Songs that could be changed into warrior songs *SPECIAL* by Kindheart

catsingingS special songs article all of these are themed around dawn of the clans.

Soo you guys (hopefully) know that I am doing the dawn of the clans jumbo thing. Well in honour of that I am doing a special songs article all of these are themed around dawn of the clans! So lets get to it 🙂 btw I suggest you listen to the real song before reading the lyrics that way you know how it sounds!

1. Song-Centuries by-Fall Out Boy. Warrior version-Centuries By-Kindheart scene- so I kind of think of it like all the first leaders e.i thunder, clear sky, river ripple etc. are singing this!

Da da da da x10
All first leaders: some legends are told. Some turn to dust and to gold. But you will remember me, remember me for centuries. And just one mistake is all it will take. We’ll go down in history. remember me for centuries. remember me for centuries.
Clear Sky: forgot my mountain dreams. No, it’s nothing wrong with me! The others are all wrong. The stories are all off! My family broke my… Heart.
Thunder: come on, come on. And let me in! the bruises on my heart all have your pawprints. So this is for my life, everything you did!
Tall shadow + Wind runner: We never meant for you to break yourself!
Da da da da x6
All first leaders: some legends are told. Some turn to dust and to gold. But you will remember me, remember me for centuries. And just one mistake is all it will take. We’ll go down in history. remember me for centuries. remember me for centuries.
Clear Sky: and I can’t stop til everyone in my group is safe. Cause I know what it’s like to feel the pain.
River Ripple: and if they died for you. As long as there’s a light.
Clear sky: my shadow covers you. Cause I am the opposite of amnesia
Gray wing: and you’re a blazing star your about to heal.
Tall shadow: they look so pretty but their gone to soon
Da da da da x6
All first leaders: some legends are told. Some turn to dust and to gold. But you will remember me, remember me for centuries. And just one mistake is all it will take. We’ll go down in history. remember me for centuries. remember me for centuries.
River ripple: we’ve been here forever, and here’s the life that blooms.
Clear sky: I could scream forever. We are the poisoned truth
Da da da da x6
All first leaders: some legends are told. Some turn to dust and to gold. But you will remember me, remember me for centuries. And just one mistake is all it will take. We’ll go down in history. remember me for centuries. We’ll go down in history. remember me for centuries.

2. Song- Always gold By-radial face warrior version-Always gold by-Kindheart scene- I am thinking the scene were tall shadow, graywing, and thunder meet clear sky before the first battle. Where gray wing is trying to talk to clear sky about the boundaries I think this song is kind of like what he would say!

Gray wing: We were tightening bonds, brothers and more than friends. You would kill for me and knew that I’d do the same. And it caught me sharp hearing you’d like to leave. But everything goes away. Yeah everything goes away. But I’m going to be here till I’m nothing but bones in the ground and I was there when you grew restless, left in the dead of night. And I was there when two moons later. You were standing in the forest all lone. And I helped you up. Woah woah woah woah woah. X2 everything goes away. Yeah everything goes away. But I’m going to be here till I’m nothing but bones in the ground so quiet down.
We were opposites at birth. You were steady as an eagle no one worried cause they knew just where you’d be. And the said you where the crooked kind, and that you’d never have no worth but you were always gold to me. Then back when we were kits. You swore you knew the future and our words would take us half way round the world. But I almost didn’t leave this home, and you never saw your kin and we ain’t ever cross the sea. But I am fine with where I am now, this home is, and all that I need. But to you this place is shame (clear sky looks away) but you can blame me when there’s no one left to blame (clear sky looks at gray wing with hope) oh I don’t mind. (Then jackdaws cry eats the bat) (Battle breaks out) (Spirit cats come stop battle) there where holes in you the kind that I could not mend. And I heard you say right when you left that day. Everything goes away. Yeah everything goes away. But I’m going to be here till I’m nothing but bones in the ground
3. Song- Mountains by_ message to bears warrior version-Mountains by-Kindheart scene- basically when the tribe decided whether to leave or not.

Stoneteller: and we could go away. Follow the light of day. And now we know we can the mountains say, the mountains say. X5

I know #3 was really short but that was the whole song a lot of it is instrumental. So yeah I hope you guys enjoyed! Until the next article! Cyo 😉

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  • Hmm.. There actually is a centuries MAP for the Clan Founders! Cool arcticle!

    • I’ve watched the Centuries MAP. Buy the Stars is my favorite by a lot though.

      A very well thought out article. Can’t wait to see more!

  • awesome! I’m guessing you have watched both maps for these two songs, their good right? anyway, awesome article!

  • hummmdeeedummmdoooo…… Like your article!!……. Hummmdooodeeedaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

  • I thought of a part for “Hot and Cold” I think it’s called by Katy Perry and I’ve thought of it like Squirrelflight and Ashfur.

    You change your mind
    Like the clouds change shape
    Yeah, you always stress
    Like a dog (idk)……something something
    Yeah you always speak critically
    Yeah I should’ve known that you weren’t good for me, yeah yeah


    We used to be closer friends
    So insinct (idk how it’s spelled)
    The same cat I knew
    Now’s a villain (not really but yeah) on the move
    I’m sorry
    I caused you pain
    Now you’re going insane
    Oh I, I should know
    That you’ll never forgive me, yeah!

    Idk but yeah that’s what I’ve got. Idk if it’s even good but oh well