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  • -Lightstar-

    Lightstar flicked her tail. She had told Beepaw not to worry but she was now worrying herself. She stood up and padded out of camp. She twitched her ear and she became invisible. Lightstar started searching the woods.


    Lightstar padded quietly through the forest. She was staring at the ground looking for pawsteps. She stumbled and went flying into a cat. She picked herself back up and saw Hail Frost on the forest floor. She twitched her ear and she was un-invisible. β€œHail Frost! I didn’t see you there, sorry!” Lightstar quickly asked him a question. β€œHey Hail Frost, have you seen Mintleaf?”

  • Littlekit stared at Lightstar, wonder in his eyes. He had heard rumors that he was related to Lightstar. The rumour wasn’t confirmed, but it wasn’t denied either. He had a lot of the same abilities. Invisibility and mind control resistance. He didn’t look like her though. But he had no memory of his parents. Ugh, I shouldn’t be thinking such deep thoughts! I’m just a kit. he thought.

    • -Lightstar-

      Lightstar gazed at Littlekit from across the clearing through slitted eyes. Her thought flashed back to the one New-leaf night when she gave Littlekit up. She shook her head, trying to clear out the strangely heart-wrenching thoughts. I’ve heard the rumors about Littlekit being my kit, but I don’t know what to do about them. Should I tell Littlekit that I’m his mother? Or should I just deny the rumors and let Littlekit continue to think that he’s an orphan?

  • Skystorm strolled out into the clearing and up to Lightstar. She saw her looking at Littlekit but didn’t mention anything about it. ” Should I assign patrols?” She looked up at the sky. “It’s almost Sunhigh.” She noted. “Someone should pick up that outcast that does work that the Powerful are too good for. What was her name? Sandy…..Sandsong?”
    (It’s actually Sandshine)

    • (Sorry for inactivity I was camping)


      Lightstar looked up at Skystorm. β€œYes someone should go pick up…. Sandwhateveritis. And for patrols send out a few border and hunting patrols.”

  • Skystorm assigned patrols, with Firepaw being on the border patrol with two other cats, and Creekpaw being on the hunting patrol with three other cats. “Lightstar would you like to come pick up Sandshine with me? Yes, that’s her name.” Skystorm looked at Lightstar with a I need to talk to you look.

    Littlekit flickered invisible, and stood behind the two she-cats, waiting to follow.
    (If you want to be on a patrol, reply to this comment)

            • (Wait, but I don’t know the way πŸ˜›)
              Rose Blossom nodded. β€œLet’s go to the area nearby the Outcasts.”

              • Firepaw walked with Rose Blossom until they got to the border. They continued walking along the border until they reached the sandbank where the Outcast island connected with their own. There they saw Lightstar, Skystorm and a loner talking.
                Just as they got there they saw the tree leave.
                “I wonder what they were doing?” Firepaw wondered.

                • Rose Blossom shrugged. β€œThey were probably chasing him off, or making him an Outcast.” Continuing on, she called to Firepaw, β€œCome on, Let’s keep going.”

      • Skystorm led Lightstar out of camp and into the forest. “So what do you think of Littlekit? Is he catching on? Do you want to tell him?”

  • -Lightstar-

    Lightstar sighed. β€œHonestly Skystorm, I don’t know what to think. Littlekit seems smart and sweet, but I haven’t exactly been hanging out in the nursery. And about the catching on, he definitely knows about the rumors because it’s pretty hard to not hear about them if the rumor involves you. But if I’m honest Skystorm, I’m seriously considering telling Littlekit I’m his mother, but I don’t know if that would my life any easier,” Lightstar finished saying once they reached the clearing. Lightstar let out a growl, Sandshine was late.

  • “I honestly don’t think it will change anything for you, except the rumors would stop. And it would make life easier for Littlekit.” Skystorm stopped to taste the air. “Sandshine’s scent is stale, but there is another scent.” A pair of green eyes stared out at her. “Come out you coward,” Skystorm snarled.
    The brown tom emerged from the bush. “I’m Thorn. And you are?”
    “None of your business!”
    “I’ve been watching your clan for a while and I’d like to join.”
    Both cats turned to look at Lightstar.

    • -Lightstar-

      Lightstar gazed warily at the new-comer. She hesitated before answering, β€œyes, but on one condition. You have to spy on The Outcasts for us, power or no power. But I must say, not having a power would make life a lot more difficult for you. Oh, and one last thing, have you seen a sandy golden she-cat recently?”

      She then whispered to Skystorm, β€œI think I’m going to tell Littlekit, it’s not fair to have him wondering if the rumors are true or not for the rest of his life.”

      • Skystorm nodded and then sharply looked back to Thorn. “The outcasts? what is that? I’ve only been studying the cats on this Island, not the cats on that island.” Thorn flicked his tail in the direction of Outcast Island.

  • -Lightstar-

    β€œThe Outcasts are a group of cats who don’t have powers that are born into The Powerful. In some cases we just put cats that we’ve met and talked to in there. Skystorm, is there any other way you could elaborate?”

  • -Lightstar-

    Once she reached camp, Lightstar leapt up onto The Power Ledge and let out a yowl to summon all the cats still in camp to the clearing. She gazed around camp as she waited for everyone to gather.

  • -Lightstar-

    Lightstar gazed at all the cats that had gathered before her. She paused before starting to speak. β€œI have an announcement to make, we have a new rogue in our camp and he will be treated with respect. His name is Thorn and he will be spying on The Outcasts for us. You may be wondering why we would want to spy on The Outcasts. Well, they have started to stop following orders. Don’t worry, we will get this situation under control.” Lightstar finished the meeting on that note and leapt down from The Power Ledge.

  • Rainbow Turtle That Waves Pride Flag πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ(Turtlepaw/ dapple 🐒🐒🐒) says:

    Turtle was here.
    She has those eyes, that smile. I’m starting to feel dizzy.

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