Warriors Fan Movie #1

Do you remember I asked fans to send in videos of themselves talking about Warriors? Here is the first of Alibaba Film’s compilations of fan videos, published yesterday.
It’s so wonderful to see real fans talking about Warriors 🙂 This made my day.

From the Warriors the Movie Facebook Page:

“~ WARRIORS ~ 🐈 We are thankful and amazed to see how many worldwide fans having submitted their videos. Big applauses 👏👏👏 to Vicky Holmes: 1/3 of the Erin Hunters! and Kate Cary who helped get the word out. Now, it’s the time you have been waiting for ~  🐈 The Fans Video #1″


  • YAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! “We get a movie!We get a movie!” -Jumps around randomly while texting every person I know.-

  • Is this me only, or at the end of the video, (When YT gives you more videos to watch) was there an Eddsworld Tribute?

    • This is kinda unrelated but although I’m an eddsworld fan and know lots about the show, I’ve never heard about a tribute 2 it.

      I’d have to look it up on the eddsworld wikia at some point.

  • Um this is what I think, I didn’t look at the video because we shouldn’t be sending videos, what if someone heard and did something bad, I know I’m spoiling your fun but I just think we should be a bit more carful