Sky rewrites the stories of controversial characters.

Hello, Blog! This is my second article in a row.
I was inspired by Jetty to rewrite a cat’s story, and Mapleshade was the first cat to come to mind. However, after thinking a bit, I realized that in order to change her’s, two other cats – Appledusk and Reedshine – come into play as well.
Many people who dislike her but like AppleduskXReedshine often say, “Without the couple, Appledusk and Reedshine, Crookedstar wouldn’t have existed, meaning that Silverstream wouldn’t have existed, meaning that Feathertail and Stormfur wouldn’t have existed.” And then they go on to list what would have happened without Feathertail and Stormfur.
However, I think that with a simple tweak, Mapleshade would get her well-deserved GOOD story. Although I have nothing against Reedshine, she doesn’t exactly get a good ending.
Now, say that Appledusk wasn’t the big butt he was and he stood up for Mapleshade, therefore convincing Darkstar to let her stay in RiverClan.
Mapleshade would probably go on to have another litter with him, and… ta-da! Willownose and her sister(can’t remember her name) are born. It’s so simple! And I think much of the people reading warriors would be content with this result.
However, Reedshine wouldn’t be so happy – she’d be jealous and near the brink. So I think she’d try to assassinate Mapleshade, but Appledusk would die for Mapleshade, and some apprentice – maybe still Perchpaw – would kill Reedshine. Reedshine would go to the DF and haunt Crookedstar, and Mapleshade would live on in RiverClan. It might be a bit awkward for them at gatherings, though. 😛
Plus, when Mapleshade dies, she’d go to StarClan, and she’d be reunited with her precious three kits of her first litter! Yay!
All you have to do is switch Reedshine and Mapleshade, make a few minor tweaks, and life would go on just the way it is. It’s pretty simple, and I guess we’d all feel bad for Reedshine – but we wouldn’t have so much debate about Mapleshade, Reedshine, and Appledusk.
In conclusion, there’s nothing too bad about not having AppleXReed. I can’t wait to read your comments, and I’ll try to reply to them all. 🙂
YEEEESSS! This story is EXACTLY it!!!!!!!!!!!