The Twig’s Parents… Is It True, by Rainpaw

Rainpaw (though maybe not paw anymore, we are after all three decades later) dons their reporter’s cap to discuss… the Twigparents.

*Reporter Music*

“(M) Hello, and welcome to Warriors: Secrets Revealed.”

“(G) And the news today: Crowfeather admits his kinship to Lion, Jay and Holly, Hawkwing brings his clan on a seemingly faithless journey, and ShadowClan is close to destroyed.”

“(M) On the other hand, Rainpaw has been doing some research on Hawkwing’s Journey. Here you are, Rainpaw.”

Thanks, Mary & Gary! So, those of you who have read Hawkwing’s Journey must have wondered this… Pebbleshine and Hawkwing… And Twigpaw and Violetpaw. The family of guesses. So, is it true? Are Pebbleshine and Hawkwing, Twigpaw and Violetpaw’s parents? I’d like to think so. I mean, the Erins have linked things up before, if I’m not mistaken. Cough cough, the clans and tribe. And probably more, I’m just to mouse-brained to remember. But it just makes sense. I mean, Pebbleshine gets taken from SkyClan, and then not more than a few moons later, two kits(OMG DOES TWIGPAW EVER LOOK LIKE HAWKWING!) are found by Needlepaw and Alderpaw, without a mother. Now, you may be thinking: “But that means Pebbleshine is dead! And that’s too cruel to even think of!” Well, it really doesn’t mean that. Here are a couple of the possibilities:

#1: Pebbleshine actually had THREE kits, but chose to try and find Hawkwing and SkyClan, and knew she could only travel with one kit. She took one kit, and sadly left the two magnificent she-cats we know as Twigpaw and Violetpaw.

Now, this may be venturing a little far, but there are many things to support this theory. Pebbleshine REALLY loves Hawkwing, it’s not just one of those DaisyXSpider things, you know what I mean? And she was loyal to her clan from the bottom of her heart. We all know she would do anything for her clan. We know this by Hawkwing telling us this, and, you know, like the MILLIONS of times it was implied. She would’ve loved all her kits both dearly and fiercely, but known that she had to find her clan. Both sad and happy, I think this theory could be true, or at least not far from the truth.

#2: She had two kits, a grey she-cat and a black and white she-cat. After a couple days she decides to hunt, finding it hard to feed her kits. While she’s out hunting, she is nearly stolen my twolegs, forcing her to run away without her kits.

Okay, this one popped into my head on the fly, so don’t expect to be too impressed. But it technically could have happened. If animal control or whatever found her, I bet they wouldn’t be driving away without any scratches, with a nice, obedient kitty in the back. This is a little far fetched, but… a girl can believe…

Anyways, now some of you are saying: “Yeah yeah, Twigpaw looks like Hawkwing, but Violetpaw doesn’t look anything like either of her parents!” … Just think about this. Pebbleshine is white, with brown speckles on her upper half. Hawkwing is a dark grey. It’s like they decided to take two colors and ended up with Violetpaw. And let’s not forget that (no offense Kate…) the Erins aren’t exactly known for magnificent cat genetics. I mean, a ginger tabby and a pale ginger tabby have kits, they have a ginger tabby, and a brown tabby. And the brown tabby’s genes come from where, exactly? Not to mention, both the parents have green eyes, and here’s our little defiant brown tabby with amber eyes. It’s like World War 1 but with cat genetics. Anyways…. that rant came out of nowhere… hehe….

But that’s pretty much it. There is a great chance that Hawkwing and Pebbleshine are the parents of Twigpaw and Violetpaw. I guess we’ll have to find that out in the next book. But hey! That’s just a theory. A book theory!

*Reporter Music of Awesomeness*

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    • Yo! I’m Rainpaw, in the place to be! Uh, two references in articles, but I’m working on three. 😉

  • Although I really want Darktail to be their father, and their mother to have died (I don’t know, it just seems like too much if Twig and Violet suddenly get a mom who has to choose between them), this is an interesting theory. Also, I might warm up to this theory if I actually read Hawkwing’s Journey XD

  • Great theory! I had thought before about Pebbleshine giving birth and then having to escape Twolegs. I mean, it makes sense, seeing as how the two kittens were found in a sewage pipe (right?) I also like the Game Theory/Film Theory reference.

    “Thats just a theory. A BOOK THEORY.”
    -Rainpaw, 2017

    • Is this Jada??? (If it isn’t, I’m sorry cause that was awkward, but I have a friend who has the same warrior name, so my bad)

  • This is one of those rare instances where the genetics are right…just because Hawkwing lost his kits and wouldn’t find them if they didn’t look likd their relatives…

  • Great article! And I believe Pebbleshine and Hawkwing are Twigpaw’s and Violetpaw’s parents. I think Pebbleshine got taken by Twolegs while hunting and she was forced to live the life of a Twoleg. Hopefully she is not dead. I really like her personality! And, of course, the ship: HawkxPebble.

  • Hey, Rainpaw! Great article. I agree with your theory. But on the genetics part of it, wasn’t Princess a brown tabby with Amber eyes? Just sayin’.

  • Great article! I really think that they are the parents. Pebbleshine was the only Queen expecting kits in SkyClan,and she soon got taken by twolegs. When the twolegs were driving and she somehow escaped near where Alderpaw and Needlepaw found the kits. Pebbleshine knew that the kits would be born soon,so she found the tunnel and had her kits. Then something could have happened to her. Best case scenario, she was out hunting the da that Alderpaw and Needlepaw were passing by,so she’s still living the life as a wild cat,and the kits were safe. Worst case scenario, she got hit by a monster,or maybe died chasing away,or being chased by a fox from her kits. Other scenario,she was taken into a life as a kittypet.
    But wherever she might be,let’s hope she’s safe.

    • If Pebbleshine had been away hunting when Alderpaw and Needlepaw found the kittens, she would have seen that they were gone when she got back, and followed the scent trails back to the clans and we’d know for sure where she is. So unless she was taken by Twolegs or got herself hopelessly lost in the woods, there’s pretty much no chance she’s alive now.

  • It was Pebbleshine, in Pebbleshines secert, and she was fighting a badger, then stumbled onto the road.

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