Prowlclaw has a theory about Jay’s Wing…
Hello Blogclan! Its Prowlclaw here with my first post!
And today I have a far fetched theory that may be as crazy as Ashfur and Whitewing being secret mates.
So as you may know by the title, I have been led to believe that Jay’s wing may have had TWO reincarnations. Now, bear with me as I explain this carefully, and it just might make sense. So, one day I happened to notice that Jayfeather and Feathertail looked awfully alike. For some odd reason, this intrigued me into doing some research with my sister, Lillypool. And what I found was quite intriguing. Feathertail is Jayfeather’s cousin, related through Graystripe. And what I also found is her heritage with the tribes is quite strong. Her brother’s kits have a tribe mother, making them half tribe and half clan blood. Speaking of blood, I have noted that Jayfeather, Jay’s wing, and Feathertail only share minor differences in appearance, like all reincarnations do. Another thing I wanted to note, is that just because Jay’s wing was a boy, does not mean it has effect on their day to day life, other than visions or prophecies, as seen with Cinderpelt and Cinderheart when Cinderpelt is sweet while Cinderheart was a drama queen. Also, the Erins confirmed that the reincarnated cat’s souls are different from the cat who was intertwined with that soul. Still with me? Good. That top part was only proof that I came up with. So if you haven’t got what I was indicating yet, just to sum up the proof, I believe that Jay’s wing first reincarnation was feathertail. Here is how I think it happened in the story.
Jay’s wing first reincarnation is feathertail, who looked very much like him. I believe Jay’s wing wanted to first repay the tribe and guided the cats to the mountains sot that he could return the tribe of rushing water to see his old home. Though, when he learns that starclan has sent them a prophecy about feathertail, he decides that starclan is aiding him on his mission to help the tribe. When feathertail had to make the decision to jump, I believe Jay’s wing had made her realize that she was the cat in the prophecy so that the clan cats and tribe cats could benefit from killing the sharp tooth. This also helps Jay’s wing transition into Jayfeather’s life, Where Feathertail’s spirit comes to Squirrelfight to convince her to take on Leafpool’s kits, telling her she was never meant to fall in love with crowfeather and have kits because it wasn’t her destiny. Which can be translated into “Starclan had different plans for me.” This would fill the gap to why Crowfeather and Feathertail never had kits. It was because she had a greater destiny planned for her. One greater than having a mate and kits. That would conclude why I think Jay’s wing has two reincarnations.
Hmm, very interesting theory! I never thought about this before. Nice article! 🙂
Interesting! This would also prove that reincarnations need to share names, because Feathertail is not like Jay’s Wing or Jayfeather. Also, it proves gender doesn’t need to be shared, since Feathertail was a she-cat and Jay’s Wing and Jayfeather were/are toms.
Wow… this is really interesting! Great article!
This is a very cool theory i have not thought about before, although i doubt it. Nice article 😀
This is a interesting theory…I never really put much thought into Feathertail and the way she related to the tribe. Great article!
You have good research and this is a good article but when Cinderpelt was reincarnated, she wasn’t in StarClan until Cinderheart “let her go.” Feathertail however was seen in StarClan multiple times while Jayfeather was alive.
I may have forgotten to say this but, I believe reincarnations are two different people. They just carry the soul of another, as seen how Cinderheart is way different than Cinderpelt.
Woah! I didn’t even give Feathertail a second thought after she kicked the bucket, but this seems really intriguing. The similarities between the three are quite uncanny, and your theory makes a whole lotta sense. Great article!
great article!!
Interesting theory, but personally I think Jayfeather will get another reincarnation after he dies, where he isn’t blind and becomes a warrior.
I still don’t see why he couldn’t have been a warrior as a blind cat. 😛
I mostly agree with this. Personally, I think a blind cat could function fairly well as a warrior. However, I think the only problem they’d have would be fighting. Blind cats can hunt, could go on border patrols and can easily find their way around with their other senses. They also could learn basic fighting skills. However, I think fighting would still be difficult because they can’t see an enemy. However, that doesn’t mean they couldn’t hold their own in battle.
Great article! I actually hope that one day the Erin Hunters will see this and check every detail of the stories and if it can be, confirm it’s true! I love this theory! <3
Thanks Berrycloud! I never thought this theory would get this much attention!
Interesting theory, Prowlclaw! It could very well be true, considering that reincarnation is so so so weird in Warriors 😛
Also, many thanks to Vialir for providing me with this picture! Another thing, I have made a few spelling errors, and I will try to do better next time. In school at the moment, I am learning how to make a more convincing article with logos, pathos, and ethos so my next article will hopefully be better. One more thing, thank you all for such wonderful responses! If you have anything to add to the theory, please do!
nice theory! honestly I thought featertail might have been reincarnated but i never thought about it too much