Hello everyone!!!!!!!! 🐱
I hope you’ve all been having a phenomenal summer!

The mods have finally gotten their ducks in a row (QUACK 🦆) and now the summer gathering is back on for next Saturday, August 4th, 2018!!!
The Fabulous Flo & I will be hosting it and we have nearly everything planned except for . . . team names! That’s the one thing we can’t figure out.
So I’m writing this post to ask you guys for team name recommendations. 🙂 This time around we’ve decided to go with 3 teams, but feel free to list as many names as you want in the comments section! They’re greatly appreciated!
(also stay tuned for a post soon on team organization + guest-hosted contests)
And what’s wrong with being square, dearie? 😉
Aww dang I have a piano recital on the 28th :/
I’ll try to be there for as much of it as I can though! 😀
Woooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Imma think about the team names 🙂
I’m new to BlogClan so, what do we do at the gatherings?
We keep the livechat open all day and host a variety of contests, including some guest hosted contests! Some games include riddles, NTA, and a fanfiction/fanart contest 🙂
Thank you! I will do the fan art contest
Okay team names:
-Lighthearted Lynxes
-Brilliant Bobcats
-Lustrous Lions
-Strong Servals
-Lively Leopards
-Talented Tigers
-Courageous Cheetahs
-Jovial Jaguars
-Optimistic Ocelots
-Peaceful Puma
-Playful Panther
yass, I might be able to go to at least part of the Gathering! 😀
For team names… idk. 😛 Maybe different cat breeds? (Ex. Abyssinians, Bengals, Maine Coons, Norwegian Forests, etc.) 😛
I’ll think of names…hmm.
Also, what time will it end on Saturday?
We’ll be posting a schedule briefly! Usually it ends around I’d say 4 PM EST but we like to keep chat open even after it ends 🙂
Okay, because I’m leaving that day at four. 🙂
Blogging bunnies
Flying ferrets
Cutsey cats
Dangerous dogs
Gaming guppies
WARRIORS themed names
Yesssss I love these warrior cat themed ones
Haha nice! 😀
The Giddish Geese? IDK 😛
my ideas are hecking hecker, foos, shrekbees and lazytown citizens
…Maybe trees?…
Here are some ideas:
Amazing Alders
Bright Banyons
Creative Cedars
Wonderful Willows
I tried 😛
I won’t be able to go. 🙁
Rambunctious Raccoons
Gorgeous Gophers
Charitable Chipmunks