
Hi guys! I hope you’re having a lovely day! This is just a quick post to announce that Rotation helper applications are reopening! If you’re interested in hosting part of the Rotation for Game 6, this is the...
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Autumnrose shares their opinion on Mapleshade.
Woohoo! Would you look at that – it’s the fantabulous Fernmist’s first ever BlogClan clanniversary! Congratulations on this wonderful achievement, Ferny. This post is all about celebrating you on your...
Onyxpaw gives warrior names to more kits and apprentices.
Claimed for GemClan
Hey, Asterflame! 😀
Your partner is ………….. *drum roll please* ……………….. Brightberry!
Their description: dark ginger tortoiseshell she-cat with a stumpy tail and green eyes
Remember that you can make them anything! Your gift can even be a simple compliment. 🙂
Please confirm below that you’ve received this message, so I can mark you off my list! Also, if you’d like, I can edit out the name of your partner in this comment after you’ve read it to ensure others don’t see. ^^
Claimed! Thanks Frogpaw!
Hi everyone! This page is now the LilacClan holidays page! This area of our camp is dedicated to our wonderful deputy, medicine cat, and allegiances editor! Thank you for your time, energy, and your pep! LilacClan would not be the same without you! The holidays page will be used for celebrating worldwide holidays such as Christmas, etc. It will also be used for celebrating our awesome LilacClanner’s birthdays! Now that Christmas is right around the corner, you can post gifts for other LilacClanners here. You don’t have to do anything big, just a short message is completely fine! Merry Christmas! 😀
~ Meadowstar
I just wanted to say that each and every one of you are so amazing, kind and wonderful! You light up my world, and I wouldn’t be the same without you guys!
Every single one of you matters so much to me. Every single one of you are amazing in your own way. Keep being awesome! <333
To: Meadowstar
You are so amazing and wonderful and such a good leader! I really don’t know what I would do without you and LilacClan! You always are so encouraging and give great hugs! I appreciate all the prayers from you, and I hope you know that I am praying for you every day! I hope you have the best holidays in the next few weeks and don’t forget to have a wonderful Christmas!!!!!
Note: I will be posting here almost every day with individual messages to each LilacClanner, so don’t feel left out!
AWWW, thank you so much Ember! I am SO appreciative of all the prayers! Merry Christmas! <3333333333333333333
Day 2!:
To: Frogstorm
Ah, yes, my amazing apprentice who is also my deputy 😝 I couldn’t imagine having any other apputy(yes, I combined deputy with apprentice bc, why not?). I guess I won the lottery by getting you as my apprentice! I love your positive attitude and pep and I hope you have an absolutely amazing Christmas! Happy holidays!!!
Awww thank you so much, Ember! You’re the best! <33 I hope you have a great Christmas! Happy holidays to you too! 😀
Ahh, I missed a couple of days, so here we go!
Day 3!:
To: Freeflame
You are such an amazing contribution to LilacClan! You rock it as the Med cat, keep up the great work!!! I wish you the happiest of holidays!
Day 4!:
To: Pinestripe
I love all the encouraging messages you put out for the world! Keep lighting up people’s day! I couldn’t imagine BlogClan or LilacClan without you and I hope you are here for months to come! Happy holidays!!
Day 3!:
To: Cinderflame
You are an absolutely beautiful and amazing person and such a credit to the blog! Your comments are filled with positivity and I hope your holidays are wonderful and full of joy!!
Trust me to completely forget about this, I’m so sorry!!!!!
To everyone else:
Just remember that you are loved and accepted. I’ll always be here for you, in your deepest struggles! I hope your holidays were amazing and happy new year!!!!!
I hope every single one of you is having an amazing day!!! And I wish you all happy holidays!!!! ❤❤❤❤
Welcome to LilacClan’s first Twelve Days of Christmas celebration! I’ll post a new mini game every day, and the art contest will be judged on Epiphany! You can participate with both if you want!
Your prompt for the art contest is to draw your absolute favorite character!
Game #1
Name That Apprentice
Have fun, and Merry Christmas!
– Christmasmanger
– Jingletwinkle 😛
– Snowfeather
– Starwing (sounds like a WoF dragon breed 😉)
– Santawish
– Joysparkle
– Bellsteeple
Here’s some holiday art for you all! 😀
OH MY STARCLAN! Frog, that’s so beautiful! I absolutely adore the flowers! The script you chose is lovely! Thank you so much! <33333
It’s beautiful!! 🙂
Awesome!! 😀
Happy New Year!
It’s almost Thanksgiving for me here in the U.S! Is your family doing anything special for Thanksgiving, or if you already had Thanksgiving, what did you do?