Rainfrost explains why Dovewing is misunderstood.
There are a lot of Dovewing haters in the Warriors fandom for multiple reasons – people think she’s a Mary-Sue (a character with no flaws), or that she’s whiny, or that she’s stupid or has no personality. But despite loads of people not liking her character, whenever I read the Omen of the Stars I find myself liking reading her chapters the most. I think she’s a bit misunderstood, and having read both Dovewing’s Silence and Bramblestar’s Storm, I think that even more.
Basically, she was horrified when she found out about her powers, and then when they disappeared she felt empty and wanted them back. She’s either nice or rude, mainly to Bumblestripe as she has an on-off thing with Tigerheart. So that’s why I disagree when people argue that she’s a complete Mary-Sue, because she’s not. It may seem dark, but her behaviour seems like she’s a bit troubled on the inside, for lack of a better word. Her world was turned upside down when she was just an apprentice, and she had a huge prophecy weighing down on her since then, which explains her instability as she grows up, and her fickle personality. She was clearly different to everyone from a young age. So when people say she’s stupid or whiny as well, I think it’s just because she’s very unstable.
I will admit that on occasion, Dovewing can be an annoying cat. She can’t really make her mind up and she does whine about her powers, or lack of them. But most people have no sympathy for her whatsoever. They don’t look into why she’s like this, and they have no empathy. As for the Bumblestripe/Tigerheart thing, she did eventually grow up. She ended things with Tigerheart, and then with Bumblestripe (which actually, I was pretty upset about until I realised it was good for both Dovewing and Bumblestripe, as she never really loved him, and she shouldn’t have to be mates with someone she doesn’t have true feelings for).
To sum things up, I do like Dovewing. Although she’s a controversial character, I believe she’s misunderstood. She was thrust into a prophecy at a young age, forcing her apart from her sister, then caught up in her feelings for a ShadowClan warrior, then everything was taken away from her just like that. So that’s why I understand why she has such irrational behaviour sometimes, and why she’s so unsteady. I really hope Dovewing finds happiness in her future, as I have a lot of sympathy for her and I think she had a difficult time as a young cat.
Let me know if you agree or disagree as I think she’s a really interesting character to talk about! 🙂
Image Credits: xAquamoonx of DeviantArt
Very good reasoning, Rainfrost! It makes sense and maybe if people who don’t really like Dovewing read this article, they might change their minds (I hope!). If you’re feeling down, call Lup (Lupinepaw) here and you two can have a full-blown discussion about Dovewing’s awesomeness.
Interesting article, Rainfrost! I don’t mind Dovewing, but I haven’t read Dovewing’s Silence yet, so I don’t get half of her whining. Lets hope she finds a mate in future books! (I also really love BumblexDove)
I am definitely firmly in the Dovewing haters group of the fandom, but your article was really nice! I like how you recognized her flaws instead of blindly defending everything about her. I feel like although Dovewing did always have her powers, that was no excuse for literally hiding in a hole and to stop talking to anyone. The other cats missed their powers too: Lionblaze would need to adjust to being able to injure himself, and it must have been devastating for Jayfeather to not be able to see anymore (he might have still been able to see in his dreams, I’m not sure, But I’m assuming he can’t.). Dovewing was soooo incredibly useless in one of the most trying times in the lake territory, the flood, it was hard to forgive her after that. And the others grew up with powers to, and they didn’t go insane. Other than being very weak, I don’t see any reason she would have needed to go insane. But again, this is one of the best defending Dovewing articles I’ve seen!
She didn’t go insane. O.o She was mourning a loss of one of her senses; that doesn’t make her insane.
I haven’t read BrS in a while, but I don’t recall it saying that Dovewing wasn’t going on patrols or helping her Clan during this period. Jayfeather and Lionblaze lost their powers too, but she’s younger, and unlike Lionblaze, she was born with her power and always had it. Other than her, I feel the worst for Jayfeather, because like Dovewing, he used his powers as just another sense to navigate Clan life, so now that it’s gone it must feel like being even blinder. But he’s older, he’s always kept his emotions more to himself, and he can still talk to StarClan, just not on his own command.
I feel like it would be hardest on Dovewing anyway, since she’s younger, and she’d never lost a sense like that before. It was like being blinded or losing her hearing. How is she weak for mourning that and feeling more vulnerable or useless now? And again, how was she insane, exactly? All I saw was a cat in mourning, trying to come to grips with her new limitations and how to work her life around the loss of one of her senses.
Great article, Rainfrost!
Yeah, I never really liked Dovewing…but you sorta made me change my mind. 😉
I am in LOVE with Dovewing and the Tiger x Dove ship!!! after reading this article i wish that the Tiger x Dove ship will come back (i haven’t read Bramblestar’s Storm yet) and i loved the article!
Great Article!!!!!!! I personally LOVE Dovewing!
I agree. You have very good reasons, and you made me like Dovewing more. 🙂
I hated Dove but now… You made me change my mind about her. 🙂 Great article!!
Rainfrost thanks so much in showing the facts of what Dovewing truly is. I believe she’s a good no a great character. I think she is still recovering from her loss of her super senses. Dovewing haters please give her a little slack😉
I rant about Dovewing too much so I’m going to try and keep this short, but I totally agree. Dovewing has become one of my favourite characters, and although I get where people are coming from saying she’s overpowered, lacking in personality etc. I think that you have to put yourself in her shoes… paws? To be born with powers that are life-changing and have a duty to save the clans pinned on you must be tough. Then she loses her powers and feels deaf and blind in comparison because everyone else’s normal isn’t hers, and maybe that’s why people find her complaining and being upset about it annoying. She’s a way more complex character than people give her credit for, and from what I’ve heard about Dovewing’s Silence (Thats one of the only books I’m missing from my collection, so if some of the things I’ve mentioned don’t line up with the novella, oops XD) she really struggles coming to terms with not having powers and being rendered almost useless.
great article!