Kindheart connects various songs to the Warriors series.
Hello blogclan!!!! Today we delve into another songs article 🙂 yay!!! So lets get to it 🙂 and yes i know the special announcement will come at the end of the article but for now lets go go go go go go go.
2. song-Don’t stop believing by journey. Warrior version-Don’t stop believing by Kindheart.
Scene- when Firestar and Whitestorm are trying to convince Bluestar that starclan is still with them.
Fire: Just a kittypet. Living in a comfy world. Heard about the warriors and joined you….
White: just a tiny kit, born and raised in thunderclan. Wanted to become a warrior like you.
Fire: A single star in a dark night. The stay there and watch us thrive.
Blue: starclan has left us now my life it goes on, and on and on and on.
White&Fire: starclan waiting up above in silverpelt. Their starlight lighting up the night.
Blue: starclan, betrayal, i’m living just for their amusement. Their hiding somewhere in the night.
Fire: working hard to earn my fill, everybody wants a name. Paying anything even their lives (swiftpaw) to be a warrior.
White: some will win, some will lose, some were born outside the clans.
Blue:starclan has left us now my life it goes on, and on and on.
White&Fire: starclan waiting up above in silverpelt. Their starlight lighting up the night.
Blue: starclan, betrayal, i’m living just for their amusement. Their hiding somewhere in the night.
White&Fire:Don’t stop beleiving, hold on to that feeling starlight, starclan. X3
Okay next up is something a bit different. Let me explain so basically this song is from a band called the ministry of magic. Ring a bell harry potter fans??? Because this is a harry potter band!!! But i found a song that works for warriors (they all work for warriors) so here it is!!!
2. Song-snape vs. snape by ministry of magic. Warrior version- Ivypool vs. Ivypool by Kindheart
Scene- basically Ivypool’s entire time in the dark forest.
Ivy: there was a time when you could not trust me. And there was a time when darkness was all i good see. But now there are no layers of evil left to shed… and if he(Brokenstar) heard me sing this song i would be good as dead… clan cats can, clan cats can change they can turn their back and run. clan cats can, clan cats can change i’m sorry for all the bad i’ve done.
Mapleshade:Clan cats don’t change, clan cats don’t change once a dark forerst cat your always one
Ivy: clan cats can, clan cats can change they can turn their back and run.
Maple: Clan cats don’t change, clan cats don’t change, stop running it’s you you’re running from. It’s you you’re running from. It’s you you’re running from.
Ivy:Now the dark forest has come to me Brokenstar he calls but i want to be free. From all the evil i have seen and i have done so please believe it’s over the good in me has won…
Ivy:clan cats can, clan cats can change they can turn their back and run. clan cats can, clan cats can change i’m sorry for all the bad i’ve done.
Maple: clan cats don’t change, clan cats don’t change stop running it’s you your running from.
Ivy:clan cats can, clan cats can change they can turn their back and run. clan cats can, clan cats can change i’m sorry for all the bad i’ve done.
Maple:CLan cats don’t change, clan cats don’t change one a dark forest cat your always one.
Ivy: (trying to convinve the dark forest she is with them when she’s not) maybe i can’t can’t, really change. After all the things i’ve done!
Maple:Clan cats don’t change, clan cats don’t change, stop running it’s you you’re running from. It’s you you’re running from. It’s you you’re running from.
Ivy: I won’t change i’ll never change brokenstar has won…
And that is all for today!!! I hope you enjoyed it so first my fave song from the ministry of magic is marauder’s map!!! And my fave warrior song from this article well ARG i can’t choose….
Oh yeah the big announcement soooo….. I’ve been thinking of discontinuing this series… i enjoy making it ever so much!!! But i dunno it’s kinda gotten old… i’ll leave it up to you guys leave your opinion in the comment to continue or not to continue? And also which of these songs did you like best???
Until the next article CYO! 😉
Nice article! 😀 I would continue, but if you’re bored with it don’t. 🙂
I just recently joined but I really like this series! It’s super fun to read (and sing to myself, i hope thats not wierd) But like Fallenpaw if you’re bored I don’t want to force you to keep doing it.
That’s not weird at all. At least to me😅
“I’m yours” by Jason Mraz Flametail maybe? Idk
If you’re bored with it, you should discontinue. But if you’re not, keep doing it! These are fun to read. 😛
XD It was supposed to be an april fools prank 😀 However it did not come out on april fools sooo oops?
Nice ones, Kindheart! And if you want to stop the series, go ahead! It is yours after all and you’re in control 😛
These are awesome! I love the creativity you put into each of your songs. Keep up the great work! =D
You can stop doing it if you’re tired of it. I love this song series, but if you’re not enjoying it, you don’t have to force yourself to do this.
loved the whole series!!! but i understand that your stopping it!!
Suggestion: ‘Welcome to Freddy’s.’ For The Last Hour and Dark Forest related things? idk
You know, these are really great.