Ferncloud did NOT have too many kits! by Sparktooth

Sparktooth explains why Ferncloud didn’t have too many kits.

Artist unknown (Source: Instagram)

Hi there, fellow bloggers! Sparktooth is writing again! I have a pretty strong opinion on the topic I’m writing about today. So much of the fandom thinks Ferncloud had too many kits. If you’re someone who’s reading who thinks that, I’m sorry, but I disagree with you. But everyone has their opinions, and I don’t care if you think that; even if you read and this article and still disagree with me. I just wrote this article to state my opinion. 😀

Contains a few spoilers for the series, mainly having something to do with FernXDust. This is your only warning!

First things first, it’s kind of sad the thing Ferncloud’s most popular for is having seven kits, three who are with StarClan at the moment. (I haven’t read AVOS yet so if one of them died in that already then I didn’t know). But she did much more than that, she just doesn’t get much credit. Ferncloud fought and served her Clan as much as any loyal warrior. She and Dustpelt also really loved each other, so it was their choice to raise three litters. At least Ferncloud stayed with Dustpelt and didn’t move on to a different mate. Also, having kits means new hope for the Clans. Although, sometimes I do wonder if occasionally the Erin Hunters would need to introduce more characters; so they just made those new characters the kits of Dustpelt and Ferncloud. Even if this was the case, which I seriously doubt it, I personally would have no problem with it.

In real life, there are a lot of people who have a lot of children. Have any of you seen the show The Loud House on Nick? My little sister watches it sometimes, so I’ve seen a couple episodes. In the show, the parents have eleven kids! Ferncloud and Dustpelt only have seven. I’m sure there are a ton of people in real life who have even more than that. So why should Ferncloud get all this hate for having seven kits?

I’m sure a lot of you reading know how Ferncloud dies. She is killed by Brokenstar when defending Brightheart. This is a great example of a very noble death (besides Stonefur’s death, his was VERY brave a noble). Ferncloud died protecting an old and dear Clanmate. This redeemed her character for a lot of the Warriors fandom. It also caused me to have more respect for the ThunderClan queen. Just because she had a lot of kits doesn’t mean she can’t defend her Clan. A lot of the fandom underestimated her just because of having three litters! It’s not like she stayed in the nursery all the time and didn’t provide for the Clan. I’m sure a lot of you thought of Daisy when I said that. Well, I don’t think Daisy is that bad either, but that’s a topic for a different article. At least Ferncloud hunted for her Clan and helped fight in The Great Battle.

So, you got my opinion on FernXDust’s kits. Did you change your mind on her while reading, or still disagree? Or maybe some of you don’t have much of an opinion on this, or just never minded Ferncloud having three litters. See you next time! Sparktooth is out, peace! 😉

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  • A cat on average will have 1-8 kittens.


    I love ferncloud, I wrote a article about her a while back, and I mentioned this with the same points. SHE IS AN ANGEL YALL

  • Actually, Snowbird (Shadowclan) had 10 kits with Scorchfur;
    Berryheart, Cloverfoot, Rippletail, Bluebellkit
    Yarrowleaf, Beenose,
    Conekit, Gullkit, Frondkit.

    I don’t even think that’s too many so 7 is definitely not!

  • I don’t hate Ferncloud for having a lot of kits, I just think it got repetitive when Erin Hunter re-impregnated her after every series. In Firestar’s Quest she is on her first litter, at the beginning of New prophecy she is on her second litter, and at the beginning of the third series she has given birth again. I think Erin Hunter could have switched out the queens more, let another shecat have a second litter.

    I also feel like Erin Hunter could have developed her character better. In the first series as an apprentice Ferncloud is gentle and brave, she volunteers to lead the dog pack away from camp. After the first series, she becomes whiny and helpless; until the final battle in the fourth series. Goldenflower stayed in the nursery a lot too, but she was fierce. When Tigerstar was banished, she was strong about the situation. She didn’t whine, she just bravely raised her kits to the best of her ability and challenged Firestar when he judged them based on Tigerstar’s actions. The other queens of the first series were pretty fierce as in their responses to trouble/danger.

    I don’t think Erin Hunter should have killed her off after the final battle in the fourth series. I think they could have continued to develop her character.

    I mean no disrespect to you, that’s just how I feel about Ferncloud’s character.

  • I loved Ferncloud… then *spoiler alert :P* Ferncloud, Dustpelt, and all her kits except Birchfall died! 🙁

  • I don’t have a problem with Ferncloud being a queen, I just think the Erins made her too helpless. Just because she is in the role of stay at home mom doesn’t mean she can’t be strong. Look at characters like Mrs. Incredible (The Incredibles) and Molly Weasley (Harry Potter), both stay at home moms and pretty powerful when need to be. Ferncloud whined and panicked a lot when things got hard, which made her a little annoying. In the first series the full time nursery queens were very strong and capable “…Frostfur and Goldenflower clawing and biting at a huge gray tom. Even the young tabby queen Brindleface was fighting, though she very close to kitting.”(Hunter 192-193). – Warriors: Into the Wild.
    As an apprentice she had a brave side, and after the first series that courage disappears all together.

    We never get to see her reach her potential. She doesn’t even get to mentor an apprentice. I think the Erins could have better utilized her character. Have her be the brave one, comforting other queens in times of trouble. Have a situation in the books where Ferncloud’s maternal/nurturing skills are what save the day or resolve a conflict. Such as having her be a mother figure to Blossomfall when she feels neglected by Millie. That would have added more dynamic to Ferncloud’s character and made her appeal more to readers.

    Ferncloud was sidelined from the action until The Last Hope. I have often wondered if Dustpelt made some sort of deal with Firestar to keep her out of the action, or if he purposefully kept her pregnant to keep her in the nursery.

    • Heck yeah with Molly Weasley though! She was like one of my favorite characters with her scene when she *spoilers if you haven’t seen Deathly Hallows* kills Bellatricks(how do you spell it I forgot?). Also I really agree with that- I loved Ferncloud and was really sad when she just kind of flopped and stopped doing much for her clan. I really wish Erin and the crew had given her a better legacy- like maybe an apprentice, I think she would have been an amazing mentor, but instead she just lies around camp and doesn’t do much. I have nothing against her character, but more of how she turned out as a cat.

  • I know! I know a real family with twelve kids, and they don’t have too many either! As long as they can care for the kids, it’s fine. With Ferncloud, it’s the perfect amount for a big, happy family. Especially since six of the seven are dead.

  • Yes, I am late. :3

    I have NEVER thought about this negatively before; I’ve always liked Ferncloud just fine!!! Good article. (But Ferncloud technically wasn’t a warrior… I feel like you implied that, when it wasn’t the case. All queens defended their Clan and the kits in the Great Battle.)

    Please don’t trash on Daisy. I have a baby brother at home, and I’ve seen the toll it takes on my parents (especially my mom), so do you REALIZE how hard it is to care for little ones (especially when they don’t sleep and want constant attention)? And, in the case of Warriors, since the cats are in many ways like humans, it’s actually more like caring for MULTIPLE little ones at once! If anything, I think that being a queen in the Clan is harder than being a warrior! It’s still noble, because it’s serving the Clan, and is JUST as important as being a warrior! Where would warriors be if there weren’t queens, or, at least, wouldn’t the kits grow up to be less-fine warriors due to having less attention and care given to them if there weren’t extra queens helping out in the nursery (which may be why ThunderClan cats turn out so good, usually, since in ThunderClan, cats literally volunteer to stay queens forever)?!

    And all of that came from a proud WindClan cat, and, expanding on that, a warrior (not a permanent queen).

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