Where do Rusty’s dreams come from?

Sunpaw ponders the origin of Firestar’s dreams.

Art by Romashik Arts

Hey everybody, Sunlightning here and today I’ll be trying something different: a Warrior Cats Theory! Today’s theory will be: Where did Rusty’s dreams come from?
Major spoiler warning if you haven’t read Warriors.
Be warned.
So are you still watching? If you are, it either means you’ve read it or you haven’t and don’t mind spoilers.
In the sixth book of the first series, Darkest Hour, Firestar said to Cinderpelt β€œI’ve had prophetic dreams since I was kittypet, but I’m not sure where they came from.” Or something like that, then Cinderpelt replied β€œIn the end, all dreams come from StarClan”. SO I’m going to see if she is right or not.

So the first option is: SkyClan’s Starclan, this’ll be one of the shortest options, so if rusty never came to the forest and became Firestar, SkyClan would’ve never been restored. Also, Brambleclaw would’ve never became deputy so he would’ve neve rbacame Bramblestar so he wouldn’t accept violetkit and twigkit into ThunderClan. If he didn’t, they would’ve died on the Thunderpath and Twigpaw would’ve never took SkyClan to the forest

Then the second option is The Tribe of Endless Hunting: So if rusty never came to the forest Graystripe wouldn’t’ve gotten helped to bring his kits to RiverClan and Feathertail wouldn’t’ve saved the Tribe of Rushing Water from Sharptooth.

The third option is: The Dark forest If rusty never came the forest, he wouldn’t’ve met Sandstorm to have kits so they can have kits so prophecy can come true, so the Dark Forest can rise. According to Rock, if the three had never been born the dark forest wouldn’t’ve got the power to rise. Also, Tigerstar would’ve never been sent to Dark Forest because Scourge killed him to show his power to Firestar.
The last option is: StarClan: What Cinderpelt said, so the evidence is: If the three hadn’t been born, the dark forest might’ve risen without any protection so the clans would be destroyed, also Firestar would’ve never convinced the clans to go on the great journey because he wouldn’t exist with the clans. Finally, if he didn’t come to the forest, Tigerstar would be leader of ThunderClan because there was no one to prove him being guilty.

I’m trying to say that this right, for all I know it could be all four. When I didn’t consider StarClan, like I did during the beginning I was thinking the Dark Forest but now I’m still going towards the Dark Forest. Tell me in the comments what option you think is true and until next time Sunlightning out and don’t forget, have fun!

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  • Nice article! That would be really interesting if the dreams came from the Dark Forest… πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

  • Nice article! I assume they came from StarClan since they give the prophecies and they gave the fire prophecy around the same time that Rusty started having his dreams. Besides, I don’t think the Dark Forest has that much foresight.

  • Wow this is so interesting! I honestly don’t know either where his dreams came from but it’s cool to think about. Nice job! This was well done. πŸ™‚

  • While it’s interesting to consider all these reasons, at the end of the day StarClan would be the one most eager to get Firestar into the forest to save ThunderClan.

    SkyClan wouldn’t be interested in Firestar, until after he’d become leader and had the ability to reform their clan. They wouldn’t care about his presence being needed to help save the clans who threw them out. And even if they were, they’re still StarClan, and connected to them by name even if they’re separated at that time.

    While yes the Dark Forest would want Firestar for their eventual rise that was 2 arcs away. Plus if you think about it, it’s the most risky vengeance of all since it risks their very existence by coming back up to fight again. If anything they’d want to dissuade him from coming. Then Tigerstar plans would go uninterrupted, he’d have likely taken over, and even if he hadn’t the fire needed to save the clans would be absent and the clans would lose the cat who fought so hard to protect them and preserve them. So simply for the sake of it likely have been the easier way to get rid of the clans, had the Dark Forest any ability to press their will on Rusty they would’ve tried to keep him out.

    Tribe of Endless hunting, again who’s to say a Graystripe wouldn’t still have Feathertail with Silverstream. Or who’s to say another cat wouldn’t be born to make the sacrifice?

    Also one last thing I’d like to add, let’s take out all their reasons why or why not these groups of ancestors would or wouldn’t speak to Firestar. They’re all in some way connected to StarClan. The Dark Forest is StarClans exiles, the tribe of endless hunting was the pre StarClan, and SkyClans StarClan is just an offshoot of StarClan. In other words all dreams from them, have a connection to StarClan. Although admittedly the DF has the weakest but it’s still there.

  • Cool reasoning!! Haha what IF his dreams came from the Dark Forest?! πŸ˜€ That’d be fun

  • Great Article! I truly believe StarClan sent him the dreams, in hope Rusty would be inspired to wander into the woods so the Prophecy: Fire Alone Can Save Our Clan, would be fulfilled. I also think this makes the most sense also because StarClan walked the skies nearest to Rusty’s house. But your theories also make good points πŸ˜€ .