Trailing Stars Cover Contest Results!

🎉 Come one, come all to the big reveal!!! 🎉

First and foremost, thank you to everyone who entered the contest! 😀 All the entries were F A N T A S T I C! 

The mods had trouble choosing a winner, but after much deliberation we decided to go with Moonbreeze’s cover! Congrats!!! ❤ Your cover will be added to the Trailing Stars page and remain a centerpiece there til the end of time! 

Unfortunately, we could only choose one winner, but all the other exceptional entries can be viewed below! 🙂 (I hope you’re not wearing socks because they’re about to be blown off. 😛 )

From left to right: Echopaw’s, Blueheart’s, and Moonpaw’s!

From left to right: Shadowedpaw’s, Darkpaw’s, and Dewpaw’s!

From left to right: Otterpaw’s, Willowstep’s, Shiverfur’s, and Bramblefire’s!

Let’s hear it for the winner, Moonbreeze, and everyone else who entered!!! 😀