[image description: a tortoiseshell cat peeks out from behind ferns and grass]

Defending Spottedleaf Part Two – Two Lives by Sky

Sky returns with a second part to their defense of Spottedleaf.

Official art by Wayne McLoughlin

Many of you may have seen my previous Spottedleaf article, called “Defending Spottedleaf, by Sky.” Well I’m back with new thoughts and evidence, as well as plans to back up some of my previous points.

Some think of her as a stalker who couldn’t let go. Others think that if she didn’t visit Firestar’s dreams, he’d forget about her. Some say that she was a creepy old hag who sought young cats.

But this isn’t true!

Spottedleaf was a brace, spirited medicine cat with a great connection with StarClan. She received the prophecy about Firestar. Obviously, when Rusty came, she was intruiged, and even more so when Bluestar named him FIREpaw.

Now, imagine that you are the healer of your country and you received a message from the stars about this cat who will save your country, and then a cat comes whom you and your leader both think are the cat of that message.

Obviously, you’re excited, right? Perhaps you would, persay, feel some guardianship towards him?

And that’s how Spottedleaf felt. Slowly, the more she observed his actions and got to know him, she fell in love. And now you’re like, “NO I HATE THIS STOP IT. THIS IS AGAINST THE CODE!!!!” But so are many other couples that you probably ship. And if not, then imagine that you were a healer of the country, unable to love. And the you meet this person. You two fall in love with each other. What do you do? And how would you feel if people said, “Haha that’s against the law I hate you two being together.” I myself wouldn’t care.

Well, Spottedleaf was more loyal to the code than many, if you think about it, instead of jumping on him and becoming mates with him, she held back. She knew that he had a duty to StarClan, as did he. Unlike many cats, who were all go with the flow if love, she held back! That alone shows that she was not a creepy old hag who wanted to jump on younger cats.

And then she DIES. Mastermind Erins had planned this from the start. Spottedleaf was nothing but a great medicine cat who had dreams and saw the vision of Firestar. Cheap drama is an added bonus – Firepaw’s reaction was heartbreaking.

Okay, let’s move on to the most-discussed upon period of her existence.

Her life in StarClan.

Debater number one says that she was a stalker.

I say that it’s such an overused debating point that isn’t true!

Imagine that you were in love with this person. You were about to get engaged when someone kills you.

Many people in the fandom just want Spottedleaf to push away her feelings and live like a normal StarClan cat. It’s sort of funny.

Now, go back into that imaginary state – you are in the afterlife, and you see that your former love is in great danger and such. Do you sit back and take a nap? Or do you help him the only way you can – in dreams?

Seriously, how is trying to help and care stalking?

Debater number two says that she made FireXSand weird.

That’s not her problem if Sandstorm wants to throw a hissy and whiny fight and get on that “pity me” attitude. All Spottedleaf wanted to do was help and guide Firestar, and it isn’t hard to see why she goes into his dreams. Plus, is Firestar not allowed to have two loves? Slate took Turtle Tail a lot better than Sandstorm took Spottedleaf. And Turtle Tail visited Gray Wing’s dreams – perhaps not as frequently, but that’s because there wasn’t as much danger in his life then.

Is Spottedleaf supposed to stop loving Firestar? That’s not really possible for her. Imagine that your were her. Seriously, just try pushing away the feelings and taking a nap while your love faces terrible dangers and threats. And honestly, I think of Spottedleaf as an honest cat, and she was being honest when she told Firestar that she sometimes wishes things were different (in Firestar’s Quest). Wouldn’t you? Like Shadowstar said, “Every cat is driven by either greed or fear.” We are all greedy, just a bit. Why else would the richest buy big, expensive houses and the best cars? Even Spottedleaf, no matter how kind, stil wished that she could be with Firestar. I mean, list even one cat who wasn’t greedy AT ALL. I’m greedy and you’re greedy.

Debater number three wants to know what all my blabber about her not being a stalker means if half of the fandom hates her because Firestar was one-two generations younger than her.

Like I said in my last article…

Brackenfur and Sorreltail were about three years apart. Three. Years. Yeah.

I still love this couple, they were a good, loving couple and not forbidden. But age doesn’t really matter with cats. Seriously, it doesn’t. If you ship BrackenXSorrel and hate Spottedleaf, I recommend that you not use the “she was too old!” excuse.

That’ll wrap it up for this article! You are welcome to comment your opinion below.

Thanks for reading!

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  • Spottedleaf is a preety tortoiseshell cat! Who made the sandxfire possible! She is not just neutral but amazing she didn’t deserve to die twice!!”Why can’t she be living for more like the other cats!! Spottedleaf is to preety to die!! She’s preety she’s amazing
    She saved sandstorm
    Whoever loves sandstorm the most should love spottedleaf if you don’t why is sandstorm alive? If you were Vic than you would let sandstorm die!?!? Thank starclan spottedleaf exists,I’m neutral/loving about sandxfire but I love spottedxfire the most and spottedleaf is a great cat
    If she was deleted from the books forever there would be no firestar! Spottedleaf was ( probably ) the reason firestar is in the forest a prophecy/Encouragemet/Loyalty!!! It’s just amazing,
    Let yourself know that spottedleafs a handful in the series
    She is a vacuum to the series”So be happy spottedleaf exists ( not really now she faded ) and be proud! Sky great article may starclan light your future/path

  • ok so, you almost convinced me. I agree with you that we shouldn’t be haters and hypocrites just because we like one couple than the other. I LOVE the story of gray’wing and yes, slate took it better than sandstorm. But I decided not to read spotted’leafs heart bc I have never liked spotted leafs character. And I applaud you for digging that deep into her character. I mean she did save sandstorm in the great battle. But then again there was hardly a hint that spotted and fire loved each other when we first are introduced to spotted, AND she never really spoke to fire for more than a sentence….she still overall is not my fav but I do see her as a better character after this article..thanks. and GRAY WING ALL THE WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY! YES!!!!

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