Willowpaw answers 20 questions about their preferences in the Warriors series.

Hey everybody, Willowpaw here, If you havent met me Im willowpaw or in the chat, Willowpaw is BACK! and today I am doing the 20 Warriors questions tag, obviously i was not tagged but Ive really been wanting to do this, so lets dive right in!
1. When did you get into Warriors?
When I was In second grade I picked up the first book and fell in love. I went onto the warriors website and spoiled myself to death, I knew what happened in Omen of the Stars when I was on Fire and Ice, I wouldn’t recommend spoiling yourself though, I was just a greedy little second grader
2. Favorite Arc
Easy! Dawn of the Clans! It just feels so exciting and new, there’s so many different types of cats, and the founding of the clans wasn’t as simple as I had thought it would be before the books were finished
3. Favorite Book (excluding mangas, super editions, novellas)
Oh not this question! To be honest, Im not entirely sure, but I would say The First Battle, from Dawn of the Clans. There was just so much action and suspense, and I have to admit, Im a sucker for battle scenes, for me when there’s a battle, its the highlight of the book. When the dead cats come back to visit, I sob fro Clear sky and Gray wing, and Jackdaw’s cry and Falling feather, the siblings who killed each other in the battle. It tears my heart apart
4. Favorite Super Edition, Novella, or Manga
I haven’t read the manga’s, really but my favorite super edition is definitely Crookedstar’s Promise or Tallstar’s Revenge, its a tie
5. Favorite Clan
UGH NO. The thing is I like Riverclan and Shadowclan equally, though I myself am Riverclan, Because like food, I’m out of shape, but I like swimming and though riverclan aren’t usually very excited for battles like me. But I love shadowclan because they seem so mysterious and ready for battle. Although they were ruined in Vision of Shadows so maybe Riverclan wins.
6. Favorite Character
Oh, Stormfur, of course, though it used to be Tallstaw, who I adopted (I shared custody with Palebird). But Stormfur is wise and thoughtful, and had the decency to know that he couldn’t love squirrelflight, and wait to find his perfect soul mate, who turned out to be Brook. He always made the right and noble decision, even when leaving his clan for the tribe. His hear is loyal to his love, his deceased sister, his father, and the tribe
7. Least Favorite Character
Hard, but I would say Leafpool. Not Leafpaw, but Leafpool because she changed so much since when she was an apprentice. She made many horrible decisions and was arrogant and stupid and selfish , I know many people love Leafpool, and I respect that, it’s just my opinion, I’d love to here your argument though!
8. Most Aesthetically Pleasing Cat
This one is a bit hard, but i would say mapleshade. I love the way people draw her, with black fur and orange spots and tabby all over.
9. Favorite Leader
Crookedstar, Crookedstar was so noble, horrible, horrible things happened to him but he was able to put it behind him and do what was right for his clan, for gosh’s sake he felt bad that he never was able to make Rainflower proud. LIKE WHAT CHILD DONT BE SAD!
10. Favorite Villain
Hard one, But I do think that Sol had a very interesting way of ruining the clans. He was smooth and cold, convincing and sneaky, he honestly scared me
11. Favorite Medicine Cat
I’d say Cinderpelt. She may have had some feelings for Firestar, but she pushed them aside and stayed loyal, she remained hopeful through her injuries and didn’t freak out on Leafpool for her dumb decisions, because she understood love, just went better about it.
12. Overrated Character
Straight up saying it, Bramblestar. I like Bramblestar, but everbody worships him, but hes trying to hard to be Firestar and do things firestar did, even when its not the right situation. Bramblestar needs to figure out who he is as a leader and begin to be better for his clan
13. Underrated Character
Brackenfur, he went through more stuff than many overrated characters and pushed through it, quiet and kind and loyal, determined and supporting for the whole clan. Without him, there wouldn’t be enough organization. Gotta love the patrol guy
14. Favorite Minor Character
Brackenfur again, I’ve already explained
15. Favorite Pairing
OOOH Cloudtail and Brightheart, Slate and Graywing or Sorreltail and Brackenfur, THEY’RE JUST SO GREAT
16. Least Favorite Pairing
Hmm, Leafpool and Crowfeather. It just seemed like a stretched to me. Leafpool just felt trapped by her duties and Crowfeather just wanted to love, after losing Feathertail, I don’t think either of them ever truly loved each other
17. Favorite Friendship
Hollyleaf and Cinderheart. They’re friendship as apprentices was adorable and such a nice thing to read through all the stress of the prophecy and constant battles. And when Hollyleaf came back from the tunnels the joy in Cinderhearts eyes was so cute!
18. Favorite Moment
REALLY?!?!?!!??!!?!??!!??! Ok I think it was when Jayfeather and Lionblaze where reunited with Hollyleaf. My heart gets so overwhelmed.
19. Most Tragic Death
Straigh up, Cinderpelt, she died so honorably, I’m so glad she didn’t just die of old age or sickness. It was so noble
20. Favorite Battle / Fight Scene
Ooooh thats a hard one, considering I absolutely love battles in Warriors, Probably the battle with bloodclan or the battle, I forget witch book its in, the battle that is stopped by the eclipse with the four clans, that one was good.
Well thats all for now folks! I tag… Everyone who is reading this!! The questions are by butterfly identity and these are only my opinions, If you have others, I’d love to debate with you, politely.
Until next time, happy blogging, and may starclan light your path
With love- Willowpaw
Hey everybody, Willowpaw here, If you havent met me Im willowpaw or in the chat, Willowpaw is BACK! and today I am doing the 20 Warriors questions tag, obviously i was not tagged but Ive really been wanting to do this, so lets dive right in!
1. When did you get into Warriors?
When I was In second grade I picked up the first book and fell in love. I went onto the warriors website and spoiled myself to death, I knew what happened in Omen of the Stars when I was on Fire and Ice, I wouldn’t recommend spoiling yourself though, I was just a greedy little second grader
2. Favorite Arc
Easy! Dawn of the Clans! It just feels so exciting and new, there’s so many different types of cats, and the founding of the clans wasn’t as simple as I had thought it would be before the books were finished
3. Favorite Book (excluding mangas, super editions, novellas)
Oh not this question! To be honest, Im not entirely sure, but I would say The First Battle, from Dawn of the Clans. There was just so much action and suspense, and I have to admit, Im a sucker for battle scenes, for me when there’s a battle, its the highlight of the book. When the dead cats come back to visit, I sob fro Clear sky and Gray wing, and Jackdaw’s cry and Falling feather, the siblings who killed each other in the battle. It tears my heart apart
4. Favorite Super Edition, Novella, or Manga
I haven’t read the manga’s, really but my favorite super edition is definitely Crookedstar’s Promise or Tallstar’s Revenge, its a tie
5. Favorite Clan
UGH NO. The thing is I like Riverclan and Shadowclan equally, though I myself am Riverclan, Because like food, I’m out of shape, but I like swimming and though riverclan aren’t usually very excited for battles like me. But I love shadowclan because they seem so mysterious and ready for battle. Although they were ruined in Vision of Shadows so maybe Riverclan wins.
6. Favorite Character
Oh, Stormfur, of course, though it used to be Tallstaw, who I adopted (I shared custody with Palebird). But Stormfur is wise and thoughtful, and had the decency to know that he couldn’t love squirrelflight, and wait to find his perfect soul mate, who turned out to be Brook. He always made the right and noble decision, even when leaving his clan for the tribe. His hear is loyal to his love, his deceased sister, his father, and the tribe
7. Least Favorite Character
Hard, but I would say Leafpool. Not Leafpaw, but Leafpool because she changed so much since when she was an apprentice. She made many horrible decisions and was arrogant and stupid and selfish , I know many people love Leafpool, and I respect that, it’s just my opinion, I’d love to here your argument though!
8. Most Aesthetically Pleasing Cat
This one is a bit hard, but i would say mapleshade. I love the way people draw her, with black fur and orange spots and tabby all over.
9. Favorite Leader
Crookedstar, Crookedstar was so noble, horrible, horrible things happened to him but he was able to put it behind him and do what was right for his clan, for gosh’s sake he felt bad that he never was able to make Rainflower proud. LIKE WHAT CHILD DONT BE SAD!
10. Favorite Villain
Hard one, But I do think that Sol had a very interesting way of ruining the clans. He was smooth and cold, convincing and sneaky, he honestly scared me
11. Favorite Medicine Cat
I’d say Cinderpelt. She may have had some feelings for Firestar, but she pushed them aside and stayed loyal, she remained hopeful through her injuries and didn’t freak out on Leafpool for her dumb decisions, because she understood love, just went better about it.
12. Overrated Character
Straight up saying it, Bramblestar. I like Bramblestar, but everbody worships him, but hes trying to hard to be Firestar and do things firestar did, even when its not the right situation. Bramblestar needs to figure out who he is as a leader and begin to be better for his clan
13. Underrated Character
Brackenfur, he went through more stuff than many overrated characters and pushed through it, quiet and kind and loyal, determined and supporting for the whole clan. Without him, there wouldn’t be enough organization. Gotta love the patrol guy
14. Favorite Minor Character
Brackenfur again, I’ve already explained
15. Favorite Pairing
OOOH Cloudtail and Brightheart, Slate and Graywing or Sorreltail and Brackenfur, THEY’RE JUST SO GREAT
16. Least Favorite Pairing
Hmm, Leafpool and Crowfeather. It just seemed like a stretched to me. Leafpool just felt trapped by her duties and Crowfeather just wanted to love, after losing Feathertail, I don’t think either of them ever truly loved each other
17. Favorite Friendship
Hollyleaf and Cinderheart. They’re friendship as apprentices was adorable and such a nice thing to read through all the stress of the prophecy and constant battles. And when Hollyleaf came back from the tunnels the joy in Cinderhearts eyes was so cute!
18. Favorite Moment
REALLY?!?!?!!??!!?!??!!??! Ok I think it was when Jayfeather and Lionblaze where reunited with Hollyleaf. My heart gets so overwhelmed.
19. Most Tragic Death
Straigh up, Cinderpelt, she died so honorably, I’m so glad she didn’t just die of old age or sickness. It was so noble
20. Favorite Battle / Fight Scene
Ooooh thats a hard one, considering I absolutely love battles in Warriors, Probably the battle with bloodclan or the battle, I forget witch book its in, the battle that is stopped by the eclipse with the four clans, that one was good.
Well thats all for now folks! I tag… Everyone who is reading this!! The questions are by butterfly identity and these are only my opinions, If you have others, I’d love to debate with you, politely.
Until next time, happy blogging, and may starclan light your path
With love- Willowpaw
That article was twice of the same things but Why to love leafpool:
She tried to follow her heart even though she didn’t know where it lay.
Her only fault was loving to much (I know, I know, Ashfur used that exuce but its true for her)
She tried to love her kits, even though they hated her.
She has a unque story. No other med cat RAN away from the clans with to have kits and a mate
i agree
The patrol guy is ThornClaw
Agree with everything, are you sure you aren’t me? 😸
Everyone says underrated character is Brackenfur. Mine is Dustpelt.
Great article! It is duplicated by the way, sorry ’bout that!