• Wait, I have a question. The average cat can run about 20 miles per hour, so they could probably cover 10 kilometers in one day at least, they wouldn’t take five. Or perhaps the days are shorter in this world?

  • Frostsong panted heavily. She was very tired. Slowing down, she started traveling at a fast walk instead of a run.

    Distance from start: 3.5 km

  • Dune

    Dune heard a cry from behind him, it was Feather !
    He sprinted back to her, worn out from his run earlier.
    She was faced with a huge chasm and was looking petrified on the other side
    “Jump !,” Dune cried, “I’ll catch you !”

    Distance from start :2km

  • Eclipse stumbled, her energy lost. She didn’t have much farther to go, but she had sprinted all the way. She had to keep moving, though. So she walked, walked and walked. She looked behind her to see if Black Bird had caught up, but saw nothing. That was before she saw Wren’s body. Or she though she did. She was exhausted. So she stopped for the cat to catch up with her.
    Black Bird regain the energy to keep going, and sprinted forward only to stop. The ground opened up, but not far enough to stop him. He jumped over, almost perfect except he lost his back footing and slipped a bit. Then he scrambled up and edged away, as he did not want to die.
    Rattlesnake and Pebble kept going, now caught up with each other.

    Eclipse – about 6.5 or 7 KM
    Black Bird – 5.75 KM
    Pebble – 5 KM
    Pebble – 5 KM

  • “I have… to keep… going!” Frostsong panted. She had been running for hours, and it was getting to her. She collapsed and gave in to sleep.

    Distance from start: 5.75 km

  • Quintessa gazed at all the cats running for their lives. She saw one cat, the same one who approached her and faked an attack at her, race to help another. She saw the others desperately trying to live. This isn’t right, she thought, feeling her energy deplete. All these cats worked hard to live, to survive even, and now Harnor can just take it away from them. It’s all a game he’s playing with us, picking us off one by one until only one will remain. And he doesn’t even care that some of us will die. He just was bored one day, and said “I know! I’ll get some mortal cats so I can play with them!” Quintessa looked down, then realized the ground underneath her was collapsing. She quickly ran, not caring that she was hungry or thirsty. All she needed was to live.

    And that was what she was gonna do.

    Distance from start: 3.45km

  • Tawny raced forward. Her paws pounded hard on the rocks. She was very fast, but this was some competition. Bounding over the stones and slowing at narrow crevices, Tawny bolted through the long rock walls. Echoes of other cats’ voices and footsteps rang through the walls, giving off a very sinister environment to the caves. She pushed on, trying to ignore the creepy breeze that tingled the end of her fur, then came to a crack. Tawny leaped over it with ease – her legs were made for jumping and running – but as she leapt over, she collided with a rock. Her leg throbbed, but she pushed on again. Tawny came face to face with another gap, a lot bigger than the first one. There was only one other way, but it was almost fully blocked with rocks. She was thin enough to fit through, but didn’t want to risk her life when she could jump. Bunching her mussels, she leaped over. But due to her injured leg she slipped.
    “Help me!” She gasped, though she was sure that no cat would be near enough to save her.
    This is my end, she thought. But then pawsteps sounded above her. She looked up to see a tom staring down at her. “Please!”

    Distance from start: about 3km?

  • Leaf knew that she could do this. She could run fast, and she had energy. She knew, though, that she had to conserve her strength. She jogged and kept on until sunhigh, then she hunted. Suddenly, she felt the ground rumble, and she dashed along the path, desperate to not get killed. She ran with all she had, all thoughts of conserving her strength gone. Finally, when she could take it no longer, she dragged herself to the side of the path and collapsed in hunger and exhaustion.
    Distance from start: 4.5

  • Chao was falling. He covered enough ground, hadn’t he. How could he have been so mouse-brained? He had been so careful! Well, apparently not. This was it. Time seemed to move in slow motion as he fell toward the ground. he shouldn’t have come. He had been to eager to prove himself. “I came here for the wrong reason..” he realized, speaking the words out loud before pain overcame every one of his senses and the earth below broke nothing but his fall.
    Distance: 6km
    Energy: unknown
    Time to total destruction: 96 hours
    Status: unknown
    Location: a large opening in the ground

  • Palm –

    Palm saw the crevices before him and sprinted leaping over the gaps. His paws drummed against the rocky ground, but he didn’t notice, he was so scared.
    Oh why had he joined the Tests, he was happy before he came here.
    The palm branch in his ear hung heavy, reminding him of his losses.
    Dragon, the bright ginger she cat.
    Diamond, the blue grey and cream tom
    Twelve marks for twelve friends, he thought as his paws hit the ground, each step he felt the palm earring
    He repeated the names under his breath
    Dragon, Diamond, Jarminbal, Cobra, Mirage, Lmanamly, Wolf, Jarbil, Stormfrost, Quixgee, Kuvibac – Fox, Goldenshade
    He didn’t realise how fast he had gone until he stopped for breath

    Distance from start : 4km

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