Giving Cinderpelt a Happy Ending by Applemoon

A lot of people may disagree with me, and that’s fine. You may also point out how the story would change, please! I’m interested in hearing them! 🙂

Cinderpelt, as you currently and formerly knew her, is/was a ThunderClan medicine cat after a tragic accident involving: Cinderpelt, A Thunderpath, Tigerclaw, and A Monster. Her leg was permanently broken, and her tragedy? She loved Fireheart. Now, she truly could no longer do anything about it. You may say “Well Applemoon, she supported Fireheart and Sandstorm!!” . Yes, this is true but, what else could she do? She was a medcat.

Now, let’s say she was able to recover. That she was actually able to be a warrior.
She could finally confess her love
Thunderclan would have a great Warrior
Support for Brightheart, since both had a defect.
A strong confident Cinderpelt
Ashfur incident would not have happened
Crow x Leaf would not have taken place
No medcat apprentice
Leafpool and Squirrelflight would not exist.
The original three would not exist and the Power of Three arc would be history.
Alderheart and Sparkpelt would not exist.
I know that maybe not everyone enjoys FirexCinder but thats not what everything in here is about. I just kinda got wondering what might happen if Cinderpelt was able to recover. If you think of anymore pros and/or cons, please let me know! Also, feel free to debate me on some of my points I would LOVE to get some feedback. Afterall, this is my first article 🙂

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this because I sure did. I want to point out a few other things while i’m at it.
A Cinderpelt SE or Novella would be great! I would love to see things from her perspective. Also, what if the accident itself never happened? A lot of this stuff would still apply, but now, Fireheart wouldn’t be so worried about her, wouldn’t have to worry that she might never be a warrior. He would still have his energetic apprentice, and maybe, Cloudtail still would come in, and then- be apprenticed to someone else. So yeah. Hope you enjoyed this!
[~Applemoon Signing out~]

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  • I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this before, but here’s another thing that would of happened if Cinderpelt recovered: Princess probably wouldn’t have given Cloudtail/kit to Firestar/heart. So Cloudtail would have spent his life as a kittypet. And Brightheart would have either found another mate or became medicine cat, because if Cinderpelt recovered, someone else would have become Yellowfang’s apprentice. I don’t know who it would have been. It could have been Brightheart or Ferncloud or anyone, just not Cinderpelt. And since the reason Brightheart lost her eye and Swiftpaw died was because they wanted to prove to Bluestar that they were ready to be warriors after Cloudtail became a warrior,
    Swiftpaw would have survived, and Brightheart wouldn’t have lost her eye. Oh yeah, and Dovewing and Ivypool wouldn’t have been born, because Cloudtail and Brightheart are their grandparents. So, even if Firestar didn’t love Cinderpelt back and and still would have chosen Sandstorm over Cinderpelt, there would have still been cats who would have never been born and changes from what actually happened.

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