Why I don’t like Firestar and ThunderClan by Rainspirit

Here is Rainspirit’s opinion on Firestar and ThunderClan.

Art by zetapold

WARNING: There are spoilers.

Hello! Today, I’ll be discussing why I don’t really like Firestar and ThunderClan. (No offense given to people who like Firestar and ThunderClan)

First of all, let’s talk about Firestar:
I believe Firestar is Gary Stu (we all have opinions) and here are the reasons why:
1. Firestar seems to always be the hero. Examples: He rescued WindClan after they were driven out by Brokenstar; he figured out Tigerstar’s treachery against Bluestar; he rescued ThunderClan from the pack of dogs; saved his Clan from the forest fire in the camp; led the Clans to defeat Scourge; and used his last life to save his Clan from the Dark Forest
Let’s see… that’s six great contributions he gave to the Clans, BU,T if you pick any other cat, that cat will have less contributions than Firestar had.
2. Firestar is always the noble cat. He always tries to find the most peaceful solution and I know that’s a good thing, but that just makes him be seem as the best leader in the history of the Clans. When the other Clans accuse ThunderClan of stealing prey and whatnot, Firestar always keeps his fur down and acts all calm, not like the other leaders, who will usually react with snarls and growls.
3.Most of Firestar’s descendants seem to also have a great contribution too. Example: Lionblaze and Jayfeather have the powers to save the Clans from the Dark Forest; Leafpool found the Moonpool, and Alderheart tried to rescue SkyClan

Second, lets talk about ThunderClan:
Wow, there are so many things to point out about this Clan…
1. ThunderClan is always the Clan that saves other Clans. Example: Bramblestar saves ShadowClan from the rouges in Bramblestar’s Storm.
2. Like the reason above, after a disaster, ThunderClan always has to go check if the other Clans are all right. Example: Bramblestar sends patrols to check if the other Clans are all right after the flood in Bramblestar’s Storm. Seriously, ThunderClan, the other Clan cats aren’t kits just out of the nursery. They can take care of themselves. This makes me feel as ThunderClan is superior compared to other Clans. No other Clan goes to check the others to see if they are alright.
3. Have you noticed that during a journey consisting of a few cats from all the Clans, (such as the journey to find the sun drown place), the ThunderClan cat always seems to be the leader? Example: During the sun drown place mission, Brambleclaw seems to be the natural leader of the group; When Dovewing (at that time Dovepaw) goes to find what blocked the river, Dovepaw was the leader of the group. Seriously, give ShadowClan, WindClan, and RiverClan a chance to lead.
4. Why is it always a ThunderClan cat who gets a vision to do something and gives a great contribution? Example: Alderheart gets a vision to rescue SkyClan; Brambleclaw gets a vision to find Midnight; and Leafpool found the Moonpool. Come on, StarClan, give the other Clans a vision too.
5. ThunderClan cats are the only cats who have special powers. Example: Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Dovewing have the power of three; and Firestar seems to have an especially strong connection with StarClan.

And that’s it for today! I hope you understand some of my points about Firestar and ThunderClan and why I don’t really like them. I also hope you enjoyed my article!

Fan Articles


  • Wow I didn’t realize you could say less than nothing. Firestar was one example of a good and noble cat. ThunderClan followed in his footsteps because they all respected him. Oh, and by the way, calling something a Mary Sue or Gary Stu means nothing. Firestar wasn’t perfect. He did wait for Graystripe to come back instead of appointing a new deputy that my be temporary in case Graystripe does come back like RiverClan did when Mistyfoot/Mistystar went missing. As for the other Clans, they felt threatened by Firstar and felt like he was trying to take over the forest. They knew the importance of borders and they looked out for themselves and their Clanmates like they always had. Think about what you say before you say it. And are you really trying to use Firestar’s descendant’s accomplishments as a criticism? They had a legacy to uphold! Sure, it could have focused more on other Clans, but at least they contributed on the journey in the New Prophecy and in driving out the beavers. The fact that ThunderClan had all the special cats was because the writers didn’t think about the other Clans at the time. But some of them stumbled into it and others were Firestar’s descendants. Remember, Firestar was highly respected by both everyone, though most didn’t like to show it. StarClan themselves highly respected Firestar, and as such they gave gifts to his descendants to uphold his legacy and deonstrate why his way was better than being a greedy jerk who didn’t care about the other Clans like Skystar/Clear Sky or Onestar.

    Have a good day.

    • Hiya Crystal! 🙂 Debates are appreciated and encouraged on the Blog, provided that the participants remain respectful of one another, so please keep this in mind for the future. ^^ Swearing also isn’t allowed here, so I edited that out!

  • A couple thoughts:
    -I do agree with you -Rainspirit-that Firestar (and Thunderclan ) are portrayed as being more heroic and get more attention than other cats but you may also want to consider their flaws as well.
    -One flaw I can think of off the top of my head for Firestar is when Brambleclaw is born in the first arc Firestar distrusts him solely based on the fact that he looks like his father
    -Is it me or does the picture of Firestar remind anyone else of a red panda?

    • He also made several other mistakes in his life. One was not appointing a new deputy after Graystripe’s disappearance, leaving ThunderClan disorganised and vulnerable. Another was, after Ashfur’s murder, making the rather idiotic decision of sending some of his strongest warriors to find the suspected murderer, Sol, despite there being literally no evidence that Sol was guilty of the crime. In fact, there was more evidence proving Sol had no involvement in the crime he accused of. He also decided to let Sol stay prisoner in ThunderClan, which let to the other Clans feeling rather anxious and threatened.

  • I mostly agree with you about ThunderClan. I think the authors are trying to portray them as kind and selfless, but they sort of come across as nosy or superior to all the other Clans. It’s okay to be concerned about others once in a while, but ThunderClan should also remember that the other Clans would have fallen apart by now if they couldn’t take care of themselves.

    About Firestar, I think that he isn’t necessarily a cat that should be hated; he is sort of a borderline Stu, but without him, no cat would live past the first series. Plus, he is a very well developed character, and I think the story is supposed to revolve around the protagonist.

    Awesome article, though! 😀

  • I agree with this, Thunderclan is always that perfect clan who always tops the others, the clan that always gets the limelight, would it hurt for one of the other clans too get that attention, here’s a list I call the Attention-o-meter, it shows which clans get the most attention (obviously)
    1.Thunderclan (Is this a surprise to anyone?)
    2.Skyclan (well, I THINK its skyclan)
    3.Shadowclan (they do kinda get more attention then Riverclan and Windclan, and this is my personal opinion)
    4.Riverclan/Windclan (These two are pretty much a tie, and I really want more books focused on them)

  • Rainspirit, I can kind of see your point but, you only said all these good things about Firestar and you didn’t exactly point why all of that is so bad. You’re basically saying I don’t like Firestar because 1. He was a hero and rescued windclan, figured out Tigerstars treachery, rescued his own clan from a pack of dogs, etc. 2. Firestar is a noble cat and is peaceful and calm. 3. His descendants seem to have great contributions too. 1. Firestar is the main character of the book and also he’s not always perfect or anything. You are blind to his imperfections only focusing on the good things to prove your point. (whatever it is) 2. He’s a noble cat. Why do you think he’s the leader of Thunderclan. (until he dies) You’re acting like Tigerstar should have been leader because he was a bad non-peaceful cat. 3. As Crystal Fire says Starclan favors Firestars descents. So WHAT WAS YOUR POINT. Please remake this post and try to make it make sense.

  • This seems reasonable, I don’t really like it how the main character ALWAYS has so much attention-There needs to be a plot twist and the other characters need some love. It makes it look like the others really have no reason to be there for me.

  • just saying the only reason i like ThunderClan is because they almost ALWAYS win their battles or have secret powers. personally i like shadowclan more but thunderclans meh second fave. Also i don’t like how (*spoilers*) in the last hope firestar says “i guess fire will save the clans, again” and then he flexes his muscles or something like that so yeah.

    im bored

  • Okay so. Firestar is my favorite cat. I think he and Bluestar are the BEST cats/leaders! But I don’t judge. (Much!) Why ThunderClan is always the hero? Because they are the main clan. Plus, none of the other clans obviously care about each other because they can walk so why don’t they check on the other clans?! THUNDERCLAN FOR THE WIN!!!!

  • One thing, Firestar was the main character and he became the special one, I hated it, and HE KILLED HIS HALF-BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    After Scourge kills Tigerstar, Firestar kills him instead of being the “calm, fur down” cat he is.

    • Firestar didn’t even know Scourge was his half-brother, for one, and his half-brother was threatening to drive the Clans out of their rightful homes. Sure, maybe BloodClan could’ve gotten some of the forest, as I think that since they don’t know the warrior code and they’ve lived horrible lives in alleyways, they should get a chance at forest life, but Scourge was too greedy. He wanted the whole forest, and didn’t give the Clans a chance for negotiation. Also, what else was Firestar suppose to do other than kill Scourge?? You can’t be calm in the middle of a battle when all your warriors are dying and another cat is threatening to eliminate all the clans. Firestar didn’t have a choice, other than fleeing which wouldn’t be good.

  • ThunderClan is my favorite Clan but I agree. The authors probably cursed the other Clans and there are probably more interesting cats but the authors are just ignoring them.