Sparktooth defends Appledusk and Reedwhisker’s relationship.

Hey bloggers! Sparktooth is back! I hope people won’t stop reading my articles just because I wrote this one. I get there are a lot of people who hate these two, but give this article a chance. I have nothing against people who hate them, but it surprised me how much people hated them just because Appledusk ‘cheated’ on Mapleshade with Reedshine. So I’m gonna list three reason why you should re-consider hating them. Also (as I state in almost all of my articles) this is my opinion. I respect yours so please respect mine. 🙂
First things first: these two aren’t a bad couple if you think about it. Reedshine had no idea Appledusk originally was with Mapleshade. She just liked him and since he didn’t seem to have any mates in the clan, (that’s because he had a Thunderclan mate at the time) she wanted to get his attention. Like at the Gathering. Plus, she was brave and defended Appledusk when Darkstar was considering exiling him. I’m pretty sure Appledusk loved her back. Only because he jumped in front of her and sacrificed his life so she and her unborn kits would live. That’s actually really sweet.
Okay, on to number two: Appledusk had a right to turn his back on Mapleshade. Like I stated in my last article about Mapleshade, what would you do if your so-called mate killed your kids? You’d think she’d at least wait until the storm was over to cross the river. Perhaps Appledusk saw this behavior as a bad sign. Maybe he ended up loving Reedshine and wanted to stay with her (that’s true love right there if you ask me). But the reason I think is most likely that he stayed, was that Riverclan was his true home. Just like how Graystripe ended up in Thunderclan after living in Riverclan for a while. It was his true home. So, in some ways, I’d say Appledusk made the right decision.
Don’t worry. This is the last reason. Number three: If Appledusk and Reedshine were never a couple, some characters would’ve never existed. Mapleshade herself says in Crookedstar’s Promise that Reedshine had a daughter, and she had a son. And that son was Shellheart, Crookedstar’s father. If Shellheart never existed, Crookedstar and Oakheart wouldn’t have, so Silverstream or Feathertail and Stormfur wouldn’t have either. Even Mistystar and Stonefur wouldn’t have been alive, etc. So this couple helped some big characters come into the story. And I’m certain about one thing: the story wouldn’t be the same without those characters.
So what did you think? Did I prove my point or do you still hate this couple? (Please, no rude comments). What should I do for my next article? Until next time! 😀
I hate Reedshine, mostly because she was mean to Maple for no reason. She supported Appledusk’s idea of LEAVING MAPLESHADE TO DIE and betraying her. Plus, she showed no sympathy for Maple when she was there, STANDING THERE HALF-DROWNED WITH HER THREE DEAD KITS!!! ANyways I hate Reedshine but still good article