Get ready for excitement yet to come…
The Election is over and our Medicine Cat is chosen (all hail Flowerstream)!
It’s been a fantastic year so far; we’ve welcomed many lovely new members, and had a great time with all the familiar old faces. We’ve established our new and expanded BlogTeam, who are doing a great job keeping the articles and posts flowing, and we’ve had our aforementioned election season (which was an absolute blast).
We hope you’ve been having as much fun taking part as we’ve had organising everything.
So then, I hear you asking, what comes next?
BlogTeam invites you to tune into the blog on July 16th at 8:00pm UTC (click to convert into your time zone) as myself, Flowerstream and Shiver prepare you for the next big thing…
I’m confused if it’s Sunday or Monday XD. I’ll be here at 1:00 on Sunday just in case. Is it going to be on live chat?
It’ll be a post, and it’s going to be posted tomorrow in a few hours
I’ll try to be there 😀
today’s the 16th
unfortunately for me I’m 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of the given time 😛
Just set an alarm for 1:00 AM and wake yourself up, before checking BlogClan. Then you can snooze.
I don’t own any electronics, and I doubt my mother would be happy if I woke her at 1.30 am 😛
Oh, I see….you could ask her to have it for the night.
This is gonna be announced at 4pm for me
Let’s see, that’s approximately 6.5 hours away? If my math is correct?
I’m on at 4PM. So pumped for this!
6 hours!!! 😮 😀
It says I have to wait till Monday…. I hope it’s lying…
My clock is 7 hours behind (it’s about 9:15 am)
Or eight hours difference. Idk exactly
2 hours left yey
itll start at 1:00 pm for me
42 more minutes!!!!!
No there’s an hour and four minutes left
5 minutes…
nvm it’s utc not bst
twenty three minutes actually
Where is it? It should be out!!!
34 minutes 🙂 UST, not BST.