Brightwing discusses the best and worst warrior names
Hello fellow BlogClanners! It’s Brightwing with her third article about…you’ve guessed it…warrior names! This article should hopefully help you to decide on names for yourself and your Fan Fiction cats. I’m going to be covering a lot of different aspects of the names of warriors, so lets begin! (Sorry, that sounds so cheesy…)
Anyway, I’ve noticed that for lots of warrior names out there, they include a describing prefix and a kind of noun suffix. This helps it to flow better instead of two objects, which might or might not have anything to do with each other. For example, the describing word could describe (wow, bet you never guessed that) how loud the cat is. Like:
Other descriptions include sizes, like:
Descriptions of the cat itself is obviously popular, although I’m not quite sure what happened when Yellowfang’s name was decided…(she’s a dark grey she cat). This could include marks on the fur, like:
-Marshspots (this name’s description has been swapped around, so the noun is the prefix and the describer is the suffix, which can be done)
Or, even just simple colouring of the fur, for example:
Having names that describe the colour is an option too, like:
-Brightwing (mrrrow)
Many cats have prefixes of objects that remind them of their coloured pelt, for example in the real books: Firestar, Dovewing, Sandstorm, Dustpelt and many others.
But some names have two nouns, and work well. These names sound dramatic and cool, however I wouldn’t recommend over-using them. Here are a few:
-Heatherbird (this one is my ultimate favourite, so DON’T STEAL)
In the first book, Into the Wild, most of the names follow the description/noun rule. Here are the ThunderClan names: (I’ve put the noun in capitals to make it clear)
And we could go on. But I’m not, because I can’t be bothered.
Now then, there is no such thing as common prefixes, because every kit’s name is chosen by their mother (or maybe father), and they want to make their kit’s name as unique as possible. Whereas the suffix of the name is chosen by the Clan leader, who might not be so creative. Below is a list of suffixes that I class as ‘common’.
It’s fine to use them, but again, don’t over-use them or they do get rather boring, especially as there’s a whole Warrior Cat universe of names as options. As you can probably tell, apart from –heart, all of those are around the cat’s body, which is why they’re used a lot because they’re the obvious option if you are Clan leader and you can’t be bothered to make creative names for your warriors. However, there are quite a few non-common cat body suffixes, which are quite cool, like:
-toe (this one is great)
Also, the warrior names of cats are usually linked to their Clan, for example RiverClan would use things about water and fish, ThunderClan about trees, mice and birds, WindClan about heather, rabbits and moorland and ShadowClan would have names using frogs, marsh and general dark things. So basically they use prey and things that grow on their habitat.
To come up with a name, bearing in mind all of these things, you can first think of some prefixes that you like and suffixes that you like. Remember to include describing ones as well as nouns. Here are a few of mine:
-Briar (this can be used as a prefix OR suffix)
After that, you can look at them and think, hmmm, which of my favourite prefixes goes well with my favourite suffixes? It’s all your opinion. From this list, I can come up with these awesome warrior names:
-Bumbleshell (also one of my ultimate favourites, so PLEASE DON’T STEAL)
So, that’s the end of this article. I hope that you enjoyed reading it and that it helped you to find ideas for names! Don’t feel pressurised to have to do any of these things, they’re just suggestions to help your names look and sound better! It took a little bit of planning and creativity, but hey, it ended up amazing, didn’t it? Didn’t it? I said DIDN’T IT? 😛 See you next time with hopefully another great article! Bye!
nice! i hate basic names, some of my oc’s names are… ( tell me what you think)
Instead of posting my favorite names here, I shall post the names that are just…
Spitfire (Seriously, Stormstripe? SPITKIT?! This is one the many reasons she hates you, but tbh, that is literally her personality)
Lazereye (Ringshard, do you even know what a lazer is?)
Zoomdash (Out of all suffixes, Sunstar, you chose dash.)
Slipslide (same case as above)
Potatodance (name says all)
My favorite names that I’ve come up with is Silvermist, Twilightfur, and Silvertree
I love doing more of the Ancient names for my OC’s, such as:
Silent Wing
Running Paws
Falling Storm
Sunny Fur
But I also use the normal names, like:
I like
Nice article! Although I prefer loner, individual names turned into suffixes, such as Waffle became wafflepaw <3 Also, I know this is a REEAAALLLLY old article that I'm commenting on, but who cares~~~