• You walk into the kitchen to find both of your parents cleaning up the Friskies over in the pantry. They haven’t noticed you yet – you’re just the cat, after all, and your steps are soft and silent. A sudden feeling of superiority rises up in you. Just the cat, huh? You go up to your parents and demand food – they live to serve you! But you realize it’s just your arrogant cat-self. This must be how the cat feels every day, you realize. You sit back down and wait patiently.

    Eventually they give you your food after a scolding. You prepare to dig in until you realize you’ve never had cat food. What does it taste like? Does it actually taste like the flavor it claims to be? You mentally shrug and tentatively take a bite. It tastes like…chicken. Crunchy, dry, pellet-shaped chicken, but nonetheless, chicken. It’s not terrible, and you’re super hungry, so you eat it all.

    After your breakfast, you’re feeling warm and ready for adventure. You decide to go outside. It just snowed last night, and the view from the window immerses you in a winter wonderland.

    Do you go:
    a) To the roof
    b) To the backyard

  • this is the character creation page, here you can create your character. please reply to THIS comment with the character form or your character will NOT be accepted.
    here is the form
    Anything else should know about your character:

    here is mine
    Name: Blizzardpaw/song
    Description: https://imgur.com/a/9QJYfF4
    Age: 9
    Rank: apprentice, almost warrior
    Backstory: Blizzardpaw was found near Great hollow (Gathering place) Stoneclan took her in and trained her. Blizzardpaw never felt welcome. Until she made her friend Bumblepaw/berry
    Personality: Kind, cheerful, ready to do anything for her clan
    Family/friends: Her family is unknown but she was taken in by a queen name Diamondblaze. her best friend is Bumblepaw
    Anything else should know about your character: She should have been made a warrior moons ago but wasn’t because her leader had no time.

    Also can some one else be Bumblepaw/berry she is Blizzardpaw/song’s best friend

    • I can be Bumblepaw/berry as one of my cats, I need to know how they act though

      Name: Emberkit

      Description: A small black fluff ball with dark green eyes and white chest fur, back paws, and underbelly

      Age: 4 moons

      Rank: Kit

      Backstory: He ran away from his original clan in fright due to his sister snapping at him, and ended up getting lost, soon he was taken in by Stoneclan

      Personality: Very sweet and curious, often wanting to help out other kits, or anybody he can, hes ready to help anyone no matter what

      Family/friends: He’s being fostered by a queen named Gemrise, and hes trying to be friends with everyone

      Anything else should know about your character: He hates yelling and arguments

      • Accepted but I’ve decided to give Bumblepaw/berry to Daydream because the original was a med cat. thx

    • i’ll be bumblepaw!

      Name: Stormsky
      Description: a long-furred grey mackerel with amber eyes
      Age: 18
      Rank: med cat
      Backstory: she was born with bad hearing and couldn’t hear well. She felt like she did something wrong and this was a punishment. After a while her hearing got better but everything was still muffled. Her mentor was Shadewing, who taught her well and she learned about herbs quickly. Shadewing cared deeply about Stormsky, who still believed her failed hearing was a punishment. Eventually Shadewing died at a young age, 20 moons in fact, and when Stormsky was only 15. She swore since the day he died that she would become the best mentor to who ever would be her apprentice. She enjoys stormy weather, because it makes everything quieter, and thunder drowned out the sound, so that every cat could be a little deaf too.
      Personality: sweet, kind, gentle, loyal
      Family\friends: Fernwhisper(mother; dead) Orcasplash(father; now a loner named Orca) Featherwisp(sister; dead) Shadewing(friend; dead)

      • Accepted I’ve decided to give Bumbleberry to you Since the original character is a med cat.
        here is Bumbleberry’s Purssona: Short legged small she-cat with golden fur and black stripes, Emerald green eyes. and she is a bright cheerful and Loyal Med. cat apprentice who enjoys what she does. you can chose the rest, you can also change some stuff in her Personality and purrsona. and you can choose everything else

    • i’ll be bumblepaw!

      Name: Stormsky
      Description: a long-furred grey mackerel with amber eyes
      Age: 18
      Rank: med cat
      Backstory: she was born with bad hearing and couldn’t hear well. She felt like she did something wrong and this was a punishment. After a while her hearing got better but everything was still muffled. Her mentor was Shadewing, who taught her well and she learned about herbs quickly. Shadewing cared deeply about Stormsky, who still believed her failed hearing was a punishment. Eventually Shadewing died at a young age, 20 moons in fact, and when Stormsky was only 15. She swore since the day he died that she would become the best mentor to who ever would be her apprentice. She enjoys stormy weather, because it makes everything quieter, and thunder drowned out the sound, so that every cat could be a little deaf too.
      Personality: sweet, kind, gentle, loyal
      Family\friends: Fernwhisper(mother; dead) Orcasplash(father; now a loner named Orca) Featherwisp(sister; dead) Shadewing(friend; dead)
      also: is bumblepaw med cat app or regular app?

    • Name: Dawnpaw
      Description: golden tabby she-cat with grey paws and blue eyes
      Age: 6 moons
      Rank: apprentice
      Backstory: her mother abandoned her
      Personality: quiet, lonely, smart, awkward, feels left out
      Family/friends: unknown/she wants friends, but doesn’t know how to make them
      Anything else: she loves to play, and doesn’t like to argue, she also feels like she isn’t accepted

    • Name: Blazecreek
      Description: short-furred ginger tom with faint stripes,blue eyes,and one white dot on the underside of his paw
      Age: 4 years old
      Rank: warrior
      Backstory: Blazecreek was born as Blazekit to Mothbrook and Claypelt,along with his siblings Lilykit and Flurrykit. He was apprenticed to Rabbitheart and trained well under the old tom. Around a week before Blazepaw was to have his warrior assessment,Flurrypaw was killed by a cat from an opposing clan for accidentally crossing the border. Though he was grieving,Blazepaw refused to have his assessment rescheduled,and managed to preform well enough to receive his full name before Lilypaw. Blazecreek was reluctant to leave his home,and wanted to fight back against the cats pushing at StoneClan’s borders,but didn’t object when the final decision was made.
      Personality: tries to be optimistic,sees battle as a solution to most things,likes kits and ‘paws
      Family/friends: mother is Mothbrook,father is Claypelt,sister is Lilyfoot,brother is Flurrypaw
      Anything else should know about your character: none

    • Name: Cheetahflight
      Description: spotted yellow cat with green eyes and jet black tail

      Age: 12

      Rank: senior warrior

      Backstory: She was thrown out of TigerClan because her mother was a
      CheetahClan cat. She named herself Cheetahkit in honor of her new clan

      Personality: Cheery and easy to get frustrated

      Family/friends: Heartstone, Graypelt, Mousefur
      Anything else should know about your character: She is a super fast learner and became a warrior at 10 moons. She is also very elusive!

      • Accepted, But in this world sort of there isn’t tigerclan and cheetahclan, there is fernclan and doveclan and then cat’s form both clan left and created Stoneclan.

    • Name: Echoclaw
      Description: black she-cat with grey paws and amber eyes
      Age: 30 moons
      Rank: warrior
      Backstory: Echoclaw’s mother died to a rogue when she was a apprentice, she has held a grudge against rogues and loners since
      Personality: obnoxious, rude, has a temper, kind to some cats
      Family/friends: Blackleaf (mother: deceased)
      Anything else should know about your character: she is very rude to Dawnpaw, and is part of the reason Dawnpaw feels she’s not accepted.

    • Name: Hazelcall
      Description: Small legged She-cat with long fur, and Splotches of different shades of Brown on her fur.
      Age: 19 recently made a warrior
      Rank: warrior
      Backstory: she was originally from fernclan. but when her family left to go to stoneclan she stayed. when she heard of Fernclan’s wicked plan to destroy stoneclan. she left to warn her family and Stoneclan, and later joined stoneclan
      Personality: Often ignored or over looked, she is kind and caring, But her kindness is often Taken for granted, She hopes she could find a cat that actually cares for her and would do anything for her well being. She Keeps Her feelings in and hides them behind fake smiles and laughter. She often divides cats up in two groups, the ones she can trust and the ones she cannot. She often states that It’s all about trust and Not power. If you trust then you have already won. and that is what is keeping her going. All through out her life she goes by this and doesn’t like cats that betray her saying and rely on power instead of Friendship and Trust. It can be hard to get on her good side, because she only let’s cats in that she know wont hurt her. after several battles and betrayals before stoneclan was driven out. Hazelcall has lost all hope in the other two clans and often Wants to go back and claw their ears off.
      Family/friends: Cloudbelly (Mother, Died due to hunger) Lionfang (sister, Still alive) Firefern (Sister, Still alive) Doeheart (Father, Died due to green cough) Has a crush on Adderbite (Will be her future mate) and the one other person on her good side is Smallstorm (Her best friend)
      Anything else should know about your character: When Stoneclan finds a new home, Hazelcall Leaves the clan along with the Rest of her family and friends. they start planning the destruction Of the clans. you could think of them as an anarchy so they aren’t a clan, but that is for a different rp.

    • Name: Crystalcloud
      Description: Silver tabby with turquoise blue eyes
      Age: 30 moons
      Rank: Queen
      Backstory: Was abandoned as a kit with no sisters or brothers
      Personality: Overprotective, smart, strong, kind, athletic, flexible, loyal
      Family/friends: Silverblossom (Friend)
      Other: She’s expecting kits in 1 moon

      Name: Stormclaw
      Description: Gray tabby with ice blue eyes and a lightning mark on his chest
      Age: 35 moons
      Rank: Warrior
      Backstory: Was Clan born but his father and siblings as well as him, were called kittypets, because of his father’s kittypet blood. Father died due to Twolegs. Mother died due to blood loss (Like Silverstream)
      Personality: Strong, smart, kind, caring, a little bit clumsy, loyal
      Family/friends: Reedfur (Father deceased), Pebbleheart (Mother deceased), Willowtail (Sister still alive)
      Other: He’s VERY loyal to Crystalcloud (his mate)

  • 💥Flareheart❤Flarepaw💥Flare❤ Who sits in a pumkin to scare little kids, and who used to be Blizzardsong says:


    The fighters: cats who fight a clan’s battles, these are important to keep the clan safe.
    The gatherers: these are the cats who gather things for the clans, including information resources and more, those normally contact starclan.
    The Hunters: Cats who feed the clan, these are crucial to the clan’s survival.
    The healers: those are those who heal their classmates, also a crucial job for the clan.
    The talkers: those cats negotiate with the other clan, to keep the peace.
    The Double: these cats fit into 2 or more of the above sections.
    The leader: This cat rules the clan and can fit in any of the Sections.
    The Deputy: rules the clan after the Leaders death, Also may fit into all the sections.
    Which section ur cat is in depends on their power, The cats section is determined by you, I trust ur judgment.

    this is the character creation form, here you can create your character. please reply to THIS comment with the character form or your character will NOT be accepted.
    here is the form
    Anything else should know about your character:

    • 💥Flareheart❤Flarepaw💥Flare❤ Who sits in a pumkin to scare little kids, and who used to be Blizzardsong says:

      Name: Flareheart.
      Description: Very fluffy tortoise shell she-cat with elegant lavender eyes, white paws and the tip of tail, and a moon on her forehead. her tortoise spots look like flares of fire.
      Age: 15 moons
      Section: Double (Fighter, Gatherer)
      Ability: Can enter one’s memories and burn certain ones with purple fire, when a memory is set on fire the cat loses it, but if Flareheart doesn’t leave the cats mind after 1 minute she gets stuck in it for 2 days when she is in a cats mind she and the cat fall unconsious.
      Backstory: none
      Personality: Fierce to her enemy’s, has a temper, Holds grudges easily. Is edgy and doesn’t trust anyone, and has an attitude towards everyone.
      Family/friends: none, she prefers to stay alone, her family died due to old age and battles.
      Anything else should know about your character: she is a shadowclan cat.

    • 💥Flareheart❤Flarepaw💥Flare❤ Who sits in a pumkin to scare little kids, and who used to be Blizzardsong says:

      Also I have to accept ur character before roleplaying

    • Name: Silentwisp
      Description: light silver tabby cat with a faint darker wing pattern on back, two tails, and pale blue eyes
      Age: 13 moons
      Section: Double (Gatherer, talker)
      Ability: can faintly manipulate water, causing fish in water to swim away to make gathering things easier.
      Backstory: Found at the border with a sister. His sister was found tearing him to shreds screeching ‘You’re the reason father left us’, eventually led to his tails being limp and useless. She was exiled soon after. He prefers not to speak of this yet he carves his stories into bark. Led to the discovery of his many scars he had earned as a kit.
      Personality: Shy, cowardly, but in conditions he can stand up to things others have done.
      Family/Friends: He considers most his friend. His only living kin, however, he is afraid of. This kin is considered a threat to the clans.
      Anything else should know about your character: He carries the floof gene, which is recessive. His father had short fur but carried the gene, and his mother was very floofy. He also has a tuxedo gene. Both parents had blue eyes. Comes from RiverClan.

    • Name: Emberstream
      Description: dark brown tabby she-cat with hazel eyes
      Age: 40 moons
      Section: the double (talker and hunter)
      Ability: can make her choice seem much better, but not completely blind other. Useful in talking, but also can semi work on prey
      Backstory: can I make it up later?
      Personality: reserved, temperamental, kind to kits
      Family/friends: n/a
      Anything else: I don’t think so!

    • Name: Nature’speaker
      Description: A Grey and grey-ish lime she cat with a white paw,ear,tailtip and snout (green eyes)
      Age:25 moons
      Section: the talker
      Ability: can communicate with animals, plants water etc. But if she talks to one of the above for over 3 hours she takes over the animal, wat er, plant for 1 hour.
      Backstory: Unknown
      Personality:kind,reasonable,calm,peaceful,protective,respectful,sarcastic in some cases.
      Friends/family: Family:n/a, friends:insert name if you like!
      Other: Is a rc cat.

    • Name: Bluestone
      Description: A blue-gray she-cat with white paws, and silver eyes.
      Age: 18 moons
      Section: Double. Hunters, Fighters
      Ability: She is able to see through things
      Backstory: normal
      Personality: Can be sarcastic, but kind overall
      Family/friends: Leopardsong friend
      Anything else should know about your character: she is very useful in battles so most people need her.

      Name: Leopardsong
      Description: a light golden she-cat with turqois eyes, brown cheetah spots, and white paws
      Age: 18 moons
      Section: deputy
      Ability: She has paws that can go on fire
      Backstory: normal
      Personality: kind, friends with everyone
      Family/friends: Bluestone
      Anything else should know about your character:

    • 🌸 Lily that blooms in rainbow light 🏳‍🌈 | Lilypaw/light (Formerly Nightrunner) | Lily/Lilia | She/They says:

      Name: Jadestory
      Description: A sleek black, white and gray she, with faded spots in her pelt. Her eyes are a mysterious purple.
      Age: 21 (Human years)
      Section: Fighter
      Ability: She can inflict more pain on cats than usual.
      Backstory: Jadestory was originally a loner. She enjoyed the peace of living alone, and never intended to join anything. But when she saw the fighting, she saw it as a way to secretly bring down the cats that had been taking away from her home, eating all of the prey, and waging loud battles on each other. Her rage gave her the powers she has, and she met another cat who shared her same belief that if there is to ever be peace again, it will be without the clan cats.
      Personality: Sharp tongued, fierce, malicious, controlling, evil
      Family/friends: Glitchedtongue
      Anything else should know about your character: She is a RiverClan cat.

      One for Glitched is coming but I have to put it in a different comment-

    • 🌸 Lily that blooms in rainbow light 🏳‍🌈 | Lilypaw/light (Formerly Nightrunner) | Lily/Lilia | She/They says:

      Here’s Glitch:

      Name: Glitchedtongue
      Description: A white tom with black and orange stripes scattered randomly across his pelt, which sometimes seem to move. His eyes are a oddly bright shade of red.
      Age: 21 (Human years)
      Section: Fighter
      Ability: He can glitch in and out of a solid form to pass through solid objects, but only for five seconds at a time.
      Backstory: No one knows much about Glitchedtongue, only that he showed up one day on the edge of ShadowClan territory and demanded to see the leader. Soon after, he was accepted into the clan and trained hard as an apprentice. He discovered his powers while battle training. His mentor had thrown his paw out in an attack, but instead of hitting Glitch, it went right through him. Glitch earned his warrior name and was ready for whatever happened next. Turns out, that was meeting a she named Jadestory. Jadestory asked if he was new to the clan, she hadn’t seen him in any battles yet. He told her he was. Jade then asked where he was from. When he answered that he was a former rogue, she smiled slightly and said, “So, we are the same.” He had to leave, but soon, they met again. This time, Jade explained her plan to bring down the clans to him. She had a point. The clans were wasting their time fighting each other. It was time for a new era. One that rogues and loners would rule. He quickly joined her cause and they decided to meet outside the territories every night and discuss and plot new ideas for their plan.
      Personality: Soft-spoken, secretive, ambitious, rude
      Family/friends: Jadestory
      Anything else should know about your character: He belongs to ShadowClan. He stutters a lot, making it sound like he has lag when speaking, giving him his name.

    • Name: Bearkit
      Description: black she-cat with brown muzzle, paws, looks like black bear
      Age: 5 moons
      Section: will be double (hunter + gatherer)
      Ability: can talk to animals and convice them to do things for her
      Backstory: she was an abandoned kit and shadowclan found her and took her in
      Personality: shadowclan found her to be cunning, smart, and brutal, she doesn’t trust anyone and wants to keep it that way
      Family/friends: her mother, Polar, and sister, Wolf, no idea where they are. they abandoned Bear because she was so rude
      Anything else should know about your character: shes in shadowclan, and often talks foxes into attacking the camp, but no one knows what her power is, so they think the foxes just want to attack them

    • ahhhh I was going to do this RP like weeks ago when you first made it but I forgot…. *facepalms* 😭

      Name: Honeysnap
      Description: a honey-colored tom with white speckles and mesmerizing violet eyes
      Age: young warrior
      Section: talker
      Ability: when talking to other cats if they look into his eyes they are completely mesmerized and believe everything he says, but he weakens after about 5 minutes and when he looks away the cats he was talking to get confused, but they can remember what they thought originally and they knew they were being hypnotized. But by then it may already be too late.
      Backstory: he was raised normally, but when his mother turned rogue he was constantly teased about being a rogue himself, and he wanted to prove them wrong, and yeah classic evil dude story
      Personality: his voice is like honey, very smooth and silky, and his ability only helps it, but on the inside he is very bitter. Holds grudges a lot.
      Family/friends: Sister is Ivywhisker
      Anything else should know about your character: is suspiciously covered in vines and leaves and things in the morning like he was out all night doing suspicious things… hmmm also could not be more different then his sister, but still takes care of her

      Name: Ivywhisker
      Description: smol bean she-cat with light brown fur and tan rosettes. Has dark brown paws, ears, and tip of tail. Has light blue eyes
      Age: just made a warrior, was an app like a month (moon) ago, cause when her ability was first discovered they didn’t know how to fix it and she missed some of her training but technically is young warrior age
      Section: healer
      Ability: can grow small plants, but not in self defense, and they are never big. Even growing just one can make her feel very tired, and if she uses it too much she faints and won’t wake up until the moon has gone over her head, if she’s in her den she won’t wake up
      Backstory: mostly normal life, rest is explained above ^^
      Personality: VERY skittish, gets scared very easily, has panic attacks at times
      Family/friends: Brother is Honeysnap
      Anything else should know about your character: not an evil bone in her body except for……

    • Name: Wolfbite
      Description: Big, gray-silver tom with long hair and amber eyes
      Age: 20 moons
      Section: Fighters
      Ability: He can learn and take in skills really fast. Ex: he had a fight with another cat who is waay stronger than him. He gets demolished. The next time the opponent cant even hit him or dodge him.
      Backstory: He got left by himself by his mom and have lived in the twolegsplace for about a year when he found the clans and decided to join. He was one of the most respected cats in the place he came from
      Personality: Quiet, straight, strict, can sometimes try to fit in or say something funny but rarely works out
      Family/friends: Unknown
      Anything else should know about your character: He will maybe become deputy/leader one day

      • 💥ᠻꪶꪖ᥅ꫀꫝꫀꪖ᥅ꪻ❤𝕗Lᗩя𝒆𝕡άW💥𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖊❤𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕪💥Belugasong💦 🏴‍☠Captain of the Eclipse 🏴‍☠help save the Beluga whale says:

        Accepted but maybe he can have a limit to the amount of knowledge he can hold?

    • Name: Drizzledrop
      Description: a bluish-grey she-cat with a light grey tail tip, and half of her face is split purrfectly in half, one half grey, the other bluish-grey. Her ears are bluish-grey and she had on dark blue eye and one light blue eye.
      Age: 4 yrs
      Section: the deputy
      Ability: she can control the weather, and she likes making blizzards or hailstorms in mist of battle, and her clan sometimes gets caught in it, getting injured.
      Backstory: When Drizzledrop was born into the clan, it started raining the second she was born, so her mother named her Drizzlepaw, but they never found out that she had made it rain all along.
      Personality: she’s strict, an awesome hunter, she can sneak up on people easily, thats why shes a great hunter. She is a great leader, she’s rude, and evil
      Family/friends: idk..
      Anything else should know about your character: she’s in ThunderClan, and sometimes drenches the camp by making it rain for days. Once a ThunderClan cat got in an argument with her, and she made it hail until the camp was a mess, then when it stopped, the clan was relieved, but then she made it rain for days, heavy rain.

      • 💥ᠻꪶꪖ᥅ꫀꫝꫀꪖ᥅ꪻ❤𝕗Lᗩя𝒆𝕡άW💥𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖊❤𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕪💥Belugasong💦 🏴‍☠Captain of the Eclipse 🏴‍☠help save the Beluga whale says:

        Accepted but can we make it so she can only do blizzards and hailstorms Thx and deputy is taking so they cant be that, can you pick something else.

        • hmm okay lemme think
          the double, hunting and fighting
          also, can she be able to make it rain too? blizzards, hailstorms, and rainstorms?

    • 💥ᠻꪶꪖ᥅ꫀꫝꫀꪖ᥅ꪻ❤𝕗Lᗩя𝒆𝕡άW💥𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖊❤𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕪💥Belugasong💦 🏴‍☠Captain of the Eclipse 🏴‍☠help save the Beluga whale says:

      Name: Belugasong
      Description: Big pale gray she-cat with striking blue eyes.
      Age: 18 moons
      Section: talker
      Ability: she has an enchanting voice that can cause hallucinations. it tiers her out to do it though and if she causes hallucinations for too long she falls unconscious for days.
      Backstory: at some point when she was just Belugakit she was Best friends with Flarekit(heart) to the point where some suspected the 2 were siblings. but after a while, Flareheart changed and was warped by the war. while Belugasong kept her sweet selfless personality Flareheart didn’t. and soon she found Flareheart had moved on and left her in the dust, but Belugasong was never capable of doing so.
      Personality: Sweet kind and Selfless. she does her best to preserve peace and would risk her life for anyone and everyone.
      Family/friends: She considers Flareheart her friend, but everyone knows she really isn’t
      Anything else should know about your character: she often glances longingly at Flareheart, wishing that the Flareheart that she knew and loved would come backt to her.

    • Name: Featherleap
      Description: Light gray tabby she-cat with icy blue eyes and black speckles on her forehead with a dark gray star-shaped spot on her chest.
      Age: 12 moons.
      Section: Hunter.
      Ability: Can breathe any element if she focuses very hard and it can have weird side affects.
      Backstory: Wanted to have kits with (Random tom) but he turned her down.
      Personality: Friendly toward most kits, can get mad at anyone,(especially toms) usually dispenses anger at everyone.
      Family/friends: Only has a sister but they hate each-other
      Anything else should know about your character: Hates the color blue, loves to eat bread because she used to be a kittypet, but changed her mind, scared of heights. she Is a Windclan cat.

    • Name: Nightclaw
      Description: Pure black she-cat with lots of scars and piecing yellow eyes
      Age: 30 moons
      Section: Fighter
      Ability: Can make an opponent freeze when touching it
      Backstory: Mother was a rogue and abandoned her, ShadowClan found her and took her in, her scars are from many battles
      Personality: Cunning, sly, mean, enjoys bullying younger cats
      Family/friends: None as many don’t like her
      Anything else should know about your character: Hates everything and everyone

      • 💥ᠻꪶꪖ᥅ꫀꫝꫀꪖ᥅ꪻ❤𝕗Lᗩя𝒆𝕡άW💥𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖊❤𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕪💥Belugasong💦 Oreo's are cool says:

        not accepted. her power is simply too op. can you please tone it down? i hope you understand, i’m just trying to keep an already dead rp a little alive.

        • Um, are you talking about mine? or Nightclaw’s/Moonrunner18173? If mine is to Over-powered I can fix it.

          • 💥ᠻꪶꪖ᥅ꫀꫝꫀꪖ᥅ꪻ❤𝕗Lᗩя𝒆𝕡άW💥𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖊❤𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕪💥Belugasong💦 Oreo's are cool says:

            I just noticed they have the same name 😳

            yes, yours is also overpowered, maybe just put a cooldown on it?

            • ALL FOR TWIX!!(Suntuft, who is hiding in the Christmas tree so she can see Santa and eat his cookies) says:

              Oki-doke! I can fix it.

              Name: Featherleap
              Description: Light gray tabby she-cat with icy blue eyes and black speckles on her forehead with a dark gray star-shaped spot on her chest.
              Age: 12 moons.
              Section: Hunter.
              Ability: Can breathe any element if she focuses very hard and it can have weird side affects and it has a cool-down for 2 days.
              Backstory: Wanted to have kits with (Random tom) but he turned her down.
              Personality: Friendly toward most kits, can get mad at anyone,(especially toms) usually dispenses anger at everyone.
              Family/friends: Only has a sister but they hate each-other
              Anything else should know about your character: Hates the color blue, loves to eat bread because she used to be a kittypet, but changed her mind, scared of heights. she Is a Windclan cat.

  • Name: Nightclaw
    Description: Pure black she-cat with a lot of scars and piercing yellow eyes
    Age: 30 moons
    Section: Fighter
    Ability: Can freeze an opponent when touched for as long as she wants
    Backstory: Mother was a rogue and abandoned her, then ShadowClan found her and took her in her scars are from battles
    Personality: Cunning, sly, mean, bullies younger cats
    Family/friends: None as lots of cats hate her
    Anything else should know about your character: Hate everything and everyone

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