Adderstripe thought back to the corrupted she-cat, a pain of sorrow entering her mind.

Ever tell yourself, “Mapleshade is so evil.” Well, stop telling yourself that, and I’m going to throw all of my reasoning at you to explain why.
WARNING: Contains spoilers for “Mapleshade’s Vengance.”
Mapleshade lived among the felines of Thunderclan. She was a very sweet she-cat, known throughout Thunderclan with her good friend Frecklewish. The only secret she ever kept from them was her relationship with the Riverclan tom, Appledusk. You couldn’t her blame her though, she was the happiest she-cat alive with him, and became even happier when she gave birth to his kit’s. Petalkit, Larchkit, and Patchkit. After a few moons Ravenwing, the medicine cat, tells Mapleshade of a prophecy he had, revealing he knew the truth about her relationship with Appledusk. Mapleshade pleaded he kept it a secret, afraid of her future that lay ahead for her and her kits. Ravenwing ignores her, insisting he shall keep no lie from his clan. She returns to camp, awaiting Oakstar’s opinion.
Mapleshade was ordered by Oakstar into exile, along with her kits after being struck in the face by her once closest friend, Frecklewish. Losing her home, and being sent into pain from her closest friend would already be enough for me, but for Mapleshade, it keeps going. She left Thunderclan, immediately planned to join Riverclan with Appledusk. Rushing off Thunderclan territory during a quite dangerous storm, she must swim across the river with her kits. After the water becomes very violent from the storm, a wave crashed down on top of her, in which caused her to lose her kits. She frantically looked for them, but failed. The next morning her kit’s were all found dead by Appledusk’s patrol, who takes Mapleshade and her dead kits to the Riverclan camp. Now she lost the most greatest that ever happened to her.
When she arrived at the camp, Appledusk coldly blames Mapleshade for the death of “their” kits, and admits to the Riverclan leader he was mates with Mapleshade, but explains to her how badly he regrets it and how wrong he was. Reedshine then sets off affectionate actions towards Appledusk right in front of Mapleshade’s face. She then discovers Appledusk has been with Reedshine this entire time. Mapleshade begs the Riverclan leader to take her in, and to allow her to stay with her dead kit’s who have been buried among their land. The Riverclan leader heartlessly denies Mapleshade requests to seek refuge within Riverclan, even for just a night. Before she is forced to leave, Appledusk says directly to her face that he denies loving her and to leave.
Mapleshade and her kits were exiled from their home.
Her best friend turned on her in a very furious manner.
She lost all of her kits.
Her mate has been cheating on her for who knows how long, and to her face denied he loved her. Also was coldly rejected by him.
She was denied any refuge in Riverclan, and to leave, to leave her kits be buried with Riverclan and not her.
No wonder she killed Frecklewish, Appledusk, Ravenwing, and Crookedjaw/star’s ancestors. It was all for her kit’s, her revenge. You can’t expect for this to happen someone, and not have them go crazy or evil.
Do you agree she has reason to be how she is? Or do you disagree?
Interesting! 😀 Nice article. 🙂
My favorite cat is Mapleshade. So naturally I agree. She was just a queen protecting her kits.
GO MAPLESHADE!!!! Great article, Adderstripe! I’m glad she killed all those cats (mostly Appledusk cause he sucks). Pain can turn into vengeance. I mean she suffered so much! What about Yellowfang? Leafpool? Graystripe (he wasn’t exiled exactly)? It’s not fair for her! Nice job 👍🏽😛
Nice article! I agree with this.
Great article! I agree.
Okay I agree that she had good reason, but she went a bit too far with that. And she did kind of go crazy… so… I like Mapleshade as she was before, and I am sad that her life turned out like that, but she still chose to become an insane murderer. She could’ve done better in life.
Sorry if my opinion offends anyone.
Imagine that your dead babies who cannot find peace in the dead are crying out to you to kill three cats so they can find peace.
I agree. Anger and grief can turn someone crazy, but even so she did go too far. I personally think they did a good job with her backstory though.
I agree!
Another point is that she heard her kits telling her to murder them. She just wanted her babies to find peace. I don’t consider killing them wrong at all. In fact, I was cheering.
I feel really bad for Mapleshade. I just read Mapleshade ‘ s Vengeance and was really good. I think even if she is I the Dark Forest she should be allowed to see her kits.
Great article!
Although you have to sympathize with her for losing her children, and, not gonna lie, what the others did was quite horrible as well, it’s debatable if killing others to avenge them is justifiable. Either way, good article.
I like how ash fur was allowed to join starclan but maple shade wasn’t she wanted her kits to be happy and free while ashfur has to go crazy because he lost his love of his life then tries to kill her kits seriously? Poor thunderclan and riverclan
I don’t get what you’re trying to say…
Basically Mapleshade’s in the Dark Forest when Ashfur isn’t.
Well Mapleshade has her rights . . .no cat would leave kits. Her kits all died and she went to the Dark forest because of Ravenwing and her best friend Frecklewish. She was a nice she-cat until evil Ravenwing and Frecklewish. Why would her best friend betray her? She’s been through enough! Give her a break! Her mate Appledusk is worse. He was so mean to her when she came to RiverClan. Her kits Died! And Appledusk just blamed her for the death of their kits all because of him! Also he cheated on her for Reedshine! What cat dose that to their mate and blames her for the death of their kits when she was trying to save them! He doesn’t deserve any cat after his selflessness! What a liar. No wonder Mapleshade killed Ravenwing, Frecklewish and Appledusk. She was just having revenge of the cats who blamed her and it was their fault that Petalkit, Larchkit and Patchkit didn’t survive and she ended up n the Dark forest! The cats probably all went to StarClan but then StarClan would have bees in their brains for letting them in!
I think it’s all about who was in StarClan at the time. Like for instance, Yellowfang is very sympathetic of relationship drama, and I think she was the main one who defended Ashfur.
I think she loved too much… But it is still sad for her losing all that she had cared for, especially her precious kits…
Mapleshade is my favorite character, so of course I agree with you! I read her book, and I almost cried. If my medicine cat told my friends a deep secret that I asked them to keep, wouldn’t I want to get revenge on them too? Ok, I mean, I probably wouldn’t kill them, but you k ow what I mean. Also if I ever had kids, and they were drowning, and my friend is standing there doing nothing to help, I would probably want to get revenge on them don’t you think? Again, I probably wouldn’t kill them, but I would be very, VERY angry. And if I had a spouse and they were cheating on me, I would most likely be pretty angry and upset. But I do think she kind of went too far with the whole murdering thing.
i believe that murdering them was the best thing Mapleshade ever did