A Month’s Roundup In Cats + Special Announcement

The June edition of A Month’s Roundup in Cats is here!

(Yes, we skipped May. Kind of. Yes, there was already a Roundup post in the middle of June. And yes, I didn’t even do this Roundup myself — thanks Wollow, you’re a star. Just bear with me please. -Flo)

Hey, BlogClan! Guess what? With this month’s issue of A Round-up In Cats, we’re introducing an entirely new contest! More will be explained at the end.

It’s June, so it’s time for A Month’s Round Up In Cats! Please paw-don the puns, but they were too claw-some not to include 😉

Puns aside, prepare for some EXTREME KITTY CUTENESS, as always.  This installment brings some of the cutest kitties we’ve seen so far ^-^

Now that it’s summer (and it definitely feels like it) we’ll need some summer-themed cats!  Like this beach kitty over here, all decked out in full summer gear.  Flowery leis are a must for a proper summer.

This cat is cooler than I’ll ever be

Here’s a cat enjoying some watermelon!  Looks pretty tasty (and pretty cute)

I wish I had some watermelon. Or frozen grapes. Frozen grapes are a must.

Next, a cat swimming to beat the heat!  (It gets pretty hot where I live.  It’s a blessing and a curse, but at least it means you can swim to your heart’s content.)  

This lil boop doesn’t look very happy, and cats + water can’t make a fun combo.

And we conclude this edition of Roundup as we usually do — a cute cat video. This cat can swim better than I can, and I don’t know how I feel about it.

That concludes our June(ish) Round Up In Cats! Now, onto our contest — I’ll let the brilliant Icy (thank you for existing) take it from here!

Yes, you heard it right, folks – A brand new contest just for you! 😀

In this contest, you’ll be given an image of a cat. And you, with your brilliant little minds, have to come up with a fitting caption for it! And guess what else?

The winning entry will be featured in the next issue of A Month’s Round-up In Cats! How cool is that? 🙂

Before we get onto this month’s picture, we’ll get on with the rules.


  • Only one entry per person! Any more and it’ll be too hard to judge. Make my job easy, please. For my sake. 😉
  • Nothing inappropriate, explicit, gory, or unsuitable for BlogClan in any way. Entries of this nature will not be tolerated and your entry will not be accepted.
  • The deadline is July 31st, 2017, at 11:59 PM EST. Any entries posted after this time will not be considered.
  • Please be kind and considerate of all other entries! Everyone has an equal chance of winning. 🙂
  • Have fun! 😀

And now, we’ll show you our photo for this month’s contest!

Your task – Caption this cute little munchkin! You can submit your entries in the comments of this post! 😀

And that’s all for now! See you next month, BlogClanners! 😉

Iceeeeeeeeeee (Icy)


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