Rainflower: Was she really that bad? by Aspenpaw

Aspenpaw gives us a new take on the character of Rainflower.

Artwork by FrostedKat

Hey there!
I am Aspenpaw and this is my first time writing an article. I have decided to focus on the character ‘Rainflower’ from ‘Crookedstar’s Promise’.
So what are you waiting for? Let’s begin!

Let me give you a brief overview of the character Rainflower:
Rainflower is a Riverclan Queen/Warrior who is the mother of Crookedstar (formerly known as Stormkit) and Oakheart. Her mate is Shellheart. On a stormy night when the Riverclan camp flooded, she gave birth to her two kits, naming them Stormkit and Oakkit. Later, Stormkit injured himself, causing Rainflower to stop loving him. She became a supposedly evil character and relentlessly hated upon poor Crookedkit. She died when a dog knocked her head against a rock next to a river she was drinking at.

Prior to Stormkit’s injury, Rainflower appeared to be a happy and sweet Queen. She loved her sons and her mate, Shellheart, dearly. But as soon as poor little Stormkit broke his jaw whilst trying to cross a river, hatred and pure anger began to surge through her. She began neglecting the poor kit and renamed him Crookedkit. She never was the same cat again.

So, can we really blame Rainflower for her violent and neglectful actions? Not necessarily. I mean, what she did was terrible and all, but she was too grief-stricken to realize what was actually happening. She was very upset about the fact that her ‘handsome young warrior’ had gone out and injured himself on his own accord. It was an accident, but Rainflower seemed to not take it that way. Sadness began to surge through her and that powerful sadness affected her actions for the rest of her life. She first neglected her poor injured kit, then broke up with her mate, re-named Stormkit Crookedkit, tried to distance herself as far away from her now disfigured son and blames everything on Crookedkit.

As you can see from what I stated above, most of the things that Rainflower did across the course of her later life, were affected by pure grief and sadness. From what we can tell, she seemed to be a lovely she-cat before the terrible accident.

All in all, I still think Rainflower was truly heartless for what she did to her son. Just because he disfigured himself doesn’t mean you should neglect him. Instead, she should have given him more attention. But, her personality drastically changed after that seemingly insignificant event. From what I have written, I believe that Rainflower really wasn’t that bad as some deem her to be. She simply took the event of an injury way too far. There have been other cases of cats completely changing because of one event. Take Mapleshade for example. When her kits drowned, she was blinded by her own grief and rage and wanted to take everything out on important cats in her life.

Rainflower is not as evil as she seems.

Thank you for reading my article!
I hope you enjoyed.
Fare the well!

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  • Rainflower actually was not grief-stricken. If she was, she would visit him whatever chance she got. Shellheart was grief-stricken, not the other way around.

    • Actually she was. The reason why Rainflower didn’t visit Stormkit at the nursery wans’t because she was incapable of loving a kit that was ugly, but rather because she couldn’t love a kit that was she believe would die. Although it seemed like Rainflower disowned him because of his Brokenjaw, I think she refused to visit him in the medicine cats den because if Stormkit died, it would break Rainflower’s heart even more. I think it’s also why she changed Stormkit’s name to “Crookedkit”. Idt she did it to punish Stormkit but to make herself forget that Stormkit was her son. Rainflower wanted to shield herself from the fact that she could’ve caused the death of her only son. While it’s true that Stormkit sneaking off and breaking his jaw was certainly Stormkit’s own fault, Rainflower made no attempt to discourage Stormkit from his reckless behavior. Instead, whenever he acted recklessly, Rainflower only told him how brave he was.

      • I don’t think crooked kits accident was his fault. The kid was like 4. If it’s anyone’s fault and not just a terrible accident, it’s the fault of the ADULTS in the scenario. Goosefeather for chasing children so fiercely, and Rainflower for encouraging this kind of reckless behaviour earlier. Young children are very easy to mould so everytime crooked kit did something reckless, and rainflower said ‘well done my brave little warrior’ then that’ll make him do it again. I do think Shellheart should have interfered too. But at the end of the day it was a terrible accident.

  • If you know gacha life and that such then its like the hated child become princess instead it be like Stormkit has something wrong with him so Rainflower hates him but loves the other kit and then Stormkit become Crookedstar later

  • I think you are right about that. I do agree that Rainflower was a bad mother to Crookedstar. But I don’t think she neglected him because she was incapable of loving a kit that was ugly but rather b/c she thought that Stormkit was going to die. And Rainflower knew that she was just as responsible for Stormkit’s Brokenjaw as she was. She just didn’t admit it b/c according to her former mate, Rainflower didn’t like to admit that she was wrong. Furthermore I don’t think she renamed Stormkit “Crookedkit” to punish him but rather to shield herself from the fact that she could’ve caused the death of her son by refusing to discourage him from his reckless behavior. So I think wanted to forget that Stormkit was her son out of fear that he would die.

    • It is not necessarily defending, it is just an opinion of what he/she thinks. Furthermore, I do agree that she is a bad mother to her own son, but I don’t think ANY mother would just neglect a kit after an injury especially based on her attitude before Crookedstar broke his jaw. This might just be because what she had been through as a kit, we don’t know that. Also tbh I think she would’ve gone to StarClan no matter what. (Btw I think Mapleshade deserves a place in StarClan too, she just wanted to protect her kits.)

      Ps. All of the above is purely my opinion, you don’t have to agree with me or judge my for anything I have written as we all have different opinions.

  • It is her fault though she should’ve watch the poor kit if she would’ve been paying attention they wouldn’t have sneak off

  • Nah, RainFlower sucks and shouldn’t be forgiven. She IS that bad of a cat. She’s emotionally abusive and her dying on the same rocks CrookedStar was injured is absolute karma she deserved. She should honestly be in the dark forest and not StarClan. She didn’t even show up when CrookedStar was gaining his lives (unlike TallStar, who’s father apologized to HIM and was there)

    • Exactly, there are some cats in the dark forest that certainly don’t deserve to be there. Namely that cat that witnessed mapleshades kits drowning and did nothing even though THERE WERE RIVERCLAN CATS HELPING THEM AND SHE COULDN’T SWIM ANYWAY SO WHAT WAS SHE SUPPOSED TO DO? But yeah rainflower should be in the dark forest not her

  • ‘but can you really blame her for her actions?’ actually yes! Absolutely! ‘grief stricken and overwhelmed with sadness’ grieving what?! Her son was still alive and thriving! It’s not like she broke her jaw so what the heck is she so sad about?

    She should have acted like shellheart and been genuinely concerned about his health when he was in the medicine den, not just what his ‘precious handsome face’ would look like and supported him in his recovery. Instead she isolated him by making sure no one visited him, gave him a cruel name, favored his brother which could have shattered THEIR relationship and refused to acknowledge his achievements.

    A surprising amount of these comments are saying she was grief stricken and didn’t know what she was doing, or she isolated him because she felt guilty about his accident. No she did not feel guilty. She was upset because in her eyes her son wasn’t ‘pretty’ anymore. She was a narcissist and was too worried about making her children perfect reflections of her than their safety. Grieving what? There was nothing to grieve

    I’m sorry if anyone’s feelings are hurt by this but there are parents in the real world who act this way if their child has a disability, particularly visible ones and I’m worried you’d defend them the same way.