Should Hawkfrost have had a different death by Willowpaw

Willowpaw wonders if Hawkfrost should’ve had a different death.

Art by Romashik-arts

Hi guys, I’m Willowwhisper and I will discussing whether or not Hawkfrost should’ve died the sad painful, way he did.

I know that quite a few people will probably disagree with me on this one so just hear me out. I honestly think that Hawkfrost didn’t need to be killed by his own half brother. Like ya he wanted power like his father but I personally thought his was pretty decent cat until the time he tried to kill Firestar. Brambleclaw could just chased Hawkfrost off or threatened him, but noooooo he killed him!

If Pinestar, Tigerstar’s father hadn’t become a kittypet maybe Tigerstar wouldn’t fill the need to prove that his was stronger than his father. And then maybe Hawkfrost wouldn’t have acted the way he did, and Brambleclaw wouldn’t have been torn between loyalty to his Clan and his half brother.

I hope you can see where this is going. I am not a fan of Pinestar at all,!!! Well I was until he left the clan to become a kittypet.

So I kinda blame Pinestar for his own grandson’s ambitions that lead to his destruction. It’s crazy to think that just one cat’s actions can lead to such a tragic ending of someone else’s life. And while Pinestar’s sitting all nice and cozy in a twoleg nest, his former apprentices and clanmates are doing more work than himself! Like come on Pinestar you don’t just walk away from your family and only home like that, he could have joined the elders den. But noooooo he walked away to become a soft hearted kittypet! I say this because if Pinestar hadn’t of left the clan than young Tigerstar – back than Tigerpaw – wouldn’t have tried to show that he wouldn’t have done the same thing. Which leads to Hawkfrost not wanting to bloodthirsty like his father and not trying to kill Firestar

So that is what I think is that, Hawkfrost didn’t have to die the way he did. I hope you liked this article and I am so sorry if you didn’t and I hope you like my next one.

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    • But Mothwing or Brambleclaw still would’ve had to kill him for the prophecy to make sense. Because the prophecy is “Before all is peaceful, blood will spill blood and the lake will run red.” Blood will spill blood meaning a kin would have to kill him and the lake running red meaning that he would have had a pretty large wound and be in the lake. Sure it could’ve been a little more epic but it also could’ve been hard for Brambleclaw to kill his own brother in front of a lot of cats if that is the more epic version.

    • The picture creeps me out too… I never liked Hawkfrost to begin with, so I’m just fine with him dying. Sorry Hawkfrost lovers

  • I kind of agree with you. You were saying that Brambleclaw should’ve of just chased him off. But when you read that section it is kinda like Brambleclaw didn’t mean to really kill him and until the deed was done he almost didn’t seem to notice what was happening. Also after that Hawkfrost might have gone and wanted to kill Brambleclaw or his leader and Shadowclan’s leader. But I do agree with you that until that point he wasn’t a very bad cat until that point. But Tigerstar seemed to make him worse and worse every night while his dream meetings. Then it just leads to Hawkfrost being like a Tigerstar.

  • So you go blane it all on the grandpa who didnt know any of this would happen? (Sorry. I just think tigerclawstar would hv been boring as a good guy and way more intresting as a villan)

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