Tigerheart and Dovewing Superedition Discussion Page

Hi guys! I hope you’re having a lovely day! This is just a quick post to announce that Rotation helper applications are reopening! If you’re interested in hosting part of the Rotation for Game 6, this is the...
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Fallowpaw takes some warrior names literally.
JadePaw lists their favourite and least favourite characters from the series.
Stop the hate comments, this is a place for TigerDove supporters to hang out, without being disturbed by haters.
There are very few TigerDove supporters and to have our vibe ruined by haters is very disrespectful and rude.
Please stop, it’s not okay to do this.
This page is technically not for that, it was a mistakenly-forgotten discussion page for Tigerheart’s Shadow. It’s about the super edition, not the relationship 😛
Lol this comment was posted on this page’s 7th anniversary
I was so confused when I saw this discussion page lol !