Nightflower shares a scene of StarClan cats deciding Needletail’s fate.

Hello everyone! This is Nightflower with another article! This article will be about StarClan cats analyzing Needletail. This is inspired by Rosefur. Enjoy!
*Needletail walks up to Yellowfang in StarClan*
Yellowfang: Wait outside.
Needletail: Okay (Walks outside)
Yellowfang: What should we do with her?
Bluestar: I think we should let her in. She saved Violetpaw’s life after all.
Ashfur: But she joined the Kin! She said that StarClan was stupid!
Bluestar: And YOU threatened to kill Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather!
Asfur: …
Yellowfang: Wait. Let’s look at her bio
Bluestar: She’s the daughter of Berryheart and Sparrowtail. She had many littermates, and didn’t get as much attention as she deserved. She was mentored by Tawnypelt. She got angry when her clanmates thought that she died.
Yellowfang: She lived her life as a rebel! She sneaked out of her clan.. she doesn’t listen to her mentor, she spoke wrongly about StarClan, and she even brought rogues to the territories! Her decisions caused a war between the kin and the clans!
Bluestar: Yea but…
Yellowfang: This is enough evidence that she should go to the Dark Forest!
Bluestar: She saved Violetpaw’s life! You said that Ashfur only loved too much! He tried to kill Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze!
Yellowfang: Well, he only loved to much… and he only tried to kill them because he was mad at Squirrelflight…
Ashfur: … Of COURSE I deserve to be in StarClan! Squirrelflight… That liar… should NEVER come to StarClan!
Yellowfang: Who was talking to you? Anyways, we’re talking about Needletail.. NOT YOU.
Bluestar: ANYWAYS… Needletail only became a rebel because she felt rejected as a kit by her parents, and because her clan thought that she died!
Yellowfang: …she thinks StarClan is stupid
Needletail: Hello? Can I come in yet?
Yellowfang and Bluestar: NOT YET!!! WE’RE DECIDING IF YOU CAN COME IN!!
Needletail: What? I’ve been a good cat…
Yellowfang: Stop talking! We’re deciding if you’ve been good enough.
Needletail: but-
Bluestar: Shush
Needletail: Fine
Yellowfang: She should go to the Dark Forest
Bluestar: She should come in.
Okay, readers! That’s all! We don’t really know what happened to Needletail when she died, tell me in the comments what you think happened to her! See you later!
She’s In Starclan Already
She did deserve Starclan!
As I said, the wiki says she’s in Starclan.
Yasssssss she is in StarClan. The wiki says so.
I don’t think Needletail deserves StarClan or the Dark Forest. She should go to some in-between place.
I agree but if StarClan is 10 and The Dark Forest is 1 I think 3, she is in the middle of the middle and The Dark Forest. Or maybe she could become a ghost like SpireSight.
NEEDLETAIL DESERVES STARCLAN. She is a GOOD CAT. She made some mistakes, but learned from them. Also, in the end she made the right choice. Also, she DIED to save Violetpaw. She wouldn’t do that if she wasn’t a good cat. I LOOOOOOOOVE NEEDLETAIL. She is a GREAT cat.
Could Never Be
YES i hate how everyone is all “she broke rules: bad cat” “she joined kin: bad cat” she is so much more than that! She was Violetshine’s only friend and cared for her like a mother.
Well Needletail did do more wrong than right but I do kinda agree with you and kind of not
and Ashfur needs to go to the dark forest, yes?
Ashfur should be in dark forest. So should Mudclaw.
i think mudclaw deserves a second chance, but ashfur you may hit the thunderpath🙂
Actually, he is in the Dark forest now. He impersonates Bramblestar while he died and kidnaps him and becomes the leader of the dark forest
I think Needletail deserves starclan, but i can see her as a dark forest cat
She should definitely get into StarClan (and she is) if you let in Mudclaw and ASHFUR then she definitely deserves to be there. She knew she made a mistake she was trying to escape. She is no worse Than All the others that did that.
nice article, but for one I think she’s in StarClan and if she did go to the dark forest then I will be sad bc she is my fav character
I believe Needle tail should go to StarClan. If you save a cat, that’s an automatic ticket.
Though she joined Darktails’s group, she dies for Violetshine.
That’s good reason enough for her to go to Starclan.
Needletail is one of my favorite characters, and she should go to Star clan, because she was right about the clans thinking non clan cats are lesser. And I like that she wasn’t afraid to stand up to her leader. She also sacrificed her life for violet paw
me 2!
hi and my name is also nightflower