Metalclaw shares their thoughts on BloodClan and what future they had after the first arc ended.

Hello Metalclaw here, I’m a new member and I’m gonna be defending blood clan and I’m gonna do that by counting good-bad points…
1. So in series 1 at the last book is where they first appear. Tigerstar brings bloodclan to the forest thinking that he can command them, appears he couldn’t. When he does scourge kills him saying that only he can command them. i believe he mostly killed tigerstar because he hurt scourge as a kit. SUPER GOOD OF SCOURGE(tigerstar was a bad cat anyway so it was good to kill him) so 1 good point to bloodclan.
2 the erins placed bloodclan like evil heartless invaders. they where just trying to get a better home. in twolegplace prey was scarce so they where forced to eat out of the carbage. we would also not like to eat garbage. and the clan cats where with less than 70. the bloodclan cats with at least 300. so better the clan cats dead than the bloodclan cats. another good point to bloodclan
3 in bloodclan a lot of cats are bad and kill cats without beeing sorry. an example is scourge ordering jumper and hood to kill there own sister( and barelys) and they just do it. buttt thats because they have no wright and no wrong. one time firestar thought: what would we be without the warrior code. then everyone could just steal and kill whenever they wanted. it would be a great chaos! well bloodclan doesnt have a warrior code so its not their fault there so evil and mean. no point for this one just to profe that firestars stupid.
4 scourge is actualy a hero he is the one that held bloodclan togetter as willie says in ravenpaws path: it has been hard living in twolegplace since scourge died. to many cats trying to be leader of bloodclan. thats why where gonna start our own clan! so firestar must be a killer in bloodclan world( i dont like firestar anyway, i hate him!) so this is another good point to bloodclan
so this is the end of my article. i hope you think that bloodclan isn,t evil anymore. thankue for reading and i hope you liked it. bye bye !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m okay with the majority of BloodClan cats because they were controlled by fear. However, I don’t really agree with your points. At any rate, nice article!
good article! it does kind of change my opinion a bit!
… I don’t really know what to say.
I honestly do not agree. Scourge was bad, but he did have a harsh kithood. However, many other Bloodclan cats did not; they are just evil. Barley and Violet’s brothers were willing to kill their own sister just to get power. This has nothing to do with their kithood, this is just plain bad. Also, I don’t think Firestar was stupid. He was really smart, so I don’t know where you got that. This is all my opinion, remember.
I agree with Galaxypaw
I agree with you. Still, I’m not a huge fan of Firestar.
Scourge’s bad kithood had a major effect on his ‘Clan’, he ruled with fear, if they crossed him Bone would kill them
Wow. I didnt realize that. Great article 😉
Can we best friends forever…
I just hate firestar, I mean time that a cat REFUSES to attack IT REFUSES !!! REFUSES TO WANT TO KILL YOU !!!! (Well he just refused to fight until he thought about it but SURE HE ONLY KILLED TIGERSTAR AND HE LEFT THE OTHERS LIVE) after time Tigerstar jumps on the little cat and the cat KILLS HIM, TAKES ALL 9 LIVES FROM A SINGLE CLAW !!!! If it is me, I invite him to my clan Xd, once he tells you: either you give me your forest, or you fight for it …
Killing a cat THAT YOU DON’T KNOW OR ANY CAT is against the warrior code, if it’s me I say something normal like: I approach slowly and calmly with the claws inside showing peace and I say: why do you want our forest?
Possible answer xd: because we want territory HERE
I firestar version good vibes xd: well … we can’t fight for the forest, why does it go against the warrior code … but why did tigerstar tell you what to attack?
Answer: he told me to attack … and I wanted revenge … (and he tells him about his childhood blah blah blah I’m lazy to write all that XDD)
Firestar good vibes: well you could stay in (asterisks tell you where you can stay bloodclan XD I’m lazy to write, plus I don’t know where they could stay)
scourge: ok 😀
Some moons later Xd: firestar good vibes and scourge discover that they are half brothers and BEST FRIENDS FOREVER 😀 END !!!
I hope you liked my story of firestar good vibes xd and I deviated from the topic :v I would have told you all that and now … no problems … firestar does not lose the life that probably has made him alive but with 1 single life, and scourge would also have protected firestar, and firestar would have protected scourge, and scourge would have received their 9 lives (or probably not because no one gives them the 9 lives: v) and then bloodclan becomes a true clan HAPPY ENDING 😀 but firestar decided to go the side of breaking the warrior code unnecessarily ;-;
Um, a little crazy there