Sky discusses the different relationships of Crowfeather.

We all know that dark-furred cat, reluctant mate of Nightcloud and father to four kits of two litters.
I’d really like to talk about him.
Let’s start with how I see him.
I don’t quite understand how people hate him – sure, he was a player, but he never really loved Nightcloud, so does she even count? More in that later.
I feel like Crowfeather, even though he is talked about, is really treated as a base for shipping wars. He is only prominent to be a tom and a mate. I feel like he should get more credit for other things.
For example, the journey! All people ever say is, “Feather and him were cute on the journey,” and never focus on his role in it! He may have been grumpy and a bad team member, but he truly was a credit and, in the end, learned how to work together.
In WidnClan, he was actually really discriminated against in the beginning. Hints in the book can show us this. It did get better, but in the beginning, I feel like his Clanmates felt like he was disloyal and such.
While we all concentrate on his love for Leafpool versus his love Feathertailail, Crowfeather’s working to prove himself.
Bramblestar had Squirrelflight. Feathertail had Stormfur. Tawnypelt had Rowanclaw. But Crowfeather? Even his mother stopped liking him in short periods.
Let’s fast forwards. We’re all arguing about CrowXLeaf, while Crowfeather is working harder than Yellowfang confronted with a very sick cat! He has to prove himself to us family, friends(that have been lost), and ends up taking a she-cat that he wants nothing to do with.
See how terrible his life was? All the fandom ever talks about(when talking about him) is his ships. No one focuses on his work, role, nor how hard it was for him.
Now let’s move on to ships.
I must say that LeafXCrow is, hands-down, my favorite Crowfeather ship. FeatherXCrow was a cute ship, but is small compared to LeafXCrow. Of course, if Feathertail had lived, I suspect that she would have been Angelica – allowing Leafpool to have Crowfeather. I love how Feathertail is sweet as her mother.
Enough on that. LeafXCrow was beautiful. Crowfeather was originally hostile to her, then saw her personality and began to fall in love. He was mad at himself – see? He hadn’t forgotten Feathertail. He was not a player – he felt really torn.
So then LeafXCrow begins soon. Imagine two cats sitting together, laughing and playing in a moonlit clearing.
Wonderful, right? These two loved each other with every bone.
So when they split paths, obviously, Leafpool is heartbroken.
I feel like LeafXCrow was a great ship. Crowfeather even told her that he did not regret a thing. Look at that harmony; the love.
NightXCrow…..who ships this? Crowfeather did not love her, he just got her pregnant to do WindClan a kit favor and let the pleading hag have kits before she died. He didn’t love her, didn’t like her, and, to be honest, I can’t blame him. She was extremely self-centered, taught Breezepelt to hate his own father because he didn’t coddle Nightcloud and Breezepelt like Nightcloud wanted him to do. Crookedstar had a bad mom, and look where he is. It’s Breezepelts’ own fault. He was so used to being soiled and pampered by mummy that he threw a fit whenever something didn’t go his way.
Anyways, enough ranting.
LeafXCrow 4 Eva, and see you next time!
Nice article. I think I like CrowXLeaf even more now!
I COMPLETY agree with u!!!!!!!!!! And i really like the way u wrote it! 😉 LOVE LeafxCrow!!!!!! :).
Great article!
I love Crowfeather and CrowXLeaf. #CrowXLeafForever <3
She has those eyes, that smile. I’m starting to feel dizzy.
I do not agree with the Crowfeather didn’t like Nightcloud. Even though he didn’t love her, he liked her.
FeatherXCrow forever!
Nightcloud did love Crowfeather but Crowfeather didn’t show much love for her so that’s probably why she practically hates him so Nightcloud probably wouldn’t be so grumpy if Crowfeather actually showed love for her. But I still don’t ship NightXCrow
So, this is one thing I want to point out, that is not meant as an offence, but just something I want to say to everyone: Having a sweet, loving mother who lets you do what you want doen’t make you spoiled! Look at Scourge! His mother didn’t let him do what he wanted to do, and that’s why his siblings bullied him, that’s why he ran away, and if he never ran away, he wouldn’t be evil! Breezepelt didn’t became evil because Nightcloud ‘spoiled’ him, (I hate the word spoiled) but because Crowfeather didn’t care for him! At all! Sorry for this little rant, and sorry if it sounded like an offence, because it definetly wasn’t. Sorry if I was a bit too agressive.