[Bluestar looking out during a lightning storm]

A Look Back At Bluestar’s Prophecy? by Tricklepaw

Tricklepaw writes a letter to their favorite character.

Artwork by GoldenPhoenix

Hi! Tricklepaw here. One of my school assignments is to write a personal letter to a character you admire or despise. I chose Bluestar because I recently reread Bluestar’s Prophecy( I literally just use warriors books for all my school assignments). I don’t know if I admire or despise her. Maybe a little bit of both. Anyways, here’s the article.

Hello Bluestar! I hope you are enjoying Starclan. I think you are one of the greatest leaders of the clans, despite your fears before you discovered Rusty. I think you made the best of a bad situation while you were alive. You could not have known that Starclan had a special purpose for you, since we all know Goosefeather was crazy as a rabid squirrel! Though, I think he did the right thing as your medicine cat to tell you about the prophecy as a young apprentice, since it affected your decisions later on in life.
You suffered so much in your life, Iā€™m glad you are reunited with your family now. You didnā€™t deserve for Moonflower to be brutally murdered by a medicine cat from another clan, of all cats! And your sister, Snowfur to be struck down by a monster, right after she kitted. You shouldnā€™t have had to deal with that grief again. And then, Mosskit was taken by the frost as you tried to take your kits to Riverclan to be with their father. But, at least Mistykit and Stonekit grew up with two loving parents, since Oakheart was a good father and Graypool became their foster mom. And you were always watching across the river. Iā€™m glad there are no borders in Starclan, so now you can spend time with Oakheart.
One thing I donā€™t adore about you is that you completely ignored Thrushpelt and mated with a Riverclan tom instead. I know you birthed the future leader of Riverclan, but you seriously had no loyalty to the warrior code back then. You were just abandoning your Clan! Moonflower and Snowfur were not proud of you. It pained me every time Thrushpelt was desperate for you and mooned over you, because you would just walk right past him staring at Oakheart across the border. And then you had the nerve to just go to Fourtrees to ā€œjust spend one night with him.ā€ Yeah, and you were surprised when Leopardfoot told you you were expecting kits. Of course, you just let the whole clan think Thrushpelt was the father. You were so lucky, he was loyal and acted like he was the father of your kits. At least Thrushpelt got to experience the joy of fatherhood for a half moon. Only a half moon! You just let him think the kits really were stolen by a fox. Thatā€™s the least you could come up with? A fox? In reality you dragged your half moon old kits out in the middle of the night in freezing temperatures. As a result, Mosskit died. But, you had good reason to.
Thistleclaw was pretty evil. When Tawnyspots died, he would have became deputy in his place. That would have led Thunderclan to marking its borders in blood and killing cats in battle. It would have been a nightmare for every clan. He trained apprentices to beyond their level and taught them savage, advanced battle moves. Thunderclan was never meant to be this violent. Also, his training of Tigerstar ended up almost destroying the clans had it been for Firestar. Now thatā€™s one of your better decisions.
Firestar is probably what you are best known for. I think it was one of the greater things you did while you were alive. You were probably the only leader, other than Firestar himself, that would have ever looked beyond their borders for new warriors. You saw Rusty as a kittypet on his fence. You saw his promise as a warrior. So, you had Graypaw stalk him and then you confronted him. You ended up nurturing his growth, as his mentor, teaching him that warriorā€™s fight with their heart, not just their teeth and claws. You taught him wisdom, and courage. He grew to be a great warrior, then your deputy, and finally a monumental leader. He discovered Tigerstarā€™s plot to become leader by killing all the deputyā€™s and finally trying to kill you. In your later years, after you denounced Starclan and said they abandoned you, he went behind your back to do the right thing, and bring Windclan back from exile after Shadowclan drove them out. Then, even after your death, you gave Fireheart his 9th life for Nobility, Certainty and Faith. You continued to play a role in his life while you were in Starclan.
I have no doubt youā€™ll still be inspiring and a great leader for many seasons after this, until your name is forgotten and stories of you are passed on from each elder to each kit. May Starclan light your path. May you find good hunting, swift running, and shelter where you sleep.

So yeah. Do you agree? Disagree?
May Starclan light your path!

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  • This was an amazing article!

    I, however, have to disagree on the Thrushpelt part. It’s Bluestar’s choice as to who she has feelings for, even if it breaks the code. Bluestar did so much for StarClan and the code that I can’t hold against her how she broke the warrior code. It’s not her fault that Thrushpelt volunteered himself, and, in addition, she never did tell anycat that he was their father.

  • Wow very cool article (or should I say letter?)!!

    I agree with many of teh stuff you said, but I also agree with Sky and I think Goosefeather is not “[as] crazy as a rabid squirrel”

  • Love the article! Bluestar is a great character! However, I do agree with what Sky said. Bluestar loved Oakheart, she couldn’t help it. Her to be with Thrushpelt when she loved him as a friend wouldn’t be right. I have been in an experience a lot like that where this one guy always followed me around because he had a crush on me. But I only liked him as a friend. When a dance came around the guy I liked and the guy who followed me around both asked me. I went with the guy I liked, but let the other guy know we could be friends. So I know how Bluestar felt about that. Plus, BlueXOak is such a cute ship!!!!!

  • Wow! This was great! I hope your assignment goes well. I agree with a lot of this, but I don’t think Bluestar should be blamed for just not feeling the same way about Thrushpelt. Sometimes cats like each other and, well, sometimes they don’t. But this article/letter is amazing!

  • You can’t really blame Thistleclaw that much. He only became so evil because Snowfur died. Before she died he was caring. He always played with the kits and he was a great warrior. He doesn’t deserve all the blaming because he was in very deep grief for Snowfur.

    • There was never anything in the book that stated he became that way because of Snowfur. He was plenty aggressive before she died. And even if that was the case, being sad because your mate died is no excuse for letting your apprentice nearly murder a kitten in front of you

      • Well I guess he became MORE aggressive and determined to ruin everything after she died šŸ˜› He was nice around some cats though (or I should say, overprotective) like his littermates, Snowfur, kits, Spottedleaf, etc. Like Crowfeather. Crowfeather was always snappy and rude but showed his loving, calm side around the ones he loved. When Feathertail died, I think he became more snappy and when Leafpool and him parted, he became even more distraught and such. I’m not saying Crowfeather is evil. I’m just pointing out that loss of kin/love can make someone go insane (take Ashfur for example. Great StarClan!).
        Thistleclaw was evil and I wholeheartedly agree with that. But everyone has emotions. Everyone is capable of love. He was indeed a great warrior. Aggressive, but great (heh, get where I got that from? “He did great things. Terrible. But great.” šŸ˜›HP fans unite!).

        “I will love you for you, not for what you have done or what you will become.”