Softpaw explains why they believe certain cats are misunderstood.
Well, first off Hollyleaf is just misunderstood. All she ever wanted was to be a good loyal and maybe popular warrior. She didn’t want to be a cat nobody pays attention to, she wanted to be Firestar’s right-hand feline. No one can blame her for that. So she wanted to be a medicine cat. Vital to the clan. She found she hated the scent of blood and shuddered at the thought of seeing bone. Eventually, she became a normal warrior or so she thought and was one of the most talented cats alive. She found out Leafpool was her mother and (oops, forgot to say she was the most loyal cat ever when it comes to the warrior code.) flipped out. Her life was ruined. She felt as if her life was a mistake. Her mother broke the code, then another even though that was later. I think. Life was living agony when she knew somebody would tell the story in the worst way possible. She couldn’t be kicked out of the clan just yet. The clan was literally her life. The only way to stop Ashfur from doing this to her was to kill him. And she did that. People were rather surprised by this (not cats. They didn’t know.) and were even more surprised when Hollyleaf told the truth to the gathering then fled. People think Hollyleaf is bad for this but don’t realize she acted out of fear. Fear of her burden becoming too much, fear of what cats would whisper about her. Hollyleaf is not a bad character simply misunderstood.
People hate him for no good reason. He was driven half crazy by love and hid it well but when the time came, he was absolutely craycray. All he wanted was Squirellflight and to be a loyal warrior. Not much to ask but without SquRrelflight he couldn’t be happy and slowly got killed by misery and spent days plotting how to revenge against squirrelflight.. He is now internationally hated for loving too hard. Not fair peeps. This thus concludes my article.
Yes…yes…uuummmm…😕…okay,so I think it was wrong for Ashfur to 😍 Squirrelflight.
First of all,Squirrelflight belonged to Brambleclaw,they matched fire,and still I’m not sure if they were mates by then but who cares ’cause it’s obvious.
And secound of all,Squirrelflight was kind in some cases and Ashfur mean,I mean,like…meh.
Third of all,I have not heard of a FAKE father trying to kill his NOT kits.It’s just terrible!
You get my reason:Ashfur was no match for Squirrelflight. Ashfur X Squirrelflight.BLECCCHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!🤢