Should Hawkfrost have had a different death by Willowpaw

Willowpaw wonders if Hawkfrost should’ve had a different death.

Art by Romashik-arts

Hi guys, I’m Willowwhisper and I will discussing whether or not Hawkfrost should’ve died the sad painful, way he did.

I know that quite a few people will probably disagree with me on this one so just hear me out. I honestly think that Hawkfrost didn’t need to be killed by his own half brother. Like ya he wanted power like his father but I personally thought his was pretty decent cat until the time he tried to kill Firestar. Brambleclaw could just chased Hawkfrost off or threatened him, but noooooo he killed him!

If Pinestar, Tigerstar’s father hadn’t become a kittypet maybe Tigerstar wouldn’t fill the need to prove that his was stronger than his father. And then maybe Hawkfrost wouldn’t have acted the way he did, and Brambleclaw wouldn’t have been torn between loyalty to his Clan and his half brother.

I hope you can see where this is going. I am not a fan of Pinestar at all,!!! Well I was until he left the clan to become a kittypet.

So I kinda blame Pinestar for his own grandson’s ambitions that lead to his destruction. It’s crazy to think that just one cat’s actions can lead to such a tragic ending of someone else’s life. And while Pinestar’s sitting all nice and cozy in a twoleg nest, his former apprentices and clanmates are doing more work than himself! Like come on Pinestar you don’t just walk away from your family and only home like that, he could have joined the elders den. But noooooo he walked away to become a soft hearted kittypet! I say this because if Pinestar hadn’t of left the clan than young Tigerstar – back than Tigerpaw – wouldn’t have tried to show that he wouldn’t have done the same thing. Which leads to Hawkfrost not wanting to bloodthirsty like his father and not trying to kill Firestar

So that is what I think is that, Hawkfrost didn’t have to die the way he did. I hope you liked this article and I am so sorry if you didn’t and I hope you like my next one.

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  • Good article, but I disagree. If Hawkfrost tried to kill a Clan leader in order to assume power just to follow in his evil father’s paw-steps, he shouldn’t have been allowed to live another day, because he probably would have ended up trying to kill Leapordstar afterwords or something. Also, Tigerstar was Pinestar’s son, not apprentice; and he was a kit when Pinestar left, not an apprentice 🙂

    • Yeah, some incorrect references… but he was probably really traumatized by his father dumping his family. In addition, Pinestar never really paid attention to Tigerstar due to fear.

  • No cat deserves to die, I know that much.

    But if I remember correctly, (probably not 😛 ) Brambleclaw was digging the thingy out to free Firestar but then Hawkfrost attacked him so Brambleclaw only killed him in self-defense. It wasn’t like, “Oh I have a choice to kill you, so I’m gonna do it.” It’s more like, “If I don’t fight back, I’ll die, then Firestar will die, then everyone dies, or, I can fight back.” And he fought back and accidentally killed him. I think that’s how it went down.

    But I read the books forever ago so I may be wrong 😛

  • I agree on the hate Pinestar point. Pinestar was the cause for Tigerstar’s evilness.

    I think that Hawkfrost did have lots of pressure from Tigerstar, but ultimately, he made the choice of becoming an evil cat. He deserved what he got.

  • Yeh Pinestar turning into a kittypet caused a lot of complications from getting Tigerstar to try proving he was strong to Starclan only giving Sunstar 8 lives because Pinestar still had 1 life

    • wait maybe no because brambleclaw was only trying to protect himself and Firestar
      hmmm… I don’t know yes and no if he was evil without tigerstar’s influence then he deserved to die that way but otherwise if he was only doing it to impress his father (tigerstar) then no

  • I TOTALLY disagree with you on Pinestar and I’m not going to explain because you can just read my article on Defending Pinestar when it comes out And I think Hawkfrost deserved the way he dies because he killed Hollyleaf and that is crossing the line

    • Well he actually didn’t kill Hollyleaf until after he died, so I don’t know if that counts 😛 but I do agree that (even though I love Hawkfrost) he was evil, and he tried to kill Firestar, and then he attacked Brambleclaw when he refused to kill Firestar, so Brambleclaw killed him in self-defence.

  • I don’t think that you can really blame Pinestar for Hawkfrost’s attempted murdering of Firestar. Sure, Pinestar was the one who caused Tigerstar to become a “bloodthirsty” cat, but Thistleclaw was actually the main influence on Tigerstar. But I don’t see you blaming Thistleclaw!

  • Good Article! Only thing for me is… if Pinestar had stayed… I don’t think Hawkfrost and Mothwing would’ve been born. Tigerstar is exiled from the clan becasue he’s evil (because of Pinestar). And correct me if I’m wrong but I believe he meets Sasha while he’s exiled. Then she has his kits and blanblanyeah. Maybe Goldenflower and him could’ve had more kits but, Hawkfrost wouldn’t have been born.

    • It is true that if he hadn’t been exiled, he would’ve never joined ShadowClan, so he wouldn’t have become leader, and in the mangas, Tigerstar was already ShadowClan’s leader when he met Sasha…

  • I think it’s unfair to blame Tigerstar being evil on Pinestar. Sure Pinestar was selfish, but that didn’t make him evil and Pinestar shouldn’t be to blame. Other cats without fathers didn’t grow up and become evil. Tigerstar was ambitious and willing to kill, that can’t be blamed on Pinestar. Tigerstar trained his sons too, but that didn’t mean they had to be evil. Both Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt left/didn’t train there. Hawkfrost chose to be evil and break the code, he’s the only cat responsible for his actions in the end. He got what he deserved.

    • I agree. Tigerstar became the evil and ambitious cat he is mainly because of his mentor, Thistleclaw.

    • Yes, one of the Erins said that Tigerstar’s ambition came from his own courage combined with fierce mentoring from Thistleclaw. Pinestar wasn’t very much to blame for his drastic actions, and if anything, that shows that Hawkfrost didn’t have to be like Tigerstar. He chose ambition over loyalty, and that’s why he died the way he did, rather than Brambleclaw choosing loyalty over ambition.
      Great article though, it’s an interesting idea I haven’t seen someone explore before
      -Also, Brambleclaw did try to resolve it peacefully
      “Go back to RiverClan. You’re my brother. I don’t want to hurt you.”

    • I agree, though I don’t really think Pinestar was selfish at all… Maybe for a Clan leader, but from what I know about Pinestar’s Choice, it seems like he just made a decision he believed was right, and I don’t think Tigerstar’s or Hawkfrost’s ambition is what makes them evil. There are plenty of good, loyal ambitious cats. Tigerstar and Hawkfrost just happened to be evil ambitious cats. (Hawkfrost is still one of my favorite villains though… 😛 )

      • For a Clan leader is more of what I meant and he never really seemed to care about Leopardfoot or his kits, not as much as he probably should have.

  • Honestly, Call me whatever
    But I think Hawkfrost’s death should have been more interesting
    I think Ivypool should have had some massive confrontation with Hawkfrost (like they almost started!)
    And she SHOULD have killed him not lost and Brambleclaw the OP deputy butting in