Emberpaw shares their opinion about Leafpool and Crowfeather’s relationship.

Hi! I’m new, and this is my very first article ever. So, as the title suggests, it is about…..da da da duuuu- why Leaf x Crow is awesome!!!!……..What, no clapping? Well, that’s okay. By the end of this article, I hope you have changed your minds!
Okay, so this ship gets a LOT of hate. People have all kinds of reasons for not liking Leafpool and Crowfeather as a couple. I’m going to prove them all wrong! ……..Still no clapping….. 🙁
Alright, reason number one! People say that Leaf x Crow has absolutely no development at all. People think that one day, Crowfeather just saved Leafpool from falling off a cliff and then suddenly he’s all “Oh, Leafpool, I love you so much, I could never lose you, I want to spend my whole entire life with you!” I admit, when I first read The New Prophecy, that’s what I thought, too, and I was really confused. But then…..THEN, I reread The New Prophecy. And I was like, OH OH OH OH OH! Because, see, the Erin Hunters were very clever. All throughout the series, they kept dropping hints. You had to look a little closer to see them. But, once you did, it was VERY clear that Leafpool had loved Crowfeather long before he saved her. So, as a matter of fact, Leaf x Crow is very developed.
Now reason number two: People say that Crowfeather was just using Leafpool to get over his grief about Feathertail. But this is, in fact NOT true. Crowfeather was clearly heartbroken about Feathertail, and for a while he was just in denial about Leafpool. He knew he loved her, and he was willfully resisting the fact. He actually hated himself for how much he loved her, so soon after Feathertail. But eventually, he couldn’t be blinded to the living any longer, and confessed his love for Leafpool. This is not what someone trying to replace their love would do. They would instantly try and rush the relationship, trying to erase all memory of the previous cat. Crowfeather felt AWFUL about falling in love again. But, he couldn’t deny it any longer, and that leads me to reason number three.
Reason number three: Leafpool and Crowfeather loved each other. What more is there to say? All the sweet moments between them…..the fact that they were willing to give up everything they had ever known and loved for each other……you can’t just say that all that was fake. But why? Why would they love each other so much? Number four………
Reason number four: Let’s face it, Leafpool and Crowfeather are PERFECT for each other. Let’s take a look at their personalities. Leafpool is gentle, kind, caring, sweet, shy, and vulnerable. Crowfeather is brave, bold, protective, loyal, and prickly, but very sweet on the inside. They were perfect together! Leafpool just wanted someone to love her, and Crowfeather just someone to love. She wanted to be protected, he wanted to protect. She was so sweet, he was so caring. At risk of repeating myself, THEY WERE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER.
Reason number five: Some people say that they don’t like Leaf x Crow, because it was unfair to Feathertail. The answer is simple. She said herself that Crowfeather needed to open his eyes to the living, and that she just wanted Crowfeather to be happy. There you have it. Feathertail approved. Next reason!
Reason number six: Okay, last but not least, the final reason Leaf x Crow is great, is because,(SPOILER ALERT!!!!)
guess who their kits were? That’s right. The Three who would save all the clans from certain doom! AND this includes my absolute favorite cat of all time JAYFEATHER!!!!! Woohoo! If Leaf x Crow had never existed everyone would be dead and I wouldn’t have a favorite character!Convinced yet?
Okay, well I hope I have convinced you that Leafpool and Crowfeather are a great couple! And if not, tune in next time for more awesome ships with Emberpaw! Leaf x Crow 4 life!
I do not really think about LeafXCrow. All I can say is that it seems like it took tolong.o
Great article!!! I don’t really ship them still though, but this made me think about how much hate they get,
Great Article!! I love LeafxCrow now XD
Wonderful article!
I agree with everything you said! I LOVE LeafXCrow, and I think they’re AWESOME together!
LEAFXCROW FOREVER!!!!!!!!!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
Silverstream defender
Yes! Agreed! Absolutely positive!
And guess what????????????????????
It is revealed Crowfeather still loves Leafpool by Squirrelflight’s hope
Welp that’s a relief. Still on FeatherxCrow though.
Uh, no he just looked sad when she died. I belive he loves her, but it’s not revealed. Ofc he would look sad If any cat die, becuase he has feelings.
( Ofc he May be a littld extra sad, they WERE lovers
I was clapping the whole time XD
lol I went back 2 years just so I could someone that shipped them XDDDDDDDD
I don’t like them because they had no development at all and they don’t have any chemistry I love them both as cats but not together.
Still on FeatherxCrow for life!!
Same! 😀
1: What?? Leaf x Crow don’t need defending. It’s seriously the second most liked shop in the fandom. If any ship needs defending it is dove x bumble ( 0/10🤢)
2: Okay, tell me all the hints and see who’s laughing after.
3: You say he loved her a VERY long time before saving her. No. One book after Feathertails death they hook up.
4: I don’t think he used Leaffool to get over Feathertail. If that was the chase, he would probobly hook up with Nightcloud.
5: Sweet moments?😂 Leafpool don’t think of him, she missed a meeting with him to help Mothwing ( SHIP ) And she didn’t love him enough to give up her med position. Feathertail saved his life, and died, and by that losing her clan.
6: They fit togever?
Leafpool is described as uh not the prettiest should i say. She’s strict and kind. ( exactly like Feathertail)
Crowfeather is depressed. ( he wanted to die so he could be with Feathertail. Don’t belive me? Read the books.) He is angry.
It don’t make any difference. Feathertail is just like Leadpool so they fit too.
7: She didn’t say ” i don’t care be with Crow” or correct me.
8: You like their kits? How does that make the ship better?