Rainstorm257 shares 4 characters they think deserve more recognition.

1) Violetshine- Violetshine is truly a hero amongst the clans. She saved ShadowClan and part of RiverClan from the rogues, and she came up with a rescue plan to save the remaining SkyClan cats who were stuck with the humans. She doesn’t give herself credit because she did let her best friend die, but that was only because there was hardly anything she could do to help. Her sister, Alderheart, Finpaw and a lot of other cats act as though Violetshine is a rank Twigbranch. In the end, Violetshine has done a lot more heroic things than most cats and none of her rescues were in vain.
2) Hollyleaf- Hollyleaf has good ideas and plans that have helped the clans, but Jayfeather, Lionblaze and even Sol get a lot of the credit. She is also strongly looked down upon because she killed Ashfur, but technically Ashfur tried to kill Firestar, Lionblaze, Jayfeather and yes, Hollyleaf. So in a way, Hollyleaf did a deed for the clans, because Ashfur would probably kill some other important cat like Leafpool or Bramblestar. In the end Hollyleaf sacrificed er life for the clans and went on to StarClan’s heavenly ranks.
3) Thistleclaw- Okay, come on, if Ashfur went to StarClan then why didn’t Thistleclaw? I mean before he died Thistleclaw only killed a couple cats, who were already dead and in the Dark Forest. He killed Dark Forest cats, that is kinda the goal for most warriors in the Great Battle. Maybe if Bluestar had treated him better he would be nicer, I mean come on Ashfur is a ruthless murder machine who didn’t actually kill anyone because he wasn’t manipulative enough. Anyway, my point is Thistleclaw wanted to be the best warrior possible while Ashfur wanted to get revenge. Maybe if Snowfur had survived he would have a different destiny.
4) Mapleshade- Mapleshade was a brilliant warrior, in fact she was very much like Bluestar. However, unlike Bluestar, Mapleshade’s Clanmates were fox-hearts. Bluestar had Spottedleaf, Featherwhisker, Thrushpelt, Graypool and Oakheart to help her, while Mapleshade’s medicine cat revealed Mapleshade’s secret, no cat stepped forward as her mate, and Appledusk neglected her and turned her away. Mapleshade deserves more, more than what she was given.
For some reason I was expecting characters like Longtail and Mousefur. But interesting article I suppose
I agree with every single one of these cats (except for Thistleclaw, but everyone has their own opinions)! 🙂
Thistleclaw went to the Dark Forest because he was already training there while he was alive, as revealed in Spottedleaf’s Heart. Other than that, I agree with all of these ^^
i know you have different oppinions on Thistleclaw, i respect dat. But i just really love Thistleclaw <3
Hi I’m the writer of the article. I have finished reading Spottedleaf’s heart and I now deeply despise Thistleclaw, he is a creep. I also have changed my mind about Mapleshade. Its fun to look back on this and see how my opinions have changed though. I hope you all have a wonderful day!
I really like Mapleshade and I also think she should have more. I think she wouldn’t be evil if Appledusk didn’t reject her. )’: