent that they both happen at the same time! unlike other books (from the new prophecy) it isn’t like you switch between views it’s literally two different books but you can still see how it happens at the same time. i quite like that the erins did this because it shows that while we follow one clan’s POV other clans are still doing things. Also it was funny to see how they each reacted when they where both together! XD so why haven’t the Erin’s done more of this type of two book same time thing? my guess is it’s a really hard thing to do. in mean you have to make sure everything makes sense that each clan and cat have the same interactions i mean if Crookedstar had i dunno not talked to bluestar on his first gathering and then in bluestars book we see he did that would be kinda weird right? i mean that is a very significant moment so they have to make sure they get it all wright. (see what i did there? huh? huh? i wrote WRIGHT instead of RIGHT! because they wright the books? oh never mind) moving on. another thing makes me wonder what would the books have looked like if they weren’t both at the same time? i mean i know thats a stupid question but i’m just wondering. cause obviously one book would have to change. would it be Bluestar’s prophecy? or Crookedstar’s prophecy. but hey I’m straying from the point of this article. so all in all i really loved the idea and the result i would like to see more like these. however it’s up to the Erin’s (Of course) so before i say the finishing ritual i need to give a shout-out to someone. now i don’t want everyone else to feel like they aren’t following my articles too and i just haven’t been noticing them. I NOTICE YOU ALL AND THANK YOU FIR THAT!!!!! it’s just each article (From now on) i pick one or two people who have been with me a long time and i would like to thank them. (please don’t take offense if you aren’t in the shout-out D:) this shout-out goes to non other than Emberdawn! thank you Emberdawn! now say it with me everybody! until the next article Cyo! 😉
Nice! Crookedstar’s Promise is my favorite super edition!
I definitely agree with you about the interactions. They weren’t the most consistent, but still awesome. My favorite warriors book is probably Bluestar’s Prophecy. I didn’t really like Bluestar and that book changed my whole view. I could never finish reading Crookedstar’s Promise. I mostly just looked at different parts instead of reading it.
Overall, good article.
Didn’t Yellowfang’s Secret also happen during the two? Either way I agree.
you’re right! 😀
Great job! You combined two of my favourite super editions in the same article! YOU ARE AWESOME! Can’t wait for your next one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol find the i
I was just casually reading this article and then I was skimming the last few sentences and I see my name pop up twice and I was like WUT then I properly read it and all I’ll say is you’re welcome, Kindheart!
When I realised that they both connected, I was thinking “Sheesh, that must have taken some effort,” XD I hope that if the Erins choose to do something similar in the future, it is just as successful as this one.
I just finished reading this super edition. Good book but also sad. Some things dont add up though. Did mapleshade really control his destiny. Anyways sad, but good because it shows how you have to make sacrifices.
Interesting article, Kindheart! I really enjoyed reading Crookedstar’s Promise and look forward to reading Bluestar’s Prophecy a lot!
I love Bluestar’s Prophecy and Crookedstar’s Promise. I started to type Crookedstar’s Promise but instead almost wrote Crookedstar’s Revenge 😂
aww thanks everyone! 🙂
I SHIP THEM! #CrookedXBlue
I love Crookedstar’s Promise AND Bluestar’s Prophecy!
Star Wars is awesome