Defending the Dark Forest Cats by Wrenkit

Wrenkit defends the series most notorious villains.

Artwork by MossclawArt

Hello, I’m Wrenkit and today my article is about defending the Dark Forest cats.
Don’t think that I’m on the Dark Forest cats’ side because I’m defending them because I’m not. I don’t like what they did more than y’all do, but most of them need to be defended. So I’m going to defend some of them now.

Like a lot of Dark Forest cats, he became evil because of loss. He lost most of his family, blaming Bluestar for his mate’s death. But Snowfur is Bluestar’s sister though so she wouldn’t kill her. A monster killed Snowfur when she accidentally ran onto a Thunderpath. The only family he had left was his kit. If you had read Spottedleaf’s Heart(at least some of it, I haven’t finished it yet)and maybe Bluestar’s Prophecy, you would see him as kind.

He is also one of the cats that are evil because of greif. But also of a bad mentor, Thistleclaw. When Tigerstar was a kit, he was the only surviving one of the litter, his father, Pinestar, left to become a kittypet, and Tigerkit got saved by ShadowClan. No wonder that when he was banished he went there. When an apprentice, a mentor like Thistleclaw is not a good idea. He was taught savage battle moves which he was to young for. Tigerstar was forced to attack a helpless kittypet who was actually Scourage.

When her kits died, she had a dream of them crying for help. In order to save them, she killed three cats for revenge to get the kits to StarClan(or save them somehow). She killed the cats who were responsible for their death: Ravenwing, Frecklewish, and Appledawn. When the kits went swimming in the river, their medicine cat, Ravenwing, saw that they had RiverClan blood. He went back to tell the Clan, which then banished Mapleshade and the kits from ThunderClan. They decided to go to RiverClan, but when crossing the river, the kits were drowning. Frecklewish was watching but didn’t come to save them. When Mapleshade got to RiverClan, they neglected her, even her mate, Appledawn. When Appledawn was out for a walk, Mapleshade killed him. She killed all those cats to save her kits.

It is actually a little of his mother’s fault. Yellowfang shouldn’t have had a mate or kits in the first place. That was her punishment, to give birth to a cat like him. Since she was a medecine cat, she had to give him to another queen. The only queen though was Lizardstripe, who nipped, scratched, growled, and did other things like that him, making Brokenstar even eviler.

This is the end of the article
Hopefully, you’ve had a change of heart
May StarClan light your path, and not the Dark Forest

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  • I agreed with Mapelshade, but not really in any of the others. Maybe Tigerstar, considering it wasn’t 100% his fault he was evil. But Thistleclaw was completely evil. He wasn’t evil because of loss, he was evil before Snowfur died. He didn’t actually lose all his family, just his sister. His mother and father were alive. He deserved to be in the Dark Forest, and I REALLY dislike him for what he did to Bluestar. It nice points anyways!

    • Could you point out how he(Thistleclaw) was “evil” before Snowfur’s death? Power-hungry is not evil, by the way.

  • I disagree with you on a few things.

    Thistleclaw- Lots of cats lost family members and didn’t join the Dark Forest and agree with their teachings. He was creepy around Spottedpaw and really manipulative, that isn’t being kind, it’s being creepy.

    Tigerstar- Still killed other cats in cold blood. That’s still murder, it doesn’t matter if he has a motive. Yeah Thistleclaw pushed him, but no one forced him to be evil.

    Mapleshade- Kind of agree, but she still killed cats.

    Brokenstar- He comitted murder and forced kits into battle. That’s evil no matter how you twist it. He never regretted his actions and never thought it was the right thing to do. He wanted to kill cats and cause harm without reason. He’s a really evil cat. He also was able to make his own choices, bullying doesn’t mean a murderer gets a free pass.

  • I agree that these cats went through some bad stuff, but I don’t think that this justified their actions at all (except for Mapleshade). I mean, Crookedstar had it even worse than Thistleclaw, Tigerstar, and Brokenstar growing up (in my opinion, guys), and he turned out great. Everything depends on how they reacted when these things happened to them. You don’t see an evil Brightheart walking around going “I WILL DESTROY ALL DOGS FOR ALL THEY HAVE DONE TO ME! MWA HA HA HA!”. A lot of other cats had pretty horrible things happen to them, yet didn’t turn out evil. Yes, these Dark Forest cats had it tough, and there were plenty of others that contributed to how they ended up, but it was ultimately their fault for becoming evil.

  • 1. Thistleclaw was ‘evil’ before Snowfur died, remember? He was always just a generally evil cat. He was bloodthirsty from the start, ordering Tigerpaw to attack Tiny and not telling him to stop. Several times he threatened Bluefur. As we see in Crookedstar’s Promise and Spottedleaf’s Heart, Thistleclaw trained in the Dark Forest. He knew well how ruthless and cruel the Dark Forest cats were, and yet he still trained with them. He was fully aware of what he was doing and still did it anyway.
    2. Tigerpaw was certainly influenced by Pinestar, fueling his hatred of kittypets. Tigerpaw wasn’t forced to attack Tiny, he did it of his own free will. He could have stood up for what was right and Bluefur would have backed him up. But Tigerpaw still attacked Tiny. He never objected to any of the cruel things Thistleclaw was teaching him. He enjoyed them.
    3. Mapleshade was a bit crazy. Ravenwing did the right thing by telling his clan, although maybe he should have waited a bit. He was only trying to do what was right. Frecklewish was Birchface’s brother, so it hurt her deeply when she found out Mapleshade’s kits were not Birchface’s. SHE was a cat driven by grief. AppleDUSK must have realized what mistake he made when he took Mapleshade as a mate, or maybe he was faking it so RiverClan wouldn’t drive him out. Either way, he shouldn’t have acted like that to Mapleshade. In the end, Mapleshade was insane, hearing the voices of her kits and murdering cats in ‘revenge’. Sure, she was mistreated, but that’s no reason for murder.
    4. Brokenstar was destined to be born and to be evil from the start. Yellowfang was warned by StarClan several times. There was nothing Yellowfang could have done. She had kits, but I think losing two was punishment enough. Lizardstripe and her kits did help him on his evil path, however. My question is: Why was Yellowfang punished so severely for having kits, when Leafpool was practically rewarded with the pride of being the mother of three cats who would save the clan? She got to watch them grow into happy, good-hearted young cats and saw them do courageous things, while Yellowfang had to suffer.

  • I agree to disagree and disagree to agree. 😛 I like all your points, but yet I also think they still chose to become evil. However, I firmly agree with you on Mapleshade. She is the best!! 👌🏽

  • I agree with everything, Nice article! Also, you called Appledusk Appledawn a few times 😛 Just wanted to point that out

    • An OC of mine is based on Mapleshade, her name is Crimsondusk, but she’s not evil, she just seems it. She thinks that her mate drowns her kits, so it’s all a misunderstanding, but here is a passage a wrote about her death:

      Crimsondusk sat with her tail curled around Tideheart. It was almost time. She looked out and over the waves in the river that lead to fourtrees and waited. The waves were unusually calm today, but they were enough. She had picked the very spot that they had sat on their first time at the river – the deepest part – Tideheart would suspect nothing.
      It was time now.
      Standing up, she narrowed her eyes. “What’s that . . .?” She muttered. Tideheart turned, but before he could speak, Crimsondusk pushed the pebble on which her hind leg rested on into the water.
      Despite the late Greenleaf sun, the water was icy cold. Waves slapped over her head before she had time to kick out. Pushing for her life, she raised her muzzle for air.
      Once her head was above the surface, she looked Tideheart in the eye. “Help me. I can’t bare to loose you, and feel the pain that I did when we lost our kits.” She mewed quietly.
      Tideheart bent down and grabbed her outstretched paw. Together, they hauled her up to the surface. Crimsondusk shook her fur dry. “Thank you,”
      Tideheart nodded, his loving eyes fixed in her. Crimsondusk tried to return the stare. Once her matte had turned around, she quickly pushed the stone he was sitting on into the water. He fell with a splash into the water, and she stood on the shore, pretending to look shocked.
      “Help me. I can’t bare to loose you, and feel the pain that we did when we lost our kits.” He echoed in a whisper that was barely audible.
      Crimsondusk bent down as he had, and grabbed his forepaw. “No, I couldn’t bare to loose the kits. You were right. But you could.” She hissed the last sentence, then pushed Tideheart deeper into the water.
      Before she could move, the silver tabby pulled her down into the river with him. “What are you doing? I love you, and of course I loved the kits. We can end and forget about this now!” He gasped.
      Crimsondusk shook her head, fighting to stay above the current. “So that’s what you did to the kits. You stood on the shore and watched, as you did with me.” She retorted, pushing him further down into the river. “I know you helped me, but I rather I’d died instead of the kits!”
      Tideheart looked outraged. “What! I tried to help them! Please, Crimsondusk -”
      “No! You were right. Let’s end this now.” As she spoke, she dived deeper into the water, pulling her mate with her. They fought together for what seemed to last forever, then both cats stoped.
      Crimsondusk felt them both sinking. They were running out of time!
      Then she had an idea. It was the right thing to do.
      Crimsondusk pushed her mate up towards the surface or the raging river. He looked astonished, but she only nodded.
      Then she looked up at Tideheart’s blue eyes for one last time. “I’m sorry.”

      So she turned good in the last second of her life! Ugh! Oh well . . .

  • Great article! I liked Mapleshade the best but her mate’s name was Appledusk, not Appledawn. I also liked Brokenstar’s part.

  • I have to agree. I am currently reading MapleShade’s vengeance but I haven’t gotten that far yet. Overall she seems like a great warrior, despite having kits with a cat from another clan. She was rejected by two clans and lost all three of her kits, many evil cats become the way that they are because of loss.

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