Cadvent Day 22 (2016)

So close now!

More lovely pictures to keep you in that holiday spirit! 🙂

Thank you, Fawnpaw, for this one. I love the idea of our kittypets seeing Santa while we’re sleeping. 🙂 🎅🏼

Sadly, this little kit can’t stay awake. Thank you, Flowerkit, for finding this. 😀

Here is Iceflower’s dog, Scarlett. Isn’t she a sweetie? And looking so smart in her festive vest – her vestive! 😀

Here is an adorable piece of fan art! Mistlepaw, Harpsong and Falconpaw by Brookefeather. Thank you, Brookefeather. I love it. ❤️

Finally, a fabulously snowy cat, found by Mistpaw. Could any cat picture be more wonderfully seasonal! Thank you. 💕⛄❄️