Why some warriors seem to be favored by StarClan… and they’re not!!! by Beechflight

Beechflight discusses StarClan’s bias. 

Artwork by Lithestep

Hello y’all! Today I’m writing an article on a few cats that seemed preferred by StarClan, and if they really were preferred by StarClan.
1) Tallstar/Talltail
Okay, I’m going to say Talltail because that was his warrior name. When Heatherstar became leader of WindClan, she was delivered a prophecy from StarClan that a warrior might need to leave and come back to really figure out who they are. Talltail might have been viewed as “special” by StarClan, but he had a lot going on in his life. He was depressed by his father’s death, he felt like everything was his fault, and nobody liked him. Personally, I think StarClan guiding him to the rogues and then back to WindClan was just their way of giving guidance. It’s kinda like if someone’s not too great at math, they might get extra math support from their teacher. That doesn’t mean they’re favored, it just means they need help.
2) Bluestar
Bluestar, similar to Talltail, had a lot going on in her life. She knew secrets of Thistleclaw and Tigerclaw’s treachery, she was related to some crazy bozo who believed everything was a curse, and her mother and sister died while she was just a young warrior. She also ended up pregnant with a RiverClan tom’s kits. She was really overwhelmed, and her being “favored” by her clan leaders and StarClan was probably moral support so she didn’t commit to suicide of some sort.
3) Turtle Tail
Even though there wasn’t really a StarClan watching over Turtle Tail, she needed that break from warrior life to discover that sometimes kittypets don’t care about life, and all they want to do is chase lasers. She figured that out and went back home. Even though people might’ve been hostile towards her upon her return, she really needed that guidance to decide where she was in her “group.” However, I will say that StarClan will only give help to those who want to receive it. Clear Sky just decided to turn cold and shut his doors so he didn’t hurt anyone. Okay, well look where that gets you.
4) Firestar
He really needed guidance from StarClan because his life was literally Pandora’s box of secrets. He knew all the inner workings of his clan, and he was looked down upon by many when he first came to the forest. A lot think he was a Gary Stu, but he just seemed that way because he didn’t want to look like a weak link that could be persuaded to tell his clan’s entire secrets.

Okay that’s it so thank you so much for reading!!!!

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