Here is Rainspirit’s opinion on Firestar and ThunderClan.

WARNING: There are spoilers.
Hello! Today, I’ll be discussing why I don’t really like Firestar and ThunderClan. (No offense given to people who like Firestar and ThunderClan)
First of all, let’s talk about Firestar:
I believe Firestar is Gary Stu (we all have opinions) and here are the reasons why:
1. Firestar seems to always be the hero. Examples: He rescued WindClan after they were driven out by Brokenstar; he figured out Tigerstar’s treachery against Bluestar; he rescued ThunderClan from the pack of dogs; saved his Clan from the forest fire in the camp; led the Clans to defeat Scourge; and used his last life to save his Clan from the Dark Forest
Let’s see… that’s six great contributions he gave to the Clans, BU,T if you pick any other cat, that cat will have less contributions than Firestar had.
2. Firestar is always the noble cat. He always tries to find the most peaceful solution and I know that’s a good thing, but that just makes him be seem as the best leader in the history of the Clans. When the other Clans accuse ThunderClan of stealing prey and whatnot, Firestar always keeps his fur down and acts all calm, not like the other leaders, who will usually react with snarls and growls.
3.Most of Firestar’s descendants seem to also have a great contribution too. Example: Lionblaze and Jayfeather have the powers to save the Clans from the Dark Forest; Leafpool found the Moonpool, and Alderheart tried to rescue SkyClan
Second, lets talk about ThunderClan:
Wow, there are so many things to point out about this Clan…
1. ThunderClan is always the Clan that saves other Clans. Example: Bramblestar saves ShadowClan from the rouges in Bramblestar’s Storm.
2. Like the reason above, after a disaster, ThunderClan always has to go check if the other Clans are all right. Example: Bramblestar sends patrols to check if the other Clans are all right after the flood in Bramblestar’s Storm. Seriously, ThunderClan, the other Clan cats aren’t kits just out of the nursery. They can take care of themselves. This makes me feel as ThunderClan is superior compared to other Clans. No other Clan goes to check the others to see if they are alright.
3. Have you noticed that during a journey consisting of a few cats from all the Clans, (such as the journey to find the sun drown place), the ThunderClan cat always seems to be the leader? Example: During the sun drown place mission, Brambleclaw seems to be the natural leader of the group; When Dovewing (at that time Dovepaw) goes to find what blocked the river, Dovepaw was the leader of the group. Seriously, give ShadowClan, WindClan, and RiverClan a chance to lead.
4. Why is it always a ThunderClan cat who gets a vision to do something and gives a great contribution? Example: Alderheart gets a vision to rescue SkyClan; Brambleclaw gets a vision to find Midnight; and Leafpool found the Moonpool. Come on, StarClan, give the other Clans a vision too.
5. ThunderClan cats are the only cats who have special powers. Example: Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Dovewing have the power of three; and Firestar seems to have an especially strong connection with StarClan.
And that’s it for today! I hope you understand some of my points about Firestar and ThunderClan and why I don’t really like them. I also hope you enjoyed my article!
I REALLY don’t like them! Here’s why:
1. They get all the attention
2: They NEVER loose a battle, really!
3: Because of that smug faced so called heroic Firestar
4. Because they take in kittypets all the time.
5: Everything interesting happens in there.
6. They break the warrior code in every book!
7. They get every single prophecy.
8: They act like they own the forest.
9: They get into every clans business.
10: They get into every clans territories all the time.
And worst of all happened in the defeated clan, am I the only one who tried not to cry? That was the saddest thing in the series if you ask me. And that happened because of Thunderclan.
Actually, ThunderClan did lose several battles against RiverClan over Sunningrocks and they almost lost during the Great Battle against RC and WC before they asked SC for help.
I agree. And also other Clans get into ThunderClan’s territory, too. Ex) Hawkfrost, WindClan(Onestar was leader)…
And not all of ThunderClan cats are hero. Ashfur(tried to reveal secrect of Squirrelflight, and this can lead to war, because other Clans can think ThunderClan became weak.), Tigerstar(You would know), Thistleclaw(one of cats who made dark forest), Hollyleaf(I am sorry about her, really. Actually, she is my favorite. But she killed other cat..) are example.
I agree. they suck!
#1 Firestar interfered with the decendants of Skyclan, who were peacefully living as loners. Then he was in starclan and sent a vision to the clans to bring skyclan to the lake. shadowclan was now growing after Darktail, and they needed more territory after they had to give up AT LEAST half of their teritory for skyclan. They had to POISEN skyclan! And when Skyclan wanted to go to the gorge again, Firetstar forced the problem to stay at the lake.
#2 Tigerstar is my favorite charecter (along with Cedarstar). everyone thinks that he is evil! Thistleclaw is to blame for that. But is he even to blame? he was lured into the dark forest (Spottedleaf’s heart). But, the dark forest died for a reason. mapleshade for example went crazy when Appledusk turned on her and blamed her for the death of their kits (Mapleshade’s vengance). so their are reasons down to the core for the bad cat’s actions but not the good cats? REmember how Firestar wants the other clans to follow the warrior code but never follows it himself.
#3 Shadowclan was perfectly capable of taking care of outsiders. But Firestar comes bouncing in. I have a suspision that he wanted the other clans to be in his debt so that he could get what he wanted. Tunder clan in general is far too friendly with the other clans. They always boos them around too. Also, one of Firestar’s pointsthat Tigerstar was evil was- “he killed Redtail”. as revealed in Redtail’s debt, Redtail nearly murdered a tresspassing young apprentice, who was hardly more than a kit. Tigerstar took care of that devil. they should WORSHIP him not attempt to murder him!
Tigerstar was going to kill Bluestar if it wasn’t for Firestar, and Tigerstar tried to destroy the forest with the dog pack and BloodClan. Tigerstar also killed Redtail, Bluestar’s loyal deputy to get what he wants, to be a leader of ThunderClan and destroy it. He deserved to be exiled, killed, and sent to the Dark Forest(a.k.a The Place of No Stars). And Tigerstar is to blame what he did because he CHOSE to do what he did. So he IS evil.
I was about to reply but apparently its too long so I’m putting it in different parts. Here’s the first one:
Replying to #1: I do agree that the authors didn’t do the best on ThunderClan, but it was good that he interfered with the descendants of SkyClan, as the cats were happier that way. I also think that SkyClan did want to go to the lake, it’s not like any cat forced them too, they only invited them. ShadowClan definitely didn’t have to give at least half of their territory to SkyClan, so that’s not true either. I don’t know what you’re talking about when you said ShadowClan had to poison SkyClan?? They had a choice, and they chose to harm them. I haven’t read the series in a pretty long time, but I do know for a fact that there is no way Firestar FORCED them to stay at the lake. (I capitalized force bc idk how to do italics). First off, Firestar is in StarClan so he can’t force anyone using claws and teeth, not only that, but Firestar definitely did not threaten them either. So I don’t know how Firestar forced them to stay at the lake, I think you might mean convinced. Again, I haven’t read the series in a while, so I’m not completely sure.
Replying to #2: It’s nice that Tigerstar and Cedeastar are your favorite characters, most people’s are like Firestar or Squirrelflight or something, but I think Tigerstar is pretty cool (don’t remember much about Cedarstar though). However, Tigerstar is evil. Although Thistleclaw (and don’t forget Mapleshade!)(Proof is in Tigerclaw’s Fury, the voice in his head) were responsible for Tigerclaw’s evilness, it doesn’t change the fact he was evil. I don’t remember Thistleclaw being lured into the forest, so I’m not gonna say anything about that. Firestar only breaks the warrior code when he thinks it’s right, and everyone (except for evil cats) is the same, wanting others to follow the code but occasionally breaking it themselves.
Replying to #3: I don’t know who you mean by outsiders, but if you’re talking about Tigerstar, definitely not capable of taking care of him, for the kittypets at the lake, they were having lots of trouble taking care of them, and so Firestar offered assistance. He did not force them to accept, and as you probably know, ShadowClan is a very prideful clan and wouldn’t have accepted had they been able to take care of it. Firestar definitely wasn’t doing that so they would be in his debt, first, he’s not that stupid, even if he tried to get them to do something, bringing up the “debt”, they’d probably refuse anyway. Second, Firestar’s a good cat, he’d never do that, you’re basically arguing with Rainspirit while saying you agree with him. I agree that ThunderClan is far too nosy/friendly/helpful with the other clans though. Tigerstar was evil for killing Redtail. Redtail was innocent and a good cat. As for Redtail nearly murdering a trespassing young apprentice, that was because Tigerclaw urged him to. If you don’t remember this, please read it again. Redtail was reluctant but because of his “debt” to Tigerclaw, he did it. Redtail was not a devil. Also, killing is against the warrior code, even if Redtail was truly evil, a good cat would’ve just taken him prisoner, like Bluestar with Brokentail.
Firestar and ThunderClan shouldn’t be criticized. They saved the forest more than once. And they always tried to help the other Clans. They should be respected, not criticized. I have a couple of reasons why they should.
1. Firestar saved the forest from BloodClan, Scourge, and Tigerstar.
2. ThunderClan was peaceful and tried to help the other Clans.
3. The other Clans owe ThunderClan a lot.
4. A lot of cats sheltered in ThunderClan. If it hadn’t for them, they would have had to live the life of rogues.
I like your point, ThunderClan did a lot, if they hadn’t taken Firestar in, he wouldn’t have saved the forest several times.
Dude, saving people is what the main character does, what else, are they supposed to lose everything, and anyway, the prophecies are pretty weird in this book series.
Though, it is kinda funny how he behaves, not gonna lie.
Bro, they’re being criticized BECAUSE they’re too perfect. I put because in all capitals because idk how to do italic.
“They should be respected, not criticized.” That isn’t true. We have a right to criticize. AND it’s just YOUR opinion because of FREEDOM OF SPEECH. And THAT lets us criticize Firestar.
Also all of his kin are starting to suck. Sparkpelt is forcing her son to be Firestar. Her son’s sister says ThunderClan is the LEADER of all the clans and says her bro should still be an apprentice.
(Don’t be angry at this plz)
It is NOT always ThunderClan, Feathertail saved the tribe from the mountain lion and she was RiverClan. Crowfeather helped Thunderclan fight the badgers in The New Prophecy and he was WindClan. So it is NOT always ThunderClan that has the greatest characters.
I like Firestar and NOBODY has the right to criticize him, OR ThunderClan.
I’ve removed some of the more aggressive parts of your comment. You’re allowed to be passionate about the series, but please remember to be respectful of others opinions. 🙂 You don’t want someone to yell at you for your love of ThunderClan, so don’t yell at someone for their dislike of it. On BlogClan we foster an environment for everyone to share what they think safely.
I agree, we should respect others opinions, each opinion has its own merits.😃
Hey, don’t be aggressive. We are people and we have freedom of speech, giving us the right to criticise Firestar. It isn’t exactly cool to say that “NOBODY has the right to criticize him, OR ThunderClan.” Nobody is perfect. Firestar isn’t God.
Just because you like him doesn’t mean other people can’t share their opinions. How come people can’t criticize ThunderClan, espicially when they have a point
Btw I like Scourge, and plus there are some of my reasons:
Firestar is acts always calm and its annoying…..
Plus Firestar could just give Scourge a part of the forest, and then there would not be battle. No. FIRESTAR IS THE KING! HE NEED EVERYTHING!
No, Firestar couldn’t give Scourge a part of the forest. Not trying to be rude, but if you don’t remember, Scourge wanted the whole forest, and was going to take it by force. If Firestar tried negotiating, Scourge wouldn’t have listened. Also, Firestar would need the other Clan’s consent to give some of their territory, unless ThunderClan was willing to give some of their territory while all the other Clans kept their’s. Although the leaders made Firestar the main leader temporarily to go against BloodClan, he can’t just give away their territory. Therefore, a fight was unavoidable, unless you wanted the Clans to leave the forest, and so Firestar had no choice but to kill Scourge. Also, I agree. I like Scourge, he’s a great character! The manga is good too, I love Scourges backstory.
So? (Sorry, Rainspirit. I just get angry when people say some cats are Mary Sue / Gary Stu when they’re not) FIRESTAR’S NOT A GARY STU! HE ONLY HAS 1 FLAW! Firestar is just peaceful, and he knows if there’s too much war, the Clans will tear themselves apart. ThunderClan has alot of heroes, yes, but without them the Clans would be nothing but ruins. ThunderClan has alot of cats with POV because Firestar’s royal blood of destiny runs in their veins, also Firestar’s kin is the best. Sorry that ThunderClan and Firestar save everyone!
The authors should realize a bit that they are making Firestar go too far, I think. For the case of Flamepaw (Nightheart)? *scoffs* Everyone is treating Firestar like a god and trying to make his descendants to be exactly like him.
I don’t agree that Firestar is a Gary Stu, but everyone has their own opinions. However, I really do think you are right concerning ThunderClan. Why the heck do they get all the attention?? The Clans should be equal in things like this. I really wish that there was more than one admirable WindClan and ShadowClan (especially ShadowClan) leader. The only WindClan hero, Crowfeather, is irritable and grumpy. Tallstar is important, but he was more like a supporting cat, not a main character. I know ShadowClan is supposed to be evil and all, but can’t we just have one that’s actually good? Raggedstar was selfish, Brokenstar was cruel, Tigerstar was power-greedy, Nightstar was weak (no offense) and can’t even really be counted as a leader, Blackstar was pretty bad too. Tigerstar the 2nd was pretty okay though, and he’s still not even that great. Meanwhile ThunderClan had Sunstar, Bluestar, Firestar, and Bramblestar, who were all well-liked and supposed to be good characters. Like, seriously, give the other Clans a chance!
Yeah. Also Firestar’s ThunderClan is basically KittypetClan and (no offense to Firestar stans) he is a teeny bit spoiled
I think those reasons happened because ThunderClan is a main clan.
I also find it weird how firestar is so quick to let kittypets and loners join the clan.
Why ThunderClan took leader of the journery?
I can answer this.
Because ThunderClan cats were main character, and you could feel like that.