My favourite warriors MAPs, PMVs and AMVs by Ivyslash

Ivyslash shares their favourite warriors MAPs, PMVs, and AMVs. Have you watched any of these amazing pieces?

Artist unknown (Source: YouTube)

My top ten favourite warrior cats MAPs and PMVs
(This is my first article, so don’t judge plz)

Others that I forgot about until now:
Firepaw and Sandpaw: Loathing!
The Exit / Brambleclaw & Hawkfrost / COMPLETED MAP
Me and Mr Wolf [Tigerstar & Sasha // COMPLETE MAP]
Ivypool and Dovewing: Life’s Too Short [COMPLETE MAP]

10. Anything You Can Do
Again, pure hilarious. I loved this MAP, and have no idea why I put it all the way down at 10th. Oh well. It’s just so funny! You will laugh at this too.
Click here!

9. King
Okay, I kinda just put the last ones in a random order, and I really like this PMV. I have no idea why it’s 9th. But okay. This is so cute! It’s just great. The art is so beautiful, maybe the best. Just so cute.
Click here!

8. Sorry Not Sorry
I totally love Squirrelflight and Ashfur (no Brambleclaw, not you 😛 ) this isn’t such a great AMV and I really like the song now! (At first I disliked it) This is great!
Click here!

7. A Girl Like Her
This MAP is purely hilarious. I couldn’t stop watching it once I’d started! It really makes you laugh. 😝
Click here!

6. King and Lionheart
When I first watched this, I was over obsessed with Squirrelflight. I felt so sorry for her when Hollyleaf told her secret! This song is filled with emotion too. I watched it constantly, and, again, almost made me cry. It’s so great.
Click here!

5. Youth
This PMV for Snowfur really gets to you. I never get emotional – unless it’s with warriors. Then I REALLY am. This did make me cry. Their ship is so nice, and I love it! You will adore it too. The art is stunning and it’s so beautiful.
Click here!

4. Dango Daikazoku
This . . . this is too cute. It nearly made me tearful when I watched it. It is so sad, and really cute. Honey fern is one of my favourite cats ever, and this PMV is just so emotional! I’M NOT CRYING! (I almost was 😔) This one is really tied with Cool Kids – I love them both equally! And that’s weird, because I usually hate manga and songs from anime things, but I love this! Great job on this one!
Click here!

3. Cool Kids
Ivypaw and Dovepaw (during this PMV they are apprentices) are such great characters! Though I used to hate on Dovewing, I now find her okay. But this is not about me, it’s the absolutely stunning PMV! The song’s so cute and I love this video.
Click here!

2. Buy the Stars
I totally love these two characters,and they go through almost the same things! Well, not really, but okay, kinda the same. The art is totaly beautiful, and the song is stunning. Also a must-watch! Please do! It’s super amazing!
Click here!

1. Ready as I’ll Ever be!
Oh, man, I love this sooooo much! Firstly, it’s about Breezepelt, who I love, and Ivypool, who I also love! Secondly, it’s such s great song! Also, it takes place in my favourite series, Omen of the Stars, before the great battle. You will LOVE this MAP! The animation is beautiful and I love it so much. It’s a must-watch!
Click here!

I have loads of other faves, but no matter what, Ready as I’ll Ever be will always take the lead. 🙂 hope you enjoyed my first article! Bye!

Fan Articles


  • I’ve watched King and Lionheart like, seven times, and I still cry like everyone I love is gone when I see it.

  • The MAPS/ PMVS I’ve seen in this article are Anything You Can Do, King, A Girl Like Her, Cool Kids, Buy the Stars, and Ready As I’ll Ever Be, and I LOVE THEM ALL!
    My top five favorite MAPS are:
    5. Work This Body
    4. Everything Moves
    3. Ready As I’ll Ever Be/ The Five Giants (tied!)
    2. Buy the Stars

  • M.A.P.S I like:
    Sol: Everything Moves
    Brambleclaw & Squirrelflight: Anything You Can Do
    Mapleshade: Toxic
    Ivypool & Dovewing: Life’s Too Short
    Brightheart: A Girl Like Her
    Hollyleaf: Look At What You Made Me Do
    Hollyleaf: Are You Satasfied