Sparktooth talks about Mapleshade’s victims.

Yep, it’s happening once again, bloggers. Sparktooth is writing another article! I’ve been unintentionally rereading a lot of warriors books that feature Mapleshade in them. (The Last Hope, Crookedstar’s Promise, Mapleshade’s Vengeance, etc.) So she’s been on my mind lately. And I got to thinking about how the first three cats she killed to avenge her kits(Ravenwing, Frecklewish, and Appledusk) seem innocent. Here’s a list and why I think they are.
Apparently, Mapleshade killed Ravenwing because he told her secret about her kits to ThunderClan. But he was just following the Warrior Code. He knew it was wrong to lie, and had to do the right thing by telling Oakstar. It was Oakstar who exiled Mapleshade, not Ravenwing! So why did she follow him to the moonstone and murder him? As if that wasn’t bad enough, uncovering his body was going way too far! I honestly thought she would kill Oakstar, but I guess not.
She was so excited to know her brother’s(Birchface) kits would be in the Clan. So of course she would be angry when the truth was revealed. Oakstar sent her to check and make sure Mapleshade left the territory. Apparently, she watched as Mapleshade tried to cross the river with her kits. Maybe she was blinded by grief because Mapleshade lied. I hear that excuse for Mapleshade a lot. And she couldn’t have known the kits would die. I found it cruel when Mapleshade used the snake on her when she knew ThunderClan had no medicine cat.
Appledusk (And Reedshine and her unborn kits):
Okay, I wrote an article defending Appledusk and Reedshine. I’m gonna be quoting pretty much everything from that so if you’ve read that article you can skip this one. Anyway, Appledusk had a right to turn his back on Mapleshade. What would you do if your so-called mate killed your kids? Plus, Reedshine had no idea about Mapleshade, so of course she was trying to get Appledusk’s attention. Appledusk maybe loved her more, or truly belonged to RiverClan. But him leaving Mapleshade is not a good excuse to kill him. When Shellheart left Rainflower she never killed him! Also,, when Appledusk died saving Reedshine and her kits, I was like, “Oh my gosh! That is so sweet!”
So there’s my opinion for you. Do you agree with any of them? Thank you so much for reading and I hope to see you next time! 😀
Finally! Appledusk did nothing wrong! What was he going to do, lie and say that Mapleshade didn’t kill the kits? While he could have been more supportive, he definitely didn’t deserve what happened to him. Frecklewish, however, did.
When you think a little more, its all Ravenwings fault. If he hadn’t followed Mapleshade, he would not have seen anything and not said anything to Oakstar. Therefore she would not have been exiled and not crossed the river. Her kits would not have died, and she would have no need to avenge them. Ravenwing, Frecklewish and Appledusk would not be dead. She would go to StarClan and Tigerclaw would not be evil( because Mapleshade was Tigerclaws Dark Forest mentor), Reedshine would know that Appledusk is not interested and she would not have his kits, Whitestorm would not be dead becouse Scourge would not have come, Brindleface would not be dead, the dogs would not have been there, Bluestar would have lasted longer and she would not have lost her faith, Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt would not have to fight twice as strong and hunt twice as much to prove they are loyal, Hawkfrost and Mothwing would not exist cause Tigerclaw would have stayed in ThunderClan, Mothwing not existing would be bad but Hawhfrost? A different story. Wow Ravenwing, too far man, you influenced most of the first series with one may I say STUPID choice.
I agree but then we would be wondering what would have happened if it went the opposite way and then were would all the suspense be im not trying to be rude and i agree but im just saying
Wow, when you realize it Stormberry is right. Alot of those events would not have happened. And a kits/cats would not have died if Ravenwing had just shut up instead of having to reveal mapleshade’s secret to everyone.
I know. I do HATE Frecklewish and Oakstar, but Mapleshade is just so toxic she tricks even us into thinking she’s innocent, and her rage is relatable. That’s why she gets so much love.
While I don’t think she should have died, Frecklewish shouldn’t have assumed that the father was Birchface. I mean, sure, Mapleshade hid who the father was, but it was Frecklewish who jumped to conclusions. The fact that the whole clan believed it wasn’t Mapleshade’s fault. Also when she saw the kits drowning, she should have saved them. By not saving the kits, she broke the warrior code. I think with all her hate of Mapleshade, she thought “why risk my life for her kits?” Anyway, if Mapleshade was so severely punished for breaking the code, I think Frecklewish should be too. While she was not punished by Oakstar, I think the punishment she got from Mapleshade was worse than anything Oakstar could have done. Not because of the hurt Mapleshade caused physically, but because I think she was very injured emotionally too, like the weight of what she did came crashing down on her. However, what Mapleshade did to Frecklewish was nothing compared to what happened to Mapleshade. Also I resent Ravenwing because if he felt bad that the kits were being punished or what their mother did, he shouldn’t have told Oakstar. Also he showed NO regret whatsoever for what he did. The warrior code says to protect kits, so Oakstar should have kept the kits. They could have grow into strong warriors that helped their clan. Also I’m sorry if I wrote too much, so before somebody falls asleep reading this, I’m going to end it.
It wasn’t too long actually I like long comments and I think that you have a point to everything that you are saying,
While I don’t think she should have died, Frecklewish shouldn’t have assumed that the father was Birchface. I mean, sure, Mapleshade hid who the father was, but it was Frecklewish who jumped to conclusions. The fact that the whole clan believed it wasn’t Mapleshade’s fault. Also when she saw the kits drowning, she should have saved them. By not saving the kits, she broke the warrior code. I think with all her hate of Mapleshade, she thought “why risk my life for her kits?” Anyway, if Mapleshade was so severely punished for breaking the code, I think Frecklewish should be too. While she was not punished by Oakstar, I think the punishment she got from Mapleshade was worse than anything Oakstar could have done. Not because of the hurt Mapleshade caused physically, but because I think she was very injured emotionally too, like the weight of what she did came crashing down on her. However, what Mapleshade did to Frecklewish was nothing compared to what happened to Mapleshade. Also I resent Ravenwing because if he felt bad that the kits were being punished or what their mother did, he shouldn’t have told Oakstar. Also he showed NO regret whatsoever for what he did. The warrior code says to protect kits, so Oakstar should have kept the kits. They could have grow into strong warriors that helped their clan. Also I’m sorry if I wrote too much, so before somebody falls asleep reading this, I’m going to end it.
Appledusk was literally cheating on Mapleshade. He was seeing Reedshine at the same time as her, just in case things didn’t work out.
Appledusk was literally flirting with two cats at once
Out of all of them I think Frecklewish deserved it most. The warrior code clearly states that if a kit is in danger no matter the clan they must be saved. Frecklewish just stood there while Mapleshade lost ALL her kits. Now think of it this way. What would RAVENWING, FRECKLEWISH AND APPLEDUSK think if they had kits that drowned in a river while Mapleshade watched as their kits helplessly drowned? What would Ravenwing think if she had a a legal mate and kits and suddenly Mapleshade announced that Ravenwing must leave. Her kits drowned while Mapleshade watched as Ravinwing suffered?
Actually, Frecklewish DID do something wrong – she was there when Mapleshade’s kits drowned and did nothing to help them – as said in the warrior’s wiki.
Therefore, she deserved what she got.